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Interesting Approach to Rally Gun Control - WTHeck?

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Here it is day 1 of 2013 and I get a knock at my door at a quarter past noon about two seconds after coming in from a WaWa run. I turn around and reopen the door to be greeted by a young lady who introduces herself and proceeds to ask if she can have 15 minutes of my time to "inform me about the threat of our nationwide problem of private gun ownership." I thought you've got to be friggin' kidding me, and this is not something a Rowan student should be going door to door about anywhere! However, I also needed to hear this and all I can say is that her information was nothing more than assemblage of mis-information, and when she was through her speech these were my questions and her answers:


1. Can you tell me what the law requires for private firearm ownership in NJ? Response: No.


2. Do you personally know an owner of firearms? Response: Well, not really. My grandfathers were in the military but they're gone, but I think they had guns.


3. Have you ever handled and/or discharged a firearm under supervision? Response: No.


4. Have you ever had any awareness or introductory firearms training or instruction? Response: No.


5. Given your responses, how do you feel yourself qualified to discuss this "threat" and "problem"? Response: "Because we live in a society where we no longer need guns. The Old West is gone, and only the police and military should be armed. We need change now."


My closing remarks to the young Rowan student went like this, "Respectfully, I find you to be highly unqualified and biased by mass ignorance and hysteria fueled by a most tragic event. Perhaps if you took a moment to assess your audience like any good speaker should instead of reciting your rehearsed lecture you would have noticed the lapel pins on my jacket collar - one is an NRA Life Member insignia and the other clearly states NRA Instructor. You, yourself, admitted to not only being unfamiliar with firearms, but also admitted you do not know your own State laws concerning gun ownership yet have shown up on my doorstep to discuss your bias regarding private firearm ownership. I cannot fathom anyone LESS qualified than you, and those like yourself, which include a myriad of politicians, are a plague. Attacking legal, responsible private ownership of firearms will not deter crime or stop tragic events like Connecticut, and you should really examine the statistics available on countries in the EU and Australia that demonstrate this. Please leave my home and I encourage you to fully inform yourself before trying to exert your opinion on others." She left wide-eyed and not having a clue what to say...


FYI - this is Gloucester County

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My Mom and Dad are both for the ban. They think the guns were fully auto.

I should add that both of them carried back in the 60-70's when NY was a free state.

I had to explain that they are no more powerful then my dads old hunting rifles.Or the weapons he used back in Korea in 52-53.

They got it but I dont think I won them over.

This is going to be a tough fight.

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you were much nicer than i would have been. although i probably would have answered the door gun in hand, as i usually do when i get and unexpected knock. i doubt she would have like that very much. im glad you put her in her place and hopefully she learned something.

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NJCK, what an excellent way to turn the situation back around on her. I think though that you should have grabbed a clipboard and followed her around knocking on the very same doors she knocked on and truly informing the people she was attempting to mis-inform...

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There was a time when young people developed real grass-roots movements to oppose policies they were genuinely knowledgeable about. They were informed and able to defend their positions and attack their opponent's position with facts and logic. These days political causes are directed from centralized top-down structures, and the young adults recruited might had a vague idea of what they are supporting or opposing, but no real knowledge.


NJCK, I'm glad you kicked her ass and in the most effective way. I don't know that I could do such an expert job as you did. You showed her the errors and gaps in her understanding, and if she is worth anything, she will re-examine her views as she educates herself. One like her, turned to questioning her own assumptions, is worth a lot.

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Time to add one more sign on my front door. Right next to the No Soliciting and Camera Surveillance sign. Picture of a Shotgun that says, "We don't answer stupid questions from stupid people!"



Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

Typos courtesy Apple...

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You missed the really pertinent question: who is paying you to go door to door.


You also should have offered to drop her off in the middle of Camden after dark if she was so certain we live in a society where we don't need guns.

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There was a time when young people developed real grass-roots movements to oppose policies they were genuinely knowledgeable about. They were informed and able to defend their positions and attack their opponent's position with facts and logic. These days political causes are directed from centralized top-down structures, and the young adults recruited might had a vague idea of what they are supporting or opposing, but no real knowledge.




And think of the age group that this Rowan student is part of? Do you really think they'll fight for 'liberty' and 'rights' and 'freedom'? Highly doubtful.....they've been indoctrinated that the State 'grants' rights, the State doesn't 'recognize' rights.....

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My guess she is NJPIRG funded, through student fees, or some leftist organization on the campus that gets funding from outside sources AND student fees. PIRG is a mixed bag of leftist causes du jour, depending on what the Big Leftists in the Ivory Tower want to push. Then they hire the silly girls or limp wristed boys that want to impress the silly girls, to go out and do this stuff. They don't know what it is they are going on about, they are pretty much Freshmen and Sophomores, impressionable and easily controlled by the sinister forces of Soros and the Left/Liberal combine at all state universities. they get a few bucks, maybe even class credit--that happens a LOT--for some aging boomer faculty member who drives a prius and has an Obama poster in his/her cluttered office they share with two other people.




And think of the age group that this Rowan student is part of? Do you really think they'll fight for 'liberty' and 'rights' and 'freedom'? Highly doubtful.....they've been indoctrinated that the State 'grants' rights, the State doesn't 'recognize' rights.....

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She could've just been taking a class on surveying and picked that because it's the hot topic right now. When I was in college I took a surveying course and we had to come up with a topic and go around surveying people. I forget what I even picked though. Just a thought though.

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