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Everything posted by 10X

  1. I can't post the image here, and I'm not going to waste time setting up an image storage account elsewhere just so I can link to it here...so I'll just direct you all to this page: http://www.trapshooters.com/threads/batfe-facebook-page.260472/ The BATFE set up a Facebook page to "help the public understand when an FFL is required" A BATFE employee monitored the site, ready to answer questions. The employee was none too pleased to see the following question pop up: "Say I am a federal agency, and I sell a bunch of guns to Mexican cartels. Do I need a federal firearms license?"
  2. A perfect target. 10 shots, all in the X-ring, for a score of 100-10X
  3. That much Tylenol, on top of the alcohol that caused the hangover in the first place, is going to be extremely hard on your liver. I'm also not a fan of nitric oxide as an elective drug.
  4. Sand bags probably are the best option under the circumstances. The Ransom Rest is the gold standard, outside of purpose-built machine rests used at some factories, but they are fussy to get working right, and do need model-specific inserts. It's worth the effort if doing load development for a high-dollar target gun; otherwise not so much. Even off of sandbags, you'll need to practice a bit to get really consistent, and once you've got the technique down, shoot multiple groups before deciding what ammo groups best. If you do much of this, MTM makes a handy rest for about $20: http://www.mtmcase-gard.com/products/shooting/shooting-rests-pr.html
  5. Garden State, as already mentioned, and depending on where you live, Davis Sport Shop might be convenient even though it's just across the line in NY. http://davissport.com A little further away, but very well stocked is T&T reloading outside of Easton, PA. https://www.tntreloading.com Combine that trip with Heritage Guild and Sarco visits.
  6. This is a bit of a two-edged sword. While perusing such a database would surely make clear how restricted and elitist the current CCW system is, I strongly believe that such data should NEVER be available to the public. Numbers, yes, names, absolutely not.
  7. The youngsters here may not remember NJ's most infamous attempt at protecting us from ourselves. In 1992, NJ banned all commercial food service establishments from serving eggs that weren't hard cooked. Soft boiled, over easy, sunny side up, scrambled but still runny, eggs benedict, and anything containing raw eggs; hollandaise sauce, Caesar salad dressing--all illegal, and punishable by fines. This because, nationwide, about two people per year were killed by salmonella. http://articles.philly.com/1992-01-14/news/26034383_1_caesar-salads-eggs-new-jersey-health-department The ban didn't last long; late night comics had a field day, the national press covered the story extensively, and the residents of 49 other states all collectively pointed at NJ and laughed. The state quietly backed down. But remember the next time you read about some pending piece of nanny-state legislation and ask yourself 'how stupid are NJ government officials?' The answer is: 'pretty stupid'.
  8. Thanks. I was afraid that joke was too agrarian to work in NJ.
  9. "See something, say something" Isn't that what got Edward Snowden in so much trouble?
  10. NY Times here: we see 13 fully automatic Glocks and an AK47, and we renew our call to get these weapons of war out of civilian hands. :-)
  11. It would look good on whatever Sweeney drives.
  12. Much as I'd like to see permits approved, the Executive branch isn't supposed to be 'instructing' the Judicial branch on anything. Where we do see evidence of this happening, it generally ends badly for the citizenry. That's why there is supposed to be a separation of powers.
  13. If the NJSP gives out that list on request, we've got much bigger problems than just the lack of forum members.
  14. Then he left a fine legacy...which I'm sure goes much deeper than the store Sorry for your loss.
  15. Liquid plumber type drain cleaners aren't acid based.
  16. 10X


    I heard that Sweeney and Weinberg were going to push for a ban on anything above .16 cal, since there is no legitimate purpose for anything bigger. :-/
  17. Although, to be fair, Bin Laden wasn't in an apartment down the street from where the attack took place.
  18. The NJ.com headline reads: N.J. mall drops fee for Santa visit after customer backlash, report says It didn't take the free market long at all to crush this bad idea.
  19. Let the free market deal with it. If it drives enough traffic to stores with free Santas we won't see it next year.
  20. You are really close to the state association's cherry ridge range. Outdoor ranges to 300 yards.
  21. I received my ANJRPC News and Briefs monthly magazine today. It was their get-out-the-vote issue, with a handful of articles urging members to get to the polls, and candidate ratings for everyone running for assembly. Maybe it was just bad luck that I got my copy on Wednesday Nov 4, and I didn't need the reminder and the ratings anyway...but if this was a widespread problem, perhaps next time the State Association might want to consider sending out their pre-election issue...before the election?
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