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Officer K-9 Shultz Killed In The Line Of Duty


Not sure if any of you were aware of a Gloucester TWP K-9 that was killed in the line of duty the other week , heres a video of the service http://www.courierpostonline.com/article/20101210/NEWS01/12100345/Hundreds-pay-tribute-to-K-9rvice yesterday

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Actually think that was a news helicopter ..


Nope. Complete and utter BS if you ask me. No wonder our state is drowning in debt. If I lived in that town I would have made quite a stink.


GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP — A police dog who died in the line of duty was honored Thursday with a police memorial service complete with a rifle salute, helicopter flyover, bagpipe band, 150 police dogs, and more than 1,000 mourners


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As much as I love animals I can not justify spending that much taxpayer money on all that whole thing.

If you were in a clapsed building and could not be reached by first responders and were found and saved because a K-9 dog, I have no doubt that you would have a different view on this. Just because it is a dog does not mean that it is not deserving of a hero's send off.

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K9 Schultz wasn't an "animal," he was a member of the law enforcement/first responder community, just like any other police officer. If you think first responders who are killed in the line of duty shouldn't be given a proper burial... well, I don't know what to say.



Uh yeah, he was an animal. A dog. A special dog yes. Not worthy of all that hoopla. Thats my story and Im sticking to it.

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Uh yeah, he was an animal. A dog. A special dog yes. Not worthy of all that hoopla. Thats my story and Im sticking to it.

I respect your opinion but i gotta disagree, imagine if you were his partner , you worked with him everyday, you took him home everyday , fed him and had become part of your childrens life . I believe after that much time together the bond they developed with him and his family as well as the PD he deserved a ceremony for dying to protect the people of Gloucester Twp ..

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I respect your opinion but i gotta disagree, imagine if you were his partner , you worked with him everyday, you took him home everyday , fed him and had become part of your childrens life . I believe after that much time together the bond they developed with him and his family as well as the PD he deserved a ceremony for dying to protect the people of Gloucester Twp ..



I got my dog as a puppy. She is with me everyday. I take her almost everywhere. She lives with me. She sleeps in my bed sometimes. She makes me happy when I am upset. She has oultasted many girlfriends. All my friends love her, and they even ask to borrow her once in awhile. The day she dies will be one of the worst days of my life. Yet I still dont agree that there needs to be a helicopter flyover and some of the other BS that they did. I think it was too much. If you agree cool, if you don't, thats cool too. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. Exausted my opinion on this one. Fin...

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It was an absolute waste. When my goldfish dies, I flush it down the toilet to the big pond, when my dog dies i dig a hole in the backyard and bury it respectfully..... I dont need bagpipes and a helicopter. It was a pet, that is it. Was it used for law enforcement yes, but it is a tool just like an officers sidearm or his car. Animals should not be honored as police officers. What next, plaques for faithful service when they retire a crown vic with 200,000 miles!



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It was an absolute waste. When my goldfish dies, I flush it down the toilet to the big pond, when my dog dies i dig a hole in the backyard and bury it respectfully..... I dont need bagpipes and a helicopter. It was a pet, that is it. Was it used for law enforcement yes, but it is a tool just like an officers sidearm or his car. Animals should not be honored as police officers. What next, plaques for faithful service when they retire a crown vic!




For that matter - is a helicopter flyover really necessary whether human or K9? If eliminated from the service, would it really be missed? Yes, bury the dog with a respectful ceremony, 21 gun salute if you must, but a helicopter fly over? WTF!


And I wonder why my taxes are sofa king high??

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Human yes, they should get a flyover if the family wants it. But a DOG! come on now. I am sorry the little furry "officer" got killed but, damn... My dog drinks out of the toilet sometimes, should i start leaving breath mints in the bathroom for him.

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I agree with those that say it was too much of a ceremony. Honor the dog? Yes. But even a 21 gun salute? That is too much. I got a dog when I was 5, and had him with my everyday up until ~3 years ago. Could not have asked for a better dog. But when he was too sick, and there was no way for him to get better....I took him to the vet, had him put down, and let them do what they do after a dog is put down. Having a big ceremony wouldn't have helped me miss him less. The way I said goodbye to him did not make his life or impact on my life less meaningful.

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It is not about the dog, more the family who took care of him and trained him, K-9 shultz was part of a family..


It takes alot to train a police dog and handler...


RIP k-9 shultz..

Then the department should simply show their gratitude for the family that K9 Shultz was a part of, and do whatever they can to help them get through this. Believe me, I completely understand the importance and significance of the dog. But a helicopter flyover and 21 gun salute....like I said....do NOT do anything to help the situation. It doesn't bring Shultz back. It doesn't repay the family who helped house and train him. It doesn't help the family miss him less. It doesn't help train another dog who will eventually take Shultz's place. I see absolutely no significance in any of it, that combined with the fact that our tax money that could have been used for something much more useful in a time like this makes it worse.

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Then the department should simply show their gratitude for the family that K9 Shultz was a part of, and do whatever they can to help them get through this. Believe me, I completely understand the importance and significance of the dog. But a helicopter flyover and 21 gun salute....like I said....do NOT do anything to help the situation. It doesn't bring Shultz back. It doesn't repay the family who helped house and train him. It doesn't help the family miss him less. It doesn't help train another dog who will eventually take Shultz's place. I see absolutely no significance in any of it, that combined with the fact that our tax money that could have been used for something much more useful in a time like this makes it worse.


I thaught it was a news helicopter ?


I do not think they can help all the people that showed up..


were all those officers paid or did they volunteer ?

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I thaught it was a news helicopter ?


I do not think they can help all the people that showed up..


were all those officers paid or did they volunteer ?


good point, I bet they volunteered. Also, if it was my town, I'd have no issue with it and believe everyone in my town would agree also.

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It was an absolute waste. When my goldfish dies, I flush it down the toilet to the big pond, when my dog dies i dig a hole in the backyard and bury it respectfully..... I dont need bagpipes and a helicopter. It was a pet, that is it. Was it used for law enforcement yes, but it is a tool just like an officers sidearm or his car. Animals should not be honored as police officers. What next, plaques for faithful service when they retire a crown vic with 200,000 miles!




Thank god someone finally agrees with me.


I thought I was posting in the Dog Whisper's forums for a bit there.

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I'm in the pro-ceremony, anti-helicopter flyover crowd.


Who pays for these ceremonies anyways? The police union? Or the taxpayers?



Umm - police union dues come from officer's salaries - which the taxpayers pay. So, at the end of the day, whether it's paid for by the Union or by the Govt, it's paid for by me.


Until we wake up and take back ownership of our tax dollars, this wasteful spending will continue unchecked. But now we're getting into politics and that's not apropos for this part of the forum.

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for those complaining about the waste of money.. no wonder we are broke.. seriously? an isolated single ceremony to honor a dog that died trying to catch some scumbag is not the reason we are broke.. wasteful spending or not.. the price tag of all that times 10 is likely a tiny fraction of the bigger picture of our debt.. so yeah.. one dog dies every few years... a special dog thats sole purpose was to protect me.. my family.. I don't really care if they want to fly helicopters.. shoot guns.. have a parade.. etc.. I mean really what is the bottom line cost of all that? the same as ONE or TWO welfare families a year... our financial problems are so huge this is a tiny drop in the bucket and imo not even worth worrying about..

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