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Father shoots daughter's laptop with his 1911 after and offensive Facebook rant

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Not sure that this is the way to educate your daughter...but nonetheless, I'm sure it got it's point across.




Even in this story it's funny to see the phrase, "exploding hollow point rounds" :sclerosis:


Here it is, with the incensed dad leading in by reading out the offending Facebook post and offering a few points in response before emptying his .45 – apparently loaded with "exploding hollow point rounds"* – into his daughter's machine.

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His daughter is a bigger one.


O'doyle rules! situation....


Why do you say that?


He got extemely butt hurt over his daughter using fowl language and complaining about her parents... Please show me a 15 year old who doesn't do either of those things. He hacked his daughters facebook (proving invasion of privacy if perfectly ok for an adult to do) then threw a hissy fit about what he found and put it all over the internet (wonderful example) all to make himself look like some kinda BA with a 45

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O'doyle rules! situation....




He got extemely butt hurt over his daughter using fowl language and complaining about her parents... Please show me a 15 year old who doesn't do either of those things. He hacked his daughters facebook (proving invasion of privacy if perfectly ok for an adult to do) then threw a hissy fit about what he found and put it all over the internet (wonderful example) all to make himself look like some kinda BA with a 45



We need more parents to step-up and do the exact same thing.

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to alienate and anger futher generations and perhaps let some deep inadequacy grab hold such as most likely the case with this misguided gentleman?


I personally cant wait to alienate my teenagers on facebook and show of my machoness and trendy cowboy hat all at the same moment.

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to alienate and anger futher generations and perhaps let some deep inadequacy grab hold such as most likely the case with this misguided gentleman?


I personally cant wait to alienate my teenagers on facebook and show of my machoness and trendy cowboy hat all at the same moment.



How would have you handled the situation?

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He hacked his daughters facebook (proving invasion of privacy if perfectly ok for an adult to do)


You bet your a**. Privacy is a privilege. Clearly his daughter already lost it before. My house. My rules. Parenthood isn't a Democracy. Ungrateful? I will show you all the things you once had that you should have been grateful for. Live up to your end of the bargain (go to school, pass your classes, stay out of trouble, and don't sass me and your mom too much) and you you get life on a silver platter (or whatever platter I can happen to afford).


That said,

It seems on its surface to be an immature use of a firearm. But, in hearing the nonsensical and roundly disrespectful way his daughter behaved, certainly destroying her laptop and displaying how whatever she has is at the behest of her parents is probably a valid punishment. I'm just not feeling the gun thing since I think it makes light of the power behind that .45 round and that it isn't something to play around with. If he had taken a hammer and a railroad spike to the computer...just as good.

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How would have you handled the situation?


It would of never hapened, becuase I wont violate my teenage childrens privacy unless I have extreme reason to believe they're doing something harmful to themselves or others... And god forbid, they happen to complain about me I think I just go insane with rage becuase I've completely forgotten what it was like to be a teenager



You bet your a**. Privacy is a privilege. Clearly his daughter already lost it before. My house. My rules. Parenthood isn't a Democracy. Ungrateful? I will show you all the things you once had that you should have been grateful for. Live up to your end of the bargain (go to school, pass your classes, stay out of trouble, and don't sass me and your mom too much) and you you get life on a silver platter (or whatever platter I can happen to afford).


That said,

It seems on its surface to be an immature use of a firearm. But, in hearing the nonsensical and roundly disrespectful way his daughter behaved, certainly destroying her laptop and displaying how whatever she has is at the behest of her parents is probably a valid punishment. I'm just not feeling the gun thing since I think it makes light of the power behind that .45 round and that it isn't something to play around with. If he had taken a hammer and a railroad spike to the computer...just as good.


I post the same question to you sir that I did to nascar in the other thread.. Did you never ever in the privacy of you and your own circle of friends complain about your parnets when you were 15? Becuase thats what happened here, nothing more nothing less. This guy created the problem by invading the privacy of daughter (BTW the though that privacy is a privelage blows my mind, you sir should apply for a goverment job). Then feeling his manhood crushed "OMG my 15 year old disobeyed me! she must think I'm not BA enough" Felt the need to show off his intense machoness to the world by acting like an immature butt hurt child with a deadly weapon.

