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Corey Booker questions effectiveness of AWB

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Corey Booker questions the effectiveness of an AWB, saying it will only stop a very small percentage of crime.


But he does support mandating background checks on all sails, denying firearms to 'suspects' on the terror watch list (yes, the same list Sen Kennedy was on......), and strengthening mental health checks for purchasers.


Strengthening mental health checks? Like psych exams before purchasing?? Who knows......


.....and it's starting to look like he'll give old man lautenmummy a run for his money during the primary.....



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It seems he is uttering common sense stuff regarding firearms lately. Maybe he actually reads the stats/numbers instead of working strictly on emotion.




Until he actually signs and puts something into effect that actually supports 2A rights, he’s still the winner of the GFH Award..

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Until he actually signs and puts something into effect that actually supports 2A rights, he’s still the winner of the GFH Award..




Maybe he (Mr. Booker) needs to go on some talk radio shows and speak his mind.

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I thought launtenmummy was stepping down at the end of his term? Also, Booker was just questioned on his views of LGBT because of a paper he wrote saying how much he hated them. Gee went back on that, so I maybe it's possible he sees the light on 2a.

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It seems he is uttering common sense stuff regarding firearms lately. Maybe he actually reads the stats/numbers instead of working strictly on emotion.




No, he wants to be Governor.....he figures if he can look Pro-gun he'll get some votes away from Christie

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Either Booker is changing his tune for real or its to gain additional votes when he runs for senate.


IMO, he's a shoo-in for Lautenberg's job, even if Lautenberg hasn't been told that he's retiring for real this time.


But it's interesting because it means that Christie is not the only New Jersey native with his sights set on the White House. Both of them know that gun control is an issue that does not go over well in the purple states.

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Also, Booker was just questioned on his views of LGBT because of a paper he wrote saying how much he hated them.


The black community is somewhat schizophrenic when it comes to gay rights. Many, many blacks are Christians and consider homosexuality a sin. This may be why President Obama was so reluctant to "evolve" on the issue of gay marriage.


However, there is a term called "The DL" or "Down Low" meaning a man who doesn't necessarily consider himself bisexual or homosexual who has sex openly with women and occasionally men in secret. Some blacks hold very conservative opinions on the subject of homosexuality. So it's not surprising that Mayor Booker would "evolve" on the issue, especially when looking for support of all of those old ladies in church when he was originally running for mayor. Who knows what he really thinks?

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The black community is somewhat schizophrenic when it comes to gay rights. Many, many blacks are Christians and consider homosexuality a sin. This may be why President Obama was so reluctant to "evolve" on the issue of gay marriage.


However, there is a term called "The DL" or "Down Low" meaning a man who doesn't necessarily consider himself bisexual or homosexual who has sex openly with women and occasionally men in secret. Some blacks hold very conservative opinions on the subject of homosexuality. So it's not surprising that Mayor Booker would "evolve" on the issue, especially when looking for support of all of those old ladies in church when he was originally running for mayor. Who knows what he really thinks?


Hit the nail on the head. Blacks are typically confusing on an electoral level, they tend to be liberal on fiscal issues, but conservative on social issues. So some candidates are left walking a very odd line.

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Strengthening mental health checks? Like psych exams before purchasing?? Who knows......


I think Booker means that NICS background checks sucks when it comes to mental health checks.

They can check if you are felon or fugitive or dishonorably discharged, etc... but their database on mental health check sucks.

Sarah Brady of Brady bill said if anyone had looked into Hinckley's mental health background before selling him the 22 revolver, they would have found psychiatric treatment for depression in addition to his criminal history.


NICS started in 1994 and went live 1998. As of 2007 only 22 states had submitted any records. Af today, 32. Many states submitted as few as 100. Estimated # of people involuntarily committed is about 3million, and database has less than 1/8 of them.



Cho, Loughner and Holmes, all with mental illness, all able to pass NICS background checks.

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I think Booker means that NICS background checks sucks when it comes to mental health checks.

They can check if you are felon or fugitive or dishonorably discharged, etc... but their database on mental health check sucks.

Sarah Brady of Brady bill said if anyone had looked into Hinckley's mental health background before selling him the 22 revolver, they would have found psychiatric treatment for depression in addition to his criminal history.


NICS started in 1994 and went live 1998. As of 2007 only 22 states had submitted any records. Af today, 32. Many states submitted as few as 100. Estimated # of people involuntarily committed is about 3million, and database has less than 1/8 of them.



Cho, Loughner and Holmes, all with mental illness, all able to pass NICS background checks.


I do agree that the database should be updated as far as mental health checks if it's lacking, but going deeper and strengthening it is another matter altogether. That's a very fine line we'll have to cross. How far will it go? Will they deny a person who has sought out a therapist to speak with during hard times? Will they deny people based on past records because they are a "liability"? What if a person is on meds? Don't forget, some of those anti-depression meds like Cymbalta are also used on people with muscular and skeletal pain problems. Are those people now disqualified due to taking that medication? We need to tread carefully and be ready for them once they quit all this assault weapon bs.

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I do agree that the database should be updated as far as mental health checks if it's lacking, but going deeper and strengthening it is another matter altogether. That's a very fine line we'll have to cross. How far will it go?


All this was defined in 1993 Brady bill. This is not inventing new stuff: this is the government failing to do job we told them to do 20 years ago.


NICS form 4473 question 11f covers 2 areas: adjudicated mentally defective and committed to a mental institution.



DOJ and FBI definitions, pulling from NICS legislation.




2007 NRA and Brady Campaign pushed passage of NICS Improvement act, because Seung Hui Cho should have never passed his NICS. 5 years later, we get Loughner and Holmes.


Mayors Against Illegal Guns has a really good report on it. They aren't all BS. They might push for everything under the sun, but they know universal background check doesn't mean squat if the background check continues to suck. In that way they kinda agree with NRA: enforce laws already on books, strengthen mental health gaps.



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