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Father shoots daughter's laptop with his 1911 after and offensive Facebook rant

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People are too sensitive today. I call it the pussification of America. You can't spank your kid. You can't yell at them. You can't shoot their computer and post it online. I mean, what can you do to discipline your children? There is a reason there is a disproportionately large lack of respect from Americans and young Americans these days.



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While kids will be kids and not like we were all perfectly behaved growing up and thought everything through before we did something thinking about the repercussions, something like this is what can happen in todays world of social media.


My issue is the active parenting, or lack of it that lets a child to think this is acceptable behavior in the first place, regardless of who was supposed to see it or not. I think there was a breakdown on both sides as I see it.

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While kids will be kids and not like we were all perfectly behaved growing up and thought everything through before we did something thinking about the repercussions, something like this is what can happen in todays world of social media.


My issue is the active parenting, or lack of it that lets a child to think this is acceptable behavior in the first place, regardless of who was supposed to see it or not. I think there was a breakdown on both sides as I see it.


Harry, that guy is an idiot.. He makes us all look bad as parents and gun owners...

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Harry, that guy is an idiot.. He makes us all look bad as parents and gun owners...


I can go either way with that when standing on the outside looking in but think the big FAIL started long before she or he posted anything. Do I think he went over the top, sure, It could have been handled a lot differently, most defiantly. Did it get the point across, I sure hope so, because I don't want to see the sequal..


Also, yes I do agree, it does not shed a positive light on gun owners..

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If this is legit, I think she deserved it. After hearing her rant about the chores she has to do, I'm reminded of something my mother used to say to me when I complained about doing my chores..."If you did your chores instead of complaining about it, you'd be done by now". It probably took her longer to type her rant than the five minutes it would take her to do the chores.


Posted using my iPhone

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If I had done this I'da got beat like a $2 hooker. Same with my friends. But you know why we didn't? BECAUSE WE WERE RAISED TO BE RESPECTFUL!


Which goes to the heart of the matter. This gentleman FAILED TO RAISE HIS DAUGHTER as a respectful, behaved, reasonable young person. The issue is with him. The 15 year-old minor is merely a product of education, values, positive example, and role model behavior which her father has put in her to date. And before someone begins bringing up "kids these days", TV, internet, librul media, peer influence at school etc etc, I'll just re-iterate -- yes, it's still HIS fault more than any of theirs.


"Disciplining" kids is EASY. Smashing their stuff or taking it away is easy. Ditto imposing curfews and time-outs. Taking hardline is the easiest way of all parenting options, because it doesn't require much thought, or patience, and is always reactive. Making your kids damn LISTEN to you so that you don't have to "discipline" them to begin with is much harder. Instilling into them a model of behavior that won't compel them to post trash on Facebook is harder still.


If you want to reinforce positive behavior, praise the kid in public. If you want to stop negative behavior, shame them in private. This guy did the opposite, only ensuring that he further distances himself from his daughter, and entrenching her in thinking that he's a "jerk". In other words, he'll get only less respect out of this, not more. More fear, but not more respect. The only "lesson" that this kid will take out of this, and will project it on others through her lifetime, is that when you lose and argument and lose your temper, to make your final point you should pull out your gun.

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Brilliant marketing ...... he's painting a full picture....


Like I said j don't believe it is genuine ....funny as hell though


If you read Tommy Jordan's timeline, I think you'll change your opinion. He's stated he doesn't want to go on talkshows, doesn't want to do mini series, doesn't want a reality show. He's not interested, it would send the wrong message to his kid. If that's not ethics, I don't know what is. Personally, I get an opportunity to be on the world stage like that, hoo boy, I'm going to capitalize on it like you won't believe.

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Maybe a book deal? A line of fragrances? A private-label line of cowboy hats? An appearance and/or endorsement of one of the GOP primaries candidates? There are many ways to monetize this sudden fame! :D


Exploding tommy bullets.. No computer has a chance...

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Can we call the video viral yet???




Ill bet you a hotdog, or several, you will see. One of two things...


One its not real


Two all his timeline comments vanish once there is a chance at money....


Something is fishy about the whole thing..


He was so angry with his daughter, he was having trouble speaking. He may have a stutter of course, but a couple points in there were very hard to fake.


I'm all in. I have a very refined bs detector, and this didn't set it off. His post viral behavior also didn't set it off either.

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Which goes to the heart of the matter. This gentleman FAILED TO RAISE HIS DAUGHTER as a respectful, behaved, reasonable young person.


