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My Primary HD passed its test today

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My gun is my tertiary line of defense. My alarm system is my secondary, but my primary works quite well. I went to the front door after the primary alerted me that something was up. I see a FedEx truck in the driveway and a guy walking up the path. He is busy on his phone and looking down as he walks to the door. He gets about five feet from the door and freezes and just about craps his pants. I wish I had my camera with me to capture the look of pure terror on his face when he saw these next to me:



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Nice dogs! I would love to own one but I think I'll die of an allergy attack because of the fur. I'm good with labs though, just don't think I can handle the Husky.


Dam you allergies!

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Thanks all. I am allergic to cats, but even though these guys shed like crazy I have no problems. They do fine in the summer. They actually sun bathe on the blacktop driveway when it is 95 degrees out. Remember their fur is insulation like a thermos - keeps hot things hot and cold things cold :) It insulates them from the heat too to some degree. When it gets really hot they go swimming in the pool. The male, the one on the left, will actually swim laps for 20 minutes at a time.


We have them outside a lot, as we have an electric fence that they actually respect. We have never had them run it. They even chase deer and small prey but always stop dead before the boundary.

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Based on my career in making sure our facilities meet Federal Security requirements and my own personal experience, I put little trust in dogs and alarms, having seen how easily they are both overcome by more than the casual thief. Most homes have the illusion of security as few are willing to pay for complete security or put up with the inconvenience of having to shut down the system every time they get up to go to the bathroom at night. No matter how many security companies told me that dogs would net set off motion or infra red detectors, they always managed to do so.


Trained professionals have demonstrated several times the difference between a trained guard dog and a pet. I have entered my home on a few occasions unknown to my dogs and they will bark if a bird lands on the fence. I have seen facilities and homes where the windows are protected by alarms that will only sound if the window is opened. Motion detectors are needed to prevent someone from simply breaking the glass to enter but high winds tend to set them off so most do not get them or turn them on if they have them. Infra red is a pain, especially if you have pets. Maybe because it is my job to find weaknesses in security I notice such things but most people do not seem to realize that any security system is as good as its weakest link and most have weak links.


Anyway, good looking dogs and keep the gun handy and get good homeowners insurance. :) I know that when I lived in NJ I ended up tearing my alarm system out as the police response time was about 20-30 minutes and was told that residential alarms are a very low priority. That and the fact that after a few years the alarm kept on going off and I was close to being fined. Amazing how my neighbors did not respond at all to my alarms. Now I just put the alarm company sign out front and that will deter the casual burglar as well as a simple home alarm. :)

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Old Dog, you are correct and incorrect at the same time. Yes most people don't use their alarms correctly. In my case I designed and installed the system when we had the house ripped apart when we put an addition on many years ago. The PIR is only used when no one is home, but it is redundant security. All the doors and windows have contact switches, but we also have glass break detectors all over the place. So, the perimeter is protected even when we are home. Is it perfect, probably not, but it works very well.


You are correct about the police response, but not many criminals want to stick around while an alarm is blaring - and we have sirens both inside and outside along with strobe lights on the outside. All kind of silly as we don't have too much stuff that anyone would want and also live in a very safe area. As for the dogs, yes I can sneak in on them as they know me and know my smell I guess. But they never fail to alert us when anyone else approaches the house.


But again, I look as the alarm and the dogs as the alert system to give me time to wake up and get a gun in my hand and plan for what action to take. Much better than not having these things and waking up to a bad guy in your bedroom.


Kingsoverqueens, the big guy on the left is one large husky who weighs about 90 pounds. But female is actually the one that looks scary to most people with the black around her eyes.

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The one on the left looks like he wants a hug. The one on the right looks like she wants to eat you.


That is so funny, that is what my wife says - cause the one on the left likes her. In the real world the one on the left would bite you until you stopped moving while the one on the right would lick you to death.

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