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Already mentioned here > http://njgunforums.c...ion-in-trenton/


Gun for Hire did a good write up on the ammo ban bill A588, and the defaced firearm bill A1013





A588 would enable the Attorney General to ban handgun and rifle ammunition by executive fiat.

Common hunting, target, and self-defense ammunition would be subject to ban under A588, along with BB’s, airgun pellets, and plastic airsoft pellets!

Additional legislation being considered (A1013) could land gun owners in jail for refinished or damaged firearms that might be deemed “defaced”

On Monday, January 30 at 2:00 p.m. the New Jersey Assembly Law & Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider A588, legislation that would enable the Attorney General to ban all handgun and most rifle ammunition if he unilaterally determines that it “poses a threat to the safety and well being of law enforcement officers.”

Cleverly disguised as police safety legislation aimed at armor piercing ammunition (which is already prohibited under federal and state law), the measure actually opens the door to a sweeping ammunition ban by an unelected public official by executive fiat. Common hunting, target, and self-defense ammunition would be subject to ban, along with BB’s, airgun pellets, and non-metallic ammunition like plastic airsoft pellets, if the Attorney General decides that they pose a threat to the safety and well being of law enforcement.

Although the bill only mentions handgun ammunition, it is in fact not limited to handgun ammunition, and would apply to all rifle ammunition for which a handgun is ever made. As an increasing number of gun manufacturers make handgun models that shoot rifle caliber ammunition, the line between “handgun” vs. “rifle” ammunition has become blurred, and the New Jersey State Police have already begun treating rifle ammunition in this category as if it were handgun ammunition for regulatory purposes. So long as a handgun exists that shoots a particular caliber of rifle ammunition, New Jersey treats that ammunition as if it were handgun ammunition.

The Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is also scheduled to consider A1013 on Monday. One provision of this police safety legislation significantly increases the penalties relating to “defaced” firearms. Because of New Jersey’s longstanding poorly crafted definition of “defaced” firearms, it is possible that refinishing a firearm, or long-term damage from rust or scratches from ordinary wear and tear, could be deemed “defacement” subjecting honest gun owners to lengthy prison sentences, even though identifying information on the firearm is still legible.





Charles Mainor (Chair) (D31)

[email protected]

Phone: 201-536-7851

Fax: 201-536-7854


Gilbert L. Wilson (Vice Chair) (D5)

[email protected]

Phone: 856-547-4800

Fax: 856-547-5496


Nelson T. Albano (D1)

[email protected]

Phone: 609-465-0700

Fax: 609-465-4578


Daniel R. Benson (D14)

[email protected]

Phone: 609-631-0198

Fax: 609-631-0324


Sean Connors (D33)

[email protected]


Joseph Cryan (D20)

[email protected]

Phone: 908-624-0880

Fax: 908-624-0587


Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean

Phone: 908-232-3673

Web: http://tomkean.senatenj.com

Email: [email protected]




Gregory P. McGuckin (R10)

[email protected]

Phone: 732-974-0400

Fax: 732-840-9757

Erik Peterson (R23)

[email protected]

Phone: 908-238-0251

Fax: 908-238-0256


David P. Rible (R30)

[email protected]

Phone: 732-974-1719

Fax: 732-974-3615


Bonnie Watson Coleman (D15)

[email protected]

Phone: 609-292-0500

Fax: 609-633-2179





UPDATE: Sen Kean contact info has been updated.



UPDATE: Not sure what to write, or send in an email? Here's extactly what I sent:


Dear Members of NJ's Assembly Law and Public Safety Commitee,


I wish to have bills A588 and A1013 permenately tabled, and have a solid 'NO' vote, since both of bills are already law under NJCA 2C:39-3.


See line d regarding defaced firearms.


See line f regarding armor percing bullets.




Duplicate legislation is waste of taxpayer money, and the Assembly's time when there are bigger fiscal issues at hand.


Thank you.


Notice I didn't mention constitutional rights? This is NJ and NJ does not recognize constitutional rights........civil rights maybe, but only to pander votes.

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This is the rough draft of the letter I am sending my assemblyman Paul Moriarty:



I am writing to ask that you please vote no to bill A558, which in synopsis prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor. There is wording in A558 that would give the State Attorney General the ability to prohibit all ammunition if he/she see that it is a threat to law enforcement officers.