You know this HOW? Spent time in the house with them? Do you really really believe that when hormones are raging in teenage bodies that children CHILDREN think logically???? Wow - yeah, that explains all the teenage drug use and pregnancy and drinking and... Certainly parenting has something to do with it but regardless, there are people that raise two children exactly the same, one grows up to be a respectful adult and the other to be a blight on society. Shall we blame the parents for that as well? We applaud their success with the one child but beat the shyt out of them on the internet for the other... Oh yeah, I'm sure it's all the parent's fault. :rolleyes:

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dgt0770: I did not have a privilege (so to say) to spend any time at Mr. Jordan's house, but he conveniently and voluntarily opened a window into his household's inner workings for us by utilizing the combined power of Facebook and the internets. And if we were to use your argument to the fullest, and extend it upon his daughter, how do YOU know then that she's a spoiled, disrespectful, ungrateful brat? Spent any time with her? I am sure not; yet, you don't seem to have any problems making certain assumptions.


And yes, as outlandish as it may seem, I do find the fault primarily with the parent and their failure to instill the proper "values", as folks say, into his kid. Think of it. If it's "hormones", as you say, then things are clearly out of the kids control -- she's driven not by her mores or values or behavior models, but by hormones. It's natural, pre-destined, and there is nothing she can do about it, right? This should clearly absolve her from any fault, and make her father's response all the more senseless, futile, and as illogical as trying to "punish" the wind or a rainfall. Is that the line of thinking we should follow.


I don't think so. By 15 years of age -- or much earlier, actually -- a young person's moral core should already be shaped. Yes, of course there is a possibility of puberty period outbursts, yes, of course there are numerous opportunities for complications (a foster kid out of a complicated environment, mental health issues etc). But above and outside of that, I believe that the parents are the single biggest influence.

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dgt0770: I did not have a privilege (so to say) to spend any time at Mr. Jordan's house, but he conveniently and voluntarily opened a window into his household's inner workings for us by utilizing the combined power of Facebook and the internets. And if we were to use your argument to the fullest, and extend it upon his daughter, how do YOU know then that she's a spoiled, disrespectful, ungrateful brat? Spent any time with her? I am sure not; yet, you don't seem to have any problems making certain assumptions.


And yes, as outlandish as it may seem, I do find the fault primarily with the parent and their failure to instill the proper "values", as folks say, into his kid. Think of it. If it's "hormones", as you say, then things are clearly out of the kids control -- she's driven not by her mores or values or behavior models, but by hormones. It's natural, pre-destined, and there is nothing she can do about it, right? This should clearly absolve her from any fault, and make her father's response all the more senseless, futile, and as illogical as trying to "punish" the wind or a rainfall. Is that the line of thinking we should follow.


I don't think so. By 15 years of age -- or much earlier, actually -- a young person's moral core should already be shaped. Yes, of course there is a possibility of puberty period outbursts, yes, of course there are numerous opportunities for complications (a foster kid out of a complicated environment, mental health issues etc). But above and outside of that, I believe that the parents are the single biggest influence.

If you have ever read up on the development of a teenagers brain/mind... you would know that they are 3x more emotional then a fully developed adult. The part of the brain responsible for emotion is much more active and thus much less controllable. There is no way to prevent this from happening, your kid will make emotional driven choices. The primary difference is that good parents usually have taught there kids to talk them during these hard times, instead of alienating them as if they have full control over there behavior. You can always teach your kid right from wrong, but you cannot teach them how to cope with emotional differences, you can only help and guide them when the time comes. I would gather that most kids know when they are wrong, but emotions get the better of them.

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So because some of you were a victims of bad parenting means its perfectly acceptable to pass it on?


"I got my a** beat, she is lucky. How dare she complain about her parents while going through a rebellious stage that every single teenager of the last 200 years has gone through as well."


But the fact that EVERYONE has done something similar put aside, and admitting sure it was disrespectful and I would be angry if I were her dad.. CONTROL YOUR ANGER. I'm sorry but going back and disrespecting her like this is a huge parenting fail. It's debatable which one is more immature, him or his daughter. I watch the video and all I see is a big baby whining. How can you expect respect when you stomp your feet and throw a fit as well? Parents set examples for kids. It's no wonder she sees fit to make a big scene when someone makes her mad. Whether the video is real or not I don't care, everyones agreeance with his temper tantrum is disturbing.

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I believe every person at any given moment in time has a limt. Whether it is with their patience, or understanding, or whatever. I believe that teenage rebellion can range from benign to crimminal in behavior. None of us knows in advance what we will confront as parents.


Can anyone truthfully say that before they became parents they knew what their children would be like? That they knew the specific hardships they would have to deal with as parents?


You can theorize, debate and read endlessly... but it all boils down to experiencing it for yourself. Some of the countless judgements you have to make as parents may be under great stress and are far from easy. Some problems have no right or wrong answer. Life in general doesn't really prepare a person for parenting... it's something that you just have to do the best you can at.


Based on what I've said so far, it seems as parents ourselves, we should give another parent the benefit of the doubt as to their methods of raising their children. (As long as it is not crimminal in nature.) Some of us, if it had been our daughter, may have reached their limit well before he did and some of us way after... but that's an individual thing. You can't fault someone because they don't have your values or limits.

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