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threads regarding cops

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Pretty simple really....


EVERY..... and I mean EVERY thread regarding what a LEO had to do in the line of duty is 2nd guessed by Monday morning quaterbacks... that most have no idea of what it is like to be in such a situation..... 


Couldnt have said it better myself. If you haven't been in the situation, its easy to say this or that should have happened, but you haven't been in that situation, so be careful what you say.

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Were you every a geometry or trig teacher?


BTW, Every trooper, cop, etc., needs to ask themselves, (if) push came to shove - would you follow ethically unlawful orders - or refuse based on principles...OK, this sargent did his job reasonably (in above video), but one could argue that he followed an unlawful order (where was Kaleda out of order?)...(If) the big push comes (some day) for confiscation, it would come down to every cop, atf agent, and possibly military person, who will decide the outcome...So many Sherif's Out West have spoke out that they will not follow such an (illegal) order...It would be great to hear the views of police, etc. in our comunity along these lines...The video is a reminder of this issue - which should be discussed on the NJGF.


Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

Typos courtesy Apple...

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Lol.... Was wondering why you went off on tangents... Hehe.




Were you every a geometry or trig teacher?




Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD


Typos courtesy Apple...



No, English teacher - can't you tell by my spelling ;-).


Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

Typos courtesy Apple...

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You want guns... And don't want the police to be relied on to protect us....

But in the same breath you expect them to protect you from the Feds...


It is our job as the people to make sure these laws don't go into place in the first place...


I did not agree with the direction of the state so I left... And took up residence in a state that had ideas that were more in line with my views...

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My problem is the second guessing and the generalizations of ALL cops. Sorry i just cant keep quiet about it. I do take it personally because i have a great deal of respect for the job and the oath i took. Again...being a cop doesnt make me better than anybody. It makes me different. Dont judge if you dont know. yes there are asshole cops...but there are assholes in every walk of life. Its like anything else. I come on this forum because i like sharing my love of firearms and shooting...not to argue. One thing is i will say the same thing in person i will say here. Im honest. Anybody that has met me i think will tell you im not an arrogant asshole even though i seem to be considered that on here. If defending my profession and personal integrity makes me an asshole then oh well. I am just a normal guy when you meet me.

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Vlad, while I am inclined to agree with you, a lot of very bad things in history were done in the name of "I'm just following orders" or "I'm just doing my job" or "I'm doing this to feed my family."


So I wouldn't really use that as a moral compass. 


We have a lot of prominent LEOs, particularly Sheriffs, coming out and saying they will not enforce new state and Federal gun laws. Even in NY some have come out against the SAFE act.


In NJ we have been hearing...crickets. 


I think that by itself is disturbing. This implies that any new laws will be enforced, and the excuses I mentioned above will be used. 


Some people wonder what will happen if new draconian laws are passed. I am not. I will tell you what will happen. The police will enforce them and say "we are just doing our jobs" or "I'm just following orders, don't blame me" or "You want my family to starve?"


Very well said.

It is easier to punish the group by locking threads, then reprimanding individual posters.


My Lord. Another leftist statement. Just like we as a group suffer because of individuals who go nuts and start shooting people, you think the whole group should be punished instead of individuals?? Just listen to yourself for a second and think about what you're saying. So because it's easier to punish a group instead of individuals, that makes it ok? Can you get anymore like our current administration???

Couldnt have said it better myself. If you haven't been in the situation, its easy to say this or that should have happened, but you haven't been in that situation, so be careful what you say.


Just b/c someone has never been in the same situation, doesn't mean you should stifle their 1st amendment liberty. I would never talk about what I would have done, b/c I've never been in that situation. So I think people that talk about what should've happened need to pause for a minute and think about what they're posting before they post? Absolutely. But regardless of what moronic statement may come out of their mouths, doesn't mean their liberty to speak freely should be suppressed. You can't pick and choose which amendment you support, whether it's in real life or on a forum.


My problem is the second guessing and the generalizations of ALL cops. Sorry i just cant keep quiet about it. I do take it personally because i have a great deal of respect for the job and the oath i took. Again...being a cop doesnt make me better than anybody. It makes me different. Dont judge if you dont know. yes there are asshole cops...but there are assholes in every walk of life. Its like anything else. I come on this forum because i like sharing my love of firearms and shooting...not to argue. One thing is i will say the same thing in person i will say here. Im honest. Anybody that has met me i think will tell you im not an arrogant asshole even though i seem to be considered that on here. If defending my profession and personal integrity makes me an asshole then oh well. I am just a normal guy when you meet me.


Personally speaking, I have never taken anything you've posted on here offensively. If it wasn't for your screen name, I would never know you were a LEO. I don't know if I've met you or not, but I have met some from this forum as some matches, and they are all A-ok in my book. The ones I've met I consider just another brother in the fight against tyranny. However, there are MANY leo's out there who are straight up a$$holes. ESPECIALLY the younger ones. Just go on youtube and search, police abuse, or cops out of control, police brutality or anything else along those lines. You will see many instances of police abusing their power and the civil liberties of individuals. I understand you guys deal with scum on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean you can violate their rights. Police abuse comes in many forms. From unconstitutional search and seizures, intimidation, beatings, lying, and much more. It really is a shame b/c I think at least half the cops in this country, abide by the oath they took when they became officers. But there is an increasing amount of leo's who forget that they are public servants, and work for us. Soon, I fear it will become the majority that act like they can get away with anything b/c they are able to "hide" behind a badge.


Blue, like I said earlier, I don't know if I've met you or not, but from what I do know about you I consider you one of the good ones. But I'm sure even you have seen your colleagues do some fu*ked up things that are illegal and immoral.'


I cannot condone behavior like this, and we all need to realize that things like this is a DAILY occurrence all across the country.

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We need more cops like this one. The good cop does the right thing, and she's facing reprimand. But that's the norm with todays police state.



I really do feel for all the good cops out there, because it's the bad ones that get all the attention....


Stay safe officers, and please remember your oath.

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Dude, I'm pretty sure he was saying the same thing as you. Anybody could read it differently than you because you read it wrong. He isn't a mod. He doesn't lock threads. He was saying what happened, not that he agreed. You were arguing a point with someone who wasn't arguing against you.

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