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Holder Says Obama Will Use His Dictator-Like Executive Actions To Enact Gun Control Policy...

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I could have told you obummer would have done this... Not surprised by it at all. I expect to see this pan out disgustingly soon.



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Lets see, rising taxes, bumping up age to get benefits, taking away our guns, demonizing religion, I dont understand why you guys are upset, guess its like a frog and hot water, boiling he jumps right out, place him in warm water and slowly raise the temp and hell never know what killed him. We are that frog and the liberals are in the kitchen.

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Let's see...the arms dealer-in-chief of the largest arms supplier in the world, who had his gun running attorney general and his "robust BATF" send thousands of guns into Mexico to criminals OVER THE OBJECTIONS OF LICENSED GUN DEALERS, which guns were responsible for hundreds of deaths, will use his dictatorial powers to strip US citizens of their Constitutional rights, because we can't be trusted with guns, all the while dumping billions of dollars of armaments into the middle east and Africa? Did I get it right? Sounds like treason to me.


Gun control should start with Uncle Sam.

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yup. IF it goes this way instead of the AWB way we have all been talking about, I predict alot of "Randy Weaver" type incidents.


I really believed Obama could not possibly be that stupid. I guess we're gonna' find out.

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yup. IF it goes this way instead of the AWB way we have all been talking about, I predict alot of "Randy Weaver" type incidents.


I really believed Obama could not possibly be that stupid. I guess we're gonna' find out.


Problem is, Biden IS that stupid and he's the guy our prez put in charge to come up with "solutions" to the gun/violence issue.


Just heard a snippet on the radio as they covered the initial meeting of the committee of morons and they're referring to "a ban on all semi-automatic weapons", so God knows where they hell they're going with this.

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Wow, what a great, level headed, fair and balanced start to an article.


Though I wouldn't expect any less from bs tabloid conservative sites like infowars, worldnetdaily, red flag, et all.


At this point, with the left and almost ALL of the media spreading misinformation, fallacious charges about the NRA and shooters in general, why should our standards being any higher than theirs? It's not like it's gotten us anywhere, has it?

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Part of me hopes he does some we can impeach him.


George Bush used his "executive powers" to start two undeclared wars, funded by a special budget, that have resulted in hundreds of thousands dead, and spent trillions of dollars. One war resulted in creating more enemies than when we started it, and the other was based entirely on an openly admitted lie.


He served his two terms without incident.


And you think Obama's gonna get impeached for banning Bushmaster rifles?


Get a grip. This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.

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George Bush used his "executive powers" to start two undeclared wars, funded by a special budget, that have resulted in hundreds of thousands dead, and spent trillions of dollars.


He served his two terms without incident.


And you think Obama's gonna get impeached for banning Bushmaster rifles?


Get a grip. This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.


Sorry, I forgot anytime you make a joke in this forum you have to actually say you are making a joke or no one gets it. Can I let go now?

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The Obama administration will consider executive actions and specific proposals for legislation as part of its gun policy response to the school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday.

Holder, who has been a vocal proponent of a new ban on certain semiautomatic rifles, told reporters that a range of options need to be considered in the coming weeks.

Those options will have to include a “strong and robust” Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the chronically under-funded agency that enforces federal gun laws, he said.

“It’s clear that we need to do more,” Holder said. He did not specifically call on Wednesday for a return of the assault weapon ban.


Unless I am reading this incorectly, this article only quotes Holder as saying we need to do more. No where does it actualy quote Holder as saying Obama would consider Executive Order.

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The Obama administration will consider executive actions and specific proposals for legislation as part of its gun policy response to the school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday.

Holder, who has been a vocal proponent of a new ban on certain semiautomatic rifles, told reporters that a range of options need to be considered in the coming weeks.

Those options will have to include a “strong and robust” Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the chronically under-funded agency that enforces federal gun laws, he said.

“It’s clear that we need to do more,” Holder said. He did not specifically call on Wednesday for a return of the assault weapon ban.