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As in the other related thread, I'm disengaging from this one too. Further comments on my part will only get me into trouble. I'm a firm believer that we're a worse off society now then we were 20-30 years ago and much of that is due to parents not properly disciplining their kids. I'm leaving it at that. Have a great day all.

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I post the same question to you sir that I did to nascar in the other thread.. Did you never ever in the privacy of you and your own circle of friends complain about your parnets when you were 15? Becuase thats what happened here, nothing more nothing less. This guy created the problem by invading the privacy of daughter (BTW the though that privacy is a privelage blows my mind, you sir should apply for a goverment job). Then feeling his manhood crushed "OMG my 15 year old disobeyed me! she must think I'm not BA enough" Felt the need to show off his intense machoness to the world by acting like an immature butt hurt child with a deadly weapon.


Yes, of course. However, pretending that posting your immature ramblings on the internet is not the equivalent of hollering it in the public square is seriously myopic. Here is the deal, oh person who clearly isn't responsible for the life and safety of a child: The privacy of a child who is living in your home is a privilege that is given at the behest of responsible adults. As the child exhibits maturity, so further are they entitled to greater levels of privacy and self-reliance. Come see me in 10 or 15 years when you're a patriarch and have children of your own who you are responsible for. Their safety and their grasp on responsibility is in your hands.


Make no mistake. YOU are in charge. NOT your child. That is what it means to be a parent. Being a good parent is hard, and maybe the hardest part is knowing WHEN to relinquish control.


I'm not saying that this guy wasn't a schmuck for shooting his daughter's laptop. But, you can bet that she isn't going to use technology that she has access to because I provide that access if she's using it to disparage me, her mother, and any other authority figure in her life. She wants to talk trash, buy a f***ing computer.

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I know I said I'm done with this thread, but just had to pop in for another post. Damn, this thing must be going viral. It's now on MS-NBC.



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I think it makes us look bad personally... and im 99% sure thats how the media will portrey it


there are 2 separate issues here. One is a discussion on parenting and the privacy rights of teenagers. The other is a discussion about some f*ckknuckle who decided to shoot up his kid's laptop and put it on Facebook.

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As a mom who is active in the parenting media ..as in a few forums and a bunch of mom's groups on meetup.com and not to mention about 200 of my FB friends who are mothers..


The web is on fire with this video , and it has received an overwhelmingly positive reception from that crowd. I have seen a handful of negative remarks ( maybe 4 or 5 max) , mixed in with hundreds of positive remarks. On his personal page he received over 5,000 comments , the majority again decisively approving what he did. I was fully expecting moms freaking out over the gun..shocked to NOT see that.


Kids earn privacy and privileges . It is your job as a parent to check out what they are doing online for a great number of reasons. The internet is not your home neighborhood or your circle of family and friends. . So many safety implications , reason enough to tell your kids they can have a FB page , under your supervision. At least until age 17 or so. At some point along the timeline parents have evolved from being loving guardians and teachers of their kids to being maids , chefs , and best buddies. It shows in the vast majority of insolent preteens. I can tell more than a handful of stories of shockingly rude behavior by ten year olds that you never would have seen 20 years ago unless there was something obviously wrong with the kid.. It's an epidemic and a ridiculous sense of entitlement . Everybody gets a trophy ! Yeah !


I also know a lot of kids that are pleasant to be around and can have an impressive conversation with you , the kind you are glad to have visit your home and play with your kids. In my experience , invariably, the parents are old fashioned..as in , they discipline their kids right along with nurturing them. Kids HAVE friends..their parents need to be parents!


And yeah , I talked that way about my parents when I was a furious teen..to my circle of friends. I didn't make it a school or neighborhood bulletin saying "hey my parents suck ! I won't wipe their a$$ when they are old" Social Network puts everything out there in public , and changes the rules.