Armor piercing ammunition is already banned federally and in the state of New Jersey under NJ Administrative Code 2c:39-3f which reads:

f. Dum-dum or body armor penetrating bullets. (1) Any person, other than a law enforcement officer or persons engaged in activities pursuant to subsection f. of N.J.S.2C:39-6, who knowingly has in his possession any hollow nose or dum-dum bullet, or (2) any person, other than a collector of firearms or ammunition as curios or relics as defined in Title 18, United States Code, section 921 (a) (13) and has in his possession a valid Collector of Curios and Relics License issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, who knowingly has in his possession any body armor breaching or penetrating ammunition, which means: (a) ammunition primarily designed for use in a handgun, and (b) which is comprised of a bullet whose core or jacket, if the jacket is thicker than.025 of an inch, is made of tungsten carbide, or hard bronze, or other material which is harder than a rating of 72 or greater on the Rockwell B. Hardness Scale, and © is therefore capable of breaching or penetrating body armor, is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. For purposes of this section, a collector may possess not more than three examples of each distinctive variation of the ammunition described above. A distinctive variation includes a different head stamp, composition, design, or color.

As a New Jersey resident and a legal gun owner, this legislation could lead to a violation of my second amendment rights that are granted to all US citizens in the Constitution of the United States of America. Passing A558 could lead to negative effects to thousands of legal gun owners in New Jersey who enjoy the sport of shooting and right to protect our homes. A558 does nothing to prohibit unauthorized persons and criminals from acquiring or possessing ammunition.

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please send me some input on this! This is my first ever letter to an assemblyman and I don't want to look like a smack a$$!


My experience is that you don't get their attention, you get their staffs attention, and I've been told by former Assemblycritters that calling and leaving a simple message like 'I'm calling about bill blah blah blah, and I don't support it, and would like Assemblycritter Doofus to vote no as well. Thanks."

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My experience is that you don't get their attention, you get their staffs attention, and I've been told by former Assemblycritters that calling and leaving a simple message like 'I'm calling about bill blah blah blah, and I don't support it, and would like Assemblycritter Doofus to vote no as well. Thanks."


I'm not a fan about calling since reality is I will never actually speak to the person I want to talk to . I'm planning on emailing this letter, then copying and emailing to all the members listed in the post at the top of the thread.

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I just called Asm Wilson's office (as he is my rep in Trenton) and explained to the young lady that both of these bills were not as they purported to be, and would create unintended consequences by granting tyrannical powers to unelected officials (specifically the AG)

I also called Asm Albano's office (again - I've spoken with him in the past) and told the young man that answered that I know Asm Albano is not the typical anti-gun democrat, and I sincerely hoped he would do everything possible to keep these 2 bills from getting out of committee on Monday.



There's strength in numbers

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This is the rough draft of the letter I am sending my assemblyman Paul Moriarty:



I am writing to ask that you please vote no to bill A558, which in synopsis prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor. There is wording in A558 that would give the State Attorney General the ability to prohibit all ammunition if he/she see that it is a threat to law enforcement officers.


Armor piercing ammunition is already banned federally and in the state of New Jersey under NJ Administrative Code 2c:39-3f which reads:


f. Dum-dum or body armor penetrating bullets. (1) Any person, other than a law enforcement officer or persons engaged in activities pursuant to subsection f. of N.J.S.2C:39-6, who knowingly has in his possession any hollow nose or dum-dum bullet, or (2) any person, other than a collector of firearms or ammunition as curios or relics as defined in Title 18, United States Code, section 921 (a) (13) and has in his possession a valid Collector of Curios and Relics License issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, who knowingly has in his possession any body armor breaching or penetrating ammunition, which means: (a) ammunition primarily designed for use in a handgun, and (b) which is comprised of a bullet whose core or jacket, if the jacket is thicker than.025 of an inch, is made of tungsten carbide, or hard bronze, or other material which is harder than a rating of 72 or greater on the Rockwell B. Hardness Scale, and © is therefore capable of breaching or penetrating body armor, is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. For purposes of this section, a collector may possess not more than three examples of each distinctive variation of the ammunition described above. A distinctive variation includes a different head stamp, composition, design, or color.


