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List Your Grievance!

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My list of grievances:


#1: People who think its OK for me to print their porn in a public space and get pissed at me when I tell them I can't..I Demand restitution for mental anguish I've had to suffer through because you forced me to look at Big Booty Batches. And not those attractive Big Booty Batches either, but the ones that make you rethink what you're doing with your life. 


#2: Netflix. Taking Stargate off of the instant watch section is just plain wrong. I demand they put that back on so all the neck beards can stay in their basements and stop bothering me about snack foods like twinkies. 


#3: People talking on their cell phones while checking out, in a restaurant, or at a drive through. I petition the government that they give me my time back retro actively. 



#1 is the only serious one here. Kinda. 

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Given we are in a new era of Grievance (A Grievance Society) - I mean it seems "everyone" has a complaint, or has been done wrong by some group or somebody, or is owed something by somebody, I thought it might be fun/interesting to list our grievances...You can list a serious one, or a fun one...And a grievance, by definition (see link) can be real or imaginary!...You can list multiple grievances at one time or spread over several entries posts over time...You know, if you can't beat them join them...And if you want, stipulate what restitution you would like :-).





I'll start:


G1) I grew-up in a very finically poor family (many mouths to feed), and my parents could not afford dental to correct my crooked lower teeth. -Perhaps I can sue their estate - i.e. what remains of it dispersed to my siblings.


G2) In the US-Navy, I was called a racial slur by an Irish-American Petty-Officer - so I refused his order (Luckily when he rated me out to the Chief, the Chief took my side) (True story by the way). -I am now traumatized for life, every-time I see a uniform, or an Irishman ;-) I get hives. –The Government should send me $1,000,000!


G3) In the 2001 or so Stock-Market-Crash, I lost a fortune – where is my bail-out?




What is in your Grievance file?

G4) When I was a child, my parents argued a lot. That is why I am never happy, even now. The Govenment should give me Social Security Disability.

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I can say with fair certainty that nobody owes me anything and all of my problems are either of my own making or otherwise still my responsibility.

You got that right, no one owes anyone anything that they did not earn. All of my problems are ones I created, and I am happy to own them. Most have been learning experiences and I would not change any of them. Imagine taking responsibility for ones life....


Thank God I raised my kids to be responsible to themselves and take care of their responsibilities. 

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I don know what happened above 




text all your friends and tell them to vote wednesday  .

if they own guns or ever want to own a gun VOTE 



OK, early and often, got it.


I don't live in NJ so, going to need a tombstone. No democrat tombstones, please, as democrats never die. They just vote absentee ballot.



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G5) I took out a loan to go to University. The bank forced me to pay it back. I don't think that is fair. ;-) - LOL!

G6) I purchased my first house durng the real-estate Bubble. Now it is worth less than what I paid for it. The Real-EState Agent told me that Home Prices never go down in this area. Even though I have no intention of moving, and I realize that if I do move the house I buy will likely be lower too so it is kinda a wash, I am still PISSED at the Republicans for creating the RE Bubble (it is there fault, right?), and I am especially PISSED at the Bank for loaning me the money. I want the Bank to take responsibility for this and lower my morgage! ;-)

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Grievances go out to God and the Government.

Humans vs Dogs, (Animals in general)...


Why is it we are the only living creature that needs to use toilet paper after pinching a rat? Dogs get a clean cut, cats get a clean cut, even fish just let it hang till it falls off clean. No matter the texture.

Depending on what's on the train, it requires maybe more than one wipe and even some courtesy wipes. No 1 ply should not be made. People just double up and use more just to get 2-3 more plies.. I don't think anyone has been successful with a 1 ply wipe! Beware of the Super Quilted Northern TP versions. They can clog pipes... (ask me how I know)...


I realize the sphincter cannot be redesigned at this time. But it should have at least evolved after the billions of years it had time to do so! So God? What the heck dude?

Retribution should at least be FREE toilet paper for life or major tax breaks for everyone!



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It's not just tp with them either. It's kleenex, paper towels, napkins, paper plates, anything paper. I biotch at her constantly. I always call her the Tree Killer of the century.. Bugs the hell outa me.

We have dish towels hanging through the handle of the fridge, on the stove, etc. She finishes dishes... She grabs a wad of paper towels to dry her hands instead of using the clean dish towel hanging right next to her. Argh!


BHunted: I never realized how much tp women use till my wife moved in. I should have stock in Charmin.

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I hear these complaints all the time. Wish i could do more but my hands are tied

If it were up to me I'd never call you guys. I'd just handle it onboard. :whistle:


Edit: The problem with that is almost every phone has a video recording capability. I don't want to end up on the YouTube. ;)

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