BTW , the way he caught her is epic..it has been misreported in the news. He signed on as the family dog ( who had a for fun account ) because he wanted to kid around and pretend the dog was posting on his daughters page ( sounds like an ogre of a dad right??) . Well , she forgot to block Rover from the post about her parents. FAIL!!!

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As a mom who is active in the parenting media ..as in a few forums and a bunch of mom's groups on meetup.com and not to mention about 200 of my FB friends who are mothers..


The web is on fire with this video , and it has received an overwhelmingly positive reception from that crowd. I have seen a handful of negative remarks ( maybe 4 or 5 max) , mixed in with hundreds of positive remarks. On his personal page he received over 5,000 comments , the majority again decisively approving what he did. I was fully expecting moms freaking out over the gun..shocked to NOT see that.


well, ... shows what I know :blush:

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My dad would have just shot the laptop then gone right back to ignoring me. No explanation. Of course, when I was a kid, there was no internet or computers or cell phones. Just animals to feed, fields to disc, grass to mow. I got orders that were ignored at my own physical well being. I wish I had had a father that even gave a **** enough to give an explanation for any of his anger at me. I did my level best just to avoid him, otherwise he'd figure out something to blame on me.


Hurray for this guy. Hannah sounds like a useless 15yo brat from the Me Me Me generation. Eff her.

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I cant help but laugh....invading your child's privacy is your job as a parent.... There are boundaries of course, but u have to be retarded if you think it is wrong for a parent to check on their kids facebook account.... that sir is called good parenting. I work in a school, i cant tell you how many kids get in trouble for the stupid **** they say on facebook. A girl was just arrested for making jokes about threats against the school.... Im guessing her parent wish they kept a lid on her account, but oh too late.


If you think a child/kid should have all there privacy, then they should move out and make there own living, and hold them selves accountable for their own life.... kids want to pull the privacy card all the time until they get in trouble and expect the parents they disrespect to bail them out... what a joke.

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Hurray for this guy. Hannah sounds like a useless 15yo brat from the Me Me Me generation. Eff her.

I agree with you assessment of the daughter. She just got to big of an ego and dad helped to deflate it a little. Well a lot actually, but what ever.


If I had done this I'da got beat like a $2 hooker. Same with my friends. But you know why we didn't? BECAUSE WE WERE RAISED TO BE RESPECTFUL! I didn't get any real privacy until I was at least 15, and I didn't go abusing that privilege by posting on some social networking site about how horrible and evil my parents are. Hell I had it pretty easy.


I like how he handled the situation. His daughter disrespected him on a public forum (facebook), and he did the exact same thing. Eye for an eye. The only thing I didn't like was when he said exploding .45 caliber rounds. I cringed at that.

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As a dad of 2 young ones (5 and 4), and the son of parents that were very old fashioned and strict when I was a kid... I totally agree with some of the posts supporting the dad that shot the laptop! Good for him and eff that b*tch of a daughter that he has. I feel bad that he has to put up with such an ungreatful child. I see a lot of "parents" that just are total failures at being PARENTS and disciplining their children as required. I'm not saying that people need to beat their children or anything, but discipline and parenting is crucial for kids to grow up to be respectful and responsible human beings.

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I like how he handled the situation. His daughter disrespected him on a public forum (facebook), and he did the exact same thing. Eye for an eye. The only thing I didn't like was when he said exploding .45 caliber rounds. I cringed at that.


I'm working on the assumption that he meant to say expanding, but yeah, I winced there too.


As far as checking up on your kids online:


I agree, it is something that you should do, however, it isn't always practical. My parents didn't grow up with computers, they barely know what button to hit to play solitare and get on the internet, so when I was very young, 6-7 when we first got internet to 11 or 12, they would check on what I was doing. However, once I hit about 12 or so, I realized that they had no idea how computers worked and could quite easily make it so they couldn't monitor what I was doing any more. Fortunately I had common sense and didn't get into anything too stupid.

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People are too sensitive today. I call it the pussification of America. You can't spank your kid. You can't yell at them. You can't shoot their computer and post it online. I mean, what can you do to discipline your children? There is a reason there is a disproportionately large lack of respect from Americans and young Americans these days.

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