As a New Jersey resident and a legal gun owner, this legislation could lead to a violation of my second amendment rights that are granted to all US citizens in the Constitution of the United States of America. Passing A558 could lead to negative effects to thousands of legal gun owners in New Jersey who enjoy the sport of shooting and right to protect our homes. A558 does nothing to prohibit unauthorized persons and criminals from acquiring or possessing ammunition.


Here is the email I will be sending on Saturday. Please comment wheter or not it is appropriate and to the point. I am open to constructive criticism. Should anyone find it suitable, feel free to copy, paste and send it to the committee. I also included the address's of the committee in one easy to copy and paste format. Just copy and paste the address in your address bar. (I think).


TO: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


Dear fellow citizens of the legislative committee,

Please stop infringing on my constitutional rights. The proposed legislation in A588 is just another attack on my, and other law abiding citizens of New Jersey, constitutional rights. Criminals are always going to find the means to commit heinous crimes regardless of legislation, criminals don’t follow the rules. A decision to implement A588 will severely hinder the ability for my family, neighbors, and other law abiding citizens of New Jersey, the right to enjoy our unalienable right of self protection.


Joey The Ragbag Citizen


NOTE: Change Joey the ragbag to your name before sending. I gotta watch you guys.


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This is what they do when they are clueless about everything else in the state. Having watched and fought against the AWB hopefully no one will ever say this will never happen. As much as I like to agree with Post 5 people will be watching this one. If CC jumps onboard with this maybe people will finally realize that he shouldn’t be the golden boy of the Republican Party people make him out to be.


His Crony Mitt Romney said it a debate a week or two ago when asked about imposing new gun laws if he became president that he would not impose new laws and his administration would simply enforce the existing ones. My hope is CC doesn’t endorse any of this and follows Mitt’s lead and says we have enough laws, but that’s only my hope. CC should realize that many 2A people probably put him where he is.


What’s even more discouraging is the lack of replies to this post and the post cited above. Come on people at least cut & paste the sample email from reply #12 (and do a little editing to make it yours) and send it off to those email addresses, we might actually stop something

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please send me some input on this! This is my first ever letter to an assemblyman and I don't want to look like a smack a$$!


Go to my post at # 12 and cut and paste it. I'm no speech writer but they have to get bombarded with as many emails and phone calls as possible. Get your kids, grandkids, wife etc who vote on American Idol contestants to send an email. Use mine, make one up, send anything just to fill up their mailboxes with "NO to A588"

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Go to my post at # 12 and cut and paste it. I'm no speech writer but they have to get bombarded with as many emails and phone calls as possible. Get your kids, grandkids, wife etc who vote on American Idol contestants to send an email. Use mine, make one up, send anything just to fill up their mailboxes with "NO to A588"


Sent and included bill A1013 in it as well.

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I sent each of them an email. Hope it helps, God I hate this state.


I love this state, it's my home, my friends and family live here. I just DESPISE the hobbling laws written by legislators that are penning them for their own "feel good, look what I've done" agenda under the guise of "for the children", "save the planet", or by using the tragic events of an officers death to get that recognition. JUST ABSOLUTELY PITIFULLY VULGAR tactics.

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Already mentioned here > http://njgunforums.c...ion-in-trenton/


Gun for Hire did a good write up on the ammo ban bill A588, and the defaced firearm bill A1013







A588 would enable the Attorney General to ban handgun and rifle ammunition by executive fiat.

Common hunting, target, and self-defense ammunition would be subject to ban under A588, along with BB’s, airgun pellets, and plastic airsoft pellets!

Additional legislation being considered (A1013) could land gun owners in jail for refinished or damaged firearms that might be deemed “defaced”

On Monday, January 30 at 2:00 p.m. the New Jersey Assembly Law & Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider A588, legislation that would enable the Attorney General to ban all handgun and most rifle ammunition if he unilaterally determines that it “poses a threat to the safety and well being of law enforcement officers.”

Cleverly disguised as police safety legislation aimed at armor piercing ammunition (which is already prohibited under federal and state law), the measure actually opens the door to a sweeping ammunition ban by an unelected public official by executive fiat. Common hunting, target, and self-defense ammunition would be subject to ban, along with BB’s, airgun pellets, and non-metallic ammunition like plastic airsoft pellets, if the Attorney General decides that they pose a threat to the safety and well being of law enforcement.

