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What reliable media sources do you use?

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Some might feel that anyone that voted for Obama the candidate or Obama the POtuS is a dumb a$$. The writing was on the wall. We are all suckers.


The reason that Obama got a second term is that he is ushering forth a planned agenda and a majority of discouraged Americans finally realized that none of the chosen politicians, chosen by the established ruling class have any of our best interests at heart. So it might as well be the Czar-in-Chief, so we can see a little quicker what's in store for America, and to ensure without a shadow of doubt that this in fact the worst leadership this country has ever had. Destroy the economy and the dollar and any semblence of a Democratic Republic. Demonstate the corruption, greed, etc. Of these petty and pathetic leaders. Demoralize a godless people, domestic dogs to be fed, caged, neutured and led on a leash at will. Spend away the future and freedom, it doesn't even matter what you spend it on or what scandal as long as the current economy and government collapses. The people will be begging for any relief and willgo along with whatever when the shoe finally drops, and the statists are getting frustrated as their time-table is lagging behind. The question is how does a survivor adapt to this in post-USA?

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(in the following I'm using the generic "you", no referring to a specific person)


Do you guys ever get tired of hearing yourself preach? Because I'm not sure anyone really reads your run on paragraphs.


Constitutional Conservative ... sorry but that is a laugh. The US constitution was never REALLY followed, it is more of a guideline then a hard rule. I mean it s a fine document an everything but over the years it defenders have allowed slavery, exterminations of natives, abrogation of habeas corpus, foreign wars in the interest of business, internment of the Japaneses, and so on and so forth. Hell look at guns, how much did anyone really follow the constitution?


The more someone cloaks himself in the patriotic flag the more I am circumspect.


Lets look at the example in this thread, a question is asked about choices of media outlets and then you rip on people because they chose outlets you don't approve of?  You think everyone should be your clone? You think all wisdom is contained on Drudge? And from there we now are branding scarlet letters on people for exercising their right to chose a candidate you don't approve of? I guess you don't love the Constitution as much as you claim, because people are only allowed to choose the candidate you support.



On topic, read everything. Read the articles of people you agree with and those of people you disagree with. No man was born with ultimate knowledge. Its not as if you read the articles of the "other side" you will some how be corrupted or your mind washed into the beliefs of the other end of the political spectrum.


Are you afraid the other side has a point, or are you afraid that you are weak minded and about to be brain washed?

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Never tire, not when the media is hijacked by radicals and supports a largely rogue government. I just want to be left alone, mostly, to take care of my family, and these statists won't do it. Is this country perfect? No! But the Constitution puts forth principle and I would rather be moving toward more freedom than tyranny. The source of information one uses can have a brain-washing effect if you aren't being critical.

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I'd defended NPR in a previous post for their non-political shows like "Prairie Home Companion." I retract my defense. I listened to PHC last night. It was a rerun from shortly after the Senate rejected UBC. First, there was a Lefty and Dusty skit where the comical figure was a Texan who walks around with 400 lbs of weapons. OK, not so bad. Then, during the Lake Woebegone skit, Garrison Keiler went off on a tear about how the Senate is owned by gun manufacturers, how they're creating a spiral of fear that will end up with everyone owning assault weapons and school shootings occurring every month or two, and how so much that is wrong in this country is caused by states that shouldn't even be states, like SD. They're so sparsely populated that they should just be national parks. This led to wild applause from the audience in Austin, TX. This isn't the first time I've listened to a show and had one of these bombs dropped on me. I remember one show where the guest made some comment about the inherent stupidity Southerners before the civil war. Another one where some lib made the comment that Western frontiersmen hated women, animals, and Indians. This sort of stuff just goes unchallenged. I hate NPR. I'll add to my list of good news sources The Economist.

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Never tire, not when the media is hijacked by radicals and supports a largely rogue government. I just want to be left alone, mostly, to take care of my family, and these statists won't do it. Is this country perfect? No! But the Constitution puts forth principle and I would rather be moving toward more freedom than tyranny. The source of information one uses can have a brain-washing effect if you aren't being critical.


If you repeat something often enough and loud enough, people may take for granted that it is true without question. This can happen regardless of the party affiliation of those crafting the message. This is why I choose to get a big dump of headlines from both left and right leaning aggregators. It keeps you form getting one message repeated, and when you do see the same thing come up again and again, you can look at the sources and see where you are getting press releases repeated rather than news.


It works kind of like this: 



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If you repeat something often enough and loud enough, people may take for granted that it is true without question. This can happen regardless of the party affiliation of those crafting the message. This is why I choose to get a big dump of headlines from both left and right leaning aggregators. It keeps you form getting one message repeated, and when you do see the same thing come up again and again, you can look at the sources and see where you are getting press releases repeated rather than news.


It works kind of like this: 



Holy crap, that's exactly what happened after Sandy Hook. Do they all just plagiarize each other without a second thought?

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