Unless I am reading this incorectly, this article only quotes Holder as saying we need to do more. No where does it actualy quote Holder as saying Obama would consider Executive Order.


If you go down the rabbit hole, you see that the article originated at Reuters. But, I can't find any actual attribution that Holder said this.

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George Bush used his "executive powers" to start two undeclared wars, funded by a special budget, that have resulted in hundreds of thousands dead, and spent trillions of dollars. One war resulted in creating more enemies than when we started it,

Actually that is within the president's powers. Congress need to approve within a given time frame and it did. So don't even go there.



and the other was based entirely on an openly admitted lie.

WMD's? Are you really that ignorant? They were used on Iragi civilians and before the "inspectors" got there they were moved to Syria. Low and behold years later that's where they are.

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What is the "...openly admitted lie" that Bush and company engaged in? Was it the yellow cake uranium that U.K. intelligence sources, as well as South African intelligence, IIRC, reported being present in Iraq at the time?


It's easy to armchair all of these years later and say the Iraq invasion and deposing of Saddam Hussein was not well-advised. There was a lot of precious American blood spilled and we've still got a country in relative turmoil politically, and you still cannot count on them being an "ally"....if there is such a thing for America in the Mideast at all. But it did get rid of one murderous scumbag and his two heirs. It did draw in an awful lot of fanatical Muslims who jumped at the opportunity to cross sabers with the Great Satan. How'd that work out for them?

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It did draw in an awful lot of fanatical Muslims who jumped at the opportunity to cross sabers with the Great Satan. How'd that work out for them?


This is really the great lie. The intelligence on yellowcake and using Powell at the UN was a stroke of luck and genius, respectively.


This is only my opinion, so take for what you will but...


After 9/11, we needed to establish a focal point/front in the "war on terror" In selecting a target nation, we considered the following.


We could not attack Syria, Lebanon or Jordan because they border israel and we would have had the Pan Arab League to contend with militarily on a State level. We didn't want that. Iran is the largest Muslim government country in the region, but since we were going to Afghan anyway, choosing Iraq was a smarter call because by doing so, we flank Iran.


Iraq was a Socialist Dictatorship, a secular country(by comparison in the region), had a built in civil war thanks to the League of Nations and the breaking up of the Kurds. Iraq also had an existing infrastructure to destroy...unlike Afghanistan which is a rock. Also, Saddam Hussein was a known "evil-doer"


We opened up a front in the war to draw fighters from Saudi, the gulf states, iran, North Africa, and like. It worked, but it didn't have fugg all to do with freeing the Iraqi people from Saddam.


Again, it's just an opinion and I'm hardly a tactitian or military expert.

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Could very well be, but let's not forget that the Bush family had a collective woody for his head after Saddam supposedly orchestrated a plot to kill H.W. I, for one, would put THAT at the forefront of Dubya's mindset to go after Iraq when the opportunity (the WMD intel) presented itself.

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Actually, if I recall correctly, we kicked Iraq's ass in a war to liberate Kuwait. I know this was entirely self-interested, but we did legitimately assist an allied soverign nation that was invaded. This action was concluded with a treaty.


Saddam persistently pushed the bounds and violated this treaty. WMD or no WMD, you violate a treaty with the US you get your ass kicked again.

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There was a bit on NPR this afternoon where they interviewed the "gun violence center" or something similar.


He mentioned that one thing that Obama could do today under an Executive Order wad to ban the import of certain "assault rifles". It sounded like the current law requires some interpretation so the EO could force it. It sounded like Bush or Reagan did something similar so the precedence is already established.

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There was a bit on NPR this afternoon where they interviewed the "gun violence center" or something similar.


He mentioned that one thing that Obama could do today under an Executive Order wad to ban the import of certain "assault rifles". It sounded like the current law requires some interpretation so the EO could force it. It sounded like Bush or Reagan did something similar so the precedence is already established.


That EO was done by Bush 1 in 1989. The reason we lost H&K here. By executive order, the importation of semi-automatic rifles that do not have a "sporting purpose" was banned.

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