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Obama intruding on the NFL now?

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I just read this article. Don't know if its real or not. I really hope it not cause this will be a whole new low...



If this has already been posted please just merge the thread. I looked and didn't see anything. Sorry.

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^^^ Seriously, the President is not saying he's going to institute any type of change, but noting the inherent dangers of playing football.


That's what all the people who voted for him said about firearms. Not saying that he'll enact some sort of executive order on Football of all things, but imagine if, God forbid, somebody dies on the field or becomes quadriplegic as a result of injuries sustained? Then the masses can say "Save us from ourselves, Obama!" and he can hold a press conference and start up a health /safety task force to determine how we can make it so that the game is more like touch football.

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Thak god!! He fixed the economy, is in the process of making America safer, so it only makes sense he fixes Football too. I believe he made the statement that if he had a son he would'nt allow him to play Football, but would allow him to dress up in his sisters clothes. Also the 2014 Super Bowl is cancelled. Playoff winners will recieve participant trophy's only.

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That's what all the people who voted for him said about firearms. Not saying that he'll enact some sort of executive order on Football of all things, but imagine if, God forbid, somebody dies on the field or becomes quadriplegic as a result of injuries sustained? Then the masses can say "Save us from ourselves, Obama!" and he can hold a press conference and start up a health /safety task force to determine how we can make it so that the game is more like touch football.

You seem like an intelligent person who reads, so, you've probably been keeping with the deluge of information/news surrounding the short/long term effects of severe and micro concussions; and its relations to football and recent events. The President was more/less commentating on this aspect, and not the heteronormative aspects of society. Nor was the President reasoning or attempting to start a social trend for parents to pull their children out of contact sports. He was asked a question, and, as a parent, he answered. Beyond that, anything taken from the interview that would be nefarious would require some tinfoil.

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This isn't about caring for the children and wanting a safer sport. The Statist is attempting to be choreographed as a caring, thoughtful, feeling human being and parent... still keeping those kids in the background? Huh, Barack, as he continues to move on gun control.


This is a PR stunt and pathetic. I wonder if he'd let his kids grow up to be his safety squad? Or, let them grow up in Mexico with all of those furious guns down there and an unarmed populace? The Czar-in-Chief sure knows how to shovel $hit, or I guess I should say put that lipstick on.

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The president didn't say anything about making changes to football. He gave his opinion as a parent. I'm not a parent but frankly I agree with him. Given the evidence that has been uncovered to this point one would have to be a moron to let a child play football and not realize there is a good chance it will have an effect on the child's brain later in life.

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Yes, he wants you to sympathize, identify and agree with him. I feel the same way about the inherent dangers in sports... baseball to the heart, etc, but shouldn't he be focused on the debt and jobs? This is all choreographed, and aimed at keeping him in the spotlight.

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So what you're saying is that when a reporter asks him a question during an interview that isn't about the debt he should refuse to answer that question and ask for a question on the debt? Or should he take questions on 2a issues as well? That is a ridiculous attitude and one no conservative politician would ever take. These guys (left and right) will answer just about any question to see their own name in print.

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That would be all well and good except that he has a fawning media around him. There is so much control around him with the media that that question was probably setup ahead of time. More than ANY other president by far, he chooses when the media is around him. If you want to give this ideologue and demigod the benefit of the doubt then have at it. He does things for two reasons... one, he has idiotic moments, 57 ring a bell, or two, because he is scheming to bring forth his agenda.


He has every reason under the sun right now to come across as human and reasonable. And, reasonable would be a concerned parent. And, yes, it always comes back to politics because these disingenuous people want to enact more control over the people.


Where has he been on the culture of violence with movies, with the Occupy Movement, with Benghazi, with the Islamic Doctor Murderer, etc.. This is all playing out now because he wants to frame the "debate" on violence and gun control. Hello?

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Obama opining about football is as stupid as Costas opining on gun control....


Seriously, he probably doesn't know the first thing about football.

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And I thought I was paranoid. Practically everything any politician does is scripted unless the pol is a half wit like GWB or Biden. It's hard to contain people like that from idiotic outbursts. But his motive for answering (or having the question asked for that matter) doesn't change what he said, nor does it make it any more or less factual. He didn't say jack about trying to pressure the NFL to change. Nor did he say anything that, as a parent, doesn't make sense. Mounting evidence suggests playing football the way it is played today isn't good for the noggin.

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And I thought I was paranoid. Practically everything any politician does is scripted unless the pol is a half wit like GWB or Biden. It's hard to contain people like that from idiotic outbursts. But his motive for answering (or having the question asked for that matter) doesn't change what he said, nor does it make it any more or less factual. He didn't say jack about trying to pressure the NFL to change. Nor did he say anything that, as a parent, doesn't make sense. Mounting evidence suggests playing football the way it is played today isn't good for the noggin.


most football players don't have much upstairs to hurt anyway, as proven by interviews..

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In order for someone to have paranoia they have to have an extreme and irrational fear of something. My analysis of him and his policies and actions is based on the actions he takes and the things he does. This has nothing to do with the "reasonable" approach to football, which you and he and I might share, perhaps at a beer summit, but I am calling him out as the consummate politician shamelessly plugging his agenda, and its crafted perception stirred in the sheeple. Really just bringing to your attention that there is more than meets the eye with this.

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Well, Obama is entitled to his opinion. If the violence of football bothers him that much though, then perhaps he should spend more time watching baseball given the difference between the two sports. What differences you say? Well I think a Mr. George Carlin summed it up succinctly here...


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I hate football, it's stupid and boring.


I'd sooner have Obama issue an EO declaring all football players must wear tu-tus, hug each other, share the ball, and every game ends with both teams winning and learning the values of comradarie than for him to do anything anti-gun related.


Well, little late for that last part, but you get the idea.

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Changes have been happening to football over there years, this is nothing new...think about how many former players have sued the league because they weren't warned about the possibilities of long term effects from several concussions they suffered in their careers...think about how it started out with a leather helmet and now we have these very high tech helmets with different face masks...think about rule changes over the years like prohibiting the head to head collisions...

It's nothing new that the league wants to make these changes to protect the players (and to protect themselves from getting sued) because it is a contact sport and there are dangers involved. The President sees those dangers and that's what he's talking about. Maybe yes he has some sort of agenda on children's safety in sports or he's trying to tug at the hearts of parents, either way, he's not making things up, he's stating that there are dangers in the sport and that if he had a son he might not like the idea of his son playing football. I think reading more into it is kind of crazy...

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He really has a habit of sticking his nose where he shouldn't. Right after he entered office in 08', he promptly goes to the EU conference and tells them why they should admit Turkey into the EU. Yes, great idea. Admit a country who's government is well known for being run by Islamic fundamentalists...2 weeks after you get a elected.


I can't believe this guy got elected for a 2nd term.

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