Although the bill only mentions handgun ammunition, it is in fact not limited to handgun ammunition, and would apply to all rifle ammunition for which a handgun is ever made. As an increasing number of gun manufacturers make handgun models that shoot rifle caliber ammunition, the line between “handgun” vs. “rifle” ammunition has become blurred, and the New Jersey State Police have already begun treating rifle ammunition in this category as if it were handgun ammunition for regulatory purposes. So long as a handgun exists that shoots a particular caliber of rifle ammunition, New Jersey treats that ammunition as if it were handgun ammunition.

The Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is also scheduled to consider A1013 on Monday. One provision of this police safety legislation significantly increases the penalties relating to “defaced” firearms. Because of New Jersey’s longstanding poorly crafted definition of “defaced” firearms, it is possible that refinishing a firearm, or long-term damage from rust or scratches from ordinary wear and tear, could be deemed “defacement” subjecting honest gun owners to lengthy prison sentences, even though identifying information on the firearm is still legible.





Charles Mainor (Chair) (D31)

[email protected]

Phone: 201-536-7851

Fax: 201-536-7854


Gilbert L. Wilson (Vice Chair) (D5)

[email protected]

Phone: 856-547-4800

Fax: 856-547-5496


Nelson T. Albano (D1)

[email protected]

Phone: 609-465-0700

Fax: 609-465-4578


Daniel R. Benson (D14)

[email protected]

Phone: 609-631-0198

Fax: 609-631-0324


Sean Connors (D33)

[email protected]


Joseph Cryan (D20)

[email protected]

Phone: 908-624-0880

Fax: 908-624-0587


Sean T. Kean (R30)

[email protected]

Phone: 732-974-0400

Fax: 732-974-2564


Gregory P. McGuckin (R10)

[email protected]

Phone: 732-974-0400

Fax: 732-840-9757

Erik Peterson (R23)

[email protected]

Phone: 908-238-0251

Fax: 908-238-0256


David P. Rible (R30)

[email protected]

Phone: 732-974-1719

Fax: 732-974-3615


Bonnie Watson Coleman (D15)

[email protected]

Phone: 609-292-0500

Fax: 609-633-2179




I'm stealing some of your stuff. Thanks ! See new post in a little while. I'm going to do a compilation of some of your work and post it as a form letter for all who think it is sufficient to send. Thanks again.

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Allot of businesses will be affected in New Jersey too. Sporting goods stores, Gun stores, Shooting Ranges etc. all stand to be put out of business by these nonsense bills. It's sickening what our politicians try to do to it's citizens.

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OK, Here it is. Took awhile because the editor program has some bugs.


Use this as a form letter to the committee.


Thanks to Bob at comment # 1 for I used a bunch of his work.


Copy and paste this into the "TO" portion of your new email. It is the address's of the assembly committee. (Thanks Bob)


TO: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


2.) Copy and paste the following into the new email subject line:


"No to A588" and "No or amend A1013"


3.) Copy and paste the following into your new email body"


Dear fellow citizens of the legislative committee,


Please stop infringing on my constitutional rights. The proposed legislation in A588 is just another attack on my, and other law abiding citizens of

New Jersey, constitutional rights. Criminals are always going to find the means to commit heinous crimes regardless of legislation, criminals don’t follow the rules. A decision to implement A588 will severely hinder the ability for my family, neighbors, and other law abiding citizens of New Jersey the right to enjoy our unalienable right of self protection.


Additionally fellow citizen committee, A1013 is of concern Because of New Jersey’s longstanding poorly crafted definition of “defaced” firearms, it is possible that refinishing a firearm, or long-term damage from rust or scratches from ordinary wear and tear, could be deemed “defacement”, subjecting honest gun owners to lengthy prison sentences, even though identifying information on the firearm is still legible. Please vote "No" or amend A1013 to protect New Jersey's law abiding citizens and law enforcement officers from ambiguous legal red tape.


With all due respect


Citizen Joe The Rag Bag



Changed Keans address to one I now believe to be accurate.

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