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troubling votes in the assembly

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Now that the legislature has posted how the assembly voted on the 20+ anti freedom bills, I have noticed that my reps voted no on the majority but yes on the following which is troubling. It says to me that if the R's are behind these bills, these are the most likely bills to pass:


So here's the list of what my R reps voted yes on:


A588 - Ammunition, penetrate body armor-proh.

A1683 - Firearms ammunition purch.-concerns

A3687 - Firearm id card-disqual. Terrorist List (only one of my two R reps voted yes, the other voted no initially and then didn't vote on the final)

A3717 - NICS-submit cert. mental health records

A3788 - Firearms records-abolish right of access (I agree with this vote)

AR143 - Gun buyback prog.-express support


I will be personally contacting them - and may send an email today already to try to reach out to them and explain why these are a bad idea.


In the meantime I will be turning the heat up on my senator and focusing on why these particular bills are exceptionally bad or why they need modification.


By going to this link - http://www.njleg.sta...bers/roster.asp selecting your rep and using your browser search feature to search for 'weapon' you will be brought to the section where you can see how your assembly reps voted as well.

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I just checked my reps, Brown and Rudder in district 8. Both are Republicans. Brown was "yes" for everything I checked and Rudder was a close second. For the most part they it seems they don't care about our rights, so I sent e mails to both regarding their votes and where I will stand when they try to get back in office. Remember all the ones who voted to pass these bills and get them out of office next time around. Hopefully it will not be too late for us.

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I emailed them before the vote, and to express my disappointment afterward. Haven't heard a peep out of either.

I remember when Rudder was on Medford Council...he was unimpressive then, too.

Both of 'em need to go.

I just checked my reps, Brown and Rudder in district 8. Both are Republicans. Brown was "yes" for everything I checked and Rudder was a close second. For the most part they it seems they don't care about our rights, so I sent e mails to both regarding their votes and where I will stand when they try to get back in office. Remember all the ones who voted to pass these bills and get them out of office next time around. Hopefully it will not be too late for us.

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I'm not quite to the point of voting them out - rather I would like to approach them with the opportunity to voice my opinion and my version of the facts and try to educate them...


Once they reject that olive branch, THEN it will be VTBO (vote the bums out).

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I'm also disappointed that NJ2AS and ANJRPC have not yet advanced an onslaught to the senate R's based on discrediting five of these bills. It seems to me that these 5 (crappy) bills will end up having 'bipartisan support' (ie we're all gonna be BOHICA)

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I guess they are unaware that AP ammo was banned back a long time ago and has bit been brough into the country since

1968 if I remember correctly. So my question is what do they consider armor piercing? Since a .22lr round fired from a rifle

can pierce most common BP vests if the impact avoids the shock plate is that now considered armor piercing?

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this may not be the place for this......but mental health records..........what if one has no mental health records? as in they've only ever been to a physcian, or in the hospital for surgury?


Then one is given a proceed, providing everything else is ok. The cast majority of people have no.mental health records.

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Guys...the best way to contact these people is by phone. The staffer will take your message and number. If they don't call back, call again. And again. And again.


If you can't spend the time making calls then send a pen and ink letter.


They are trying to take somethign away from you. If I walked into your house to take your 15 round magazines away, you'd fight back, right? And you'd fight hard.


Well, they are trying to take something away. Fight back.

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Apparently A588 was revised to only address one specific round which is ALREADY BANNED federally. :facepalm:

You know what, let them pass the ones that don't affect us any. That way they can say to the sheeple they did something to protect our children without doing any real harm to our rights. Nonsense I know, but the perception is all that matters to most of them anyway.

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You know what, let them pass the ones that don't affect us any. That way they can say to the sheeple they did something to protect our children without doing any real harm to our rights. Nonsense I know, but the perception is all that matters to most of them anyway.


I understand your point. My point is the law is already onerous and ridiculously voluminous. Adding to it when it's already prohibited federally...


By my account, they should take all the laws and throw them in the fireplace and start over.

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You know what, let them pass the ones that don't affect us any. That way they can say to the sheeple they did something to protect our children without doing any real harm to our rights. Nonsense I know, but the perception is all that matters to most of them anyway.


bad idea. that gives em an inch. they'll take 10 miles next

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Now that the legislature has posted how the assembly voted on the 20+ anti freedom bills, I have noticed that my reps voted no on the majority but yes on the following which is troubling. It says to me that if the R's are behind these bills, these are the most likely bills to pass:


So here's the list of what my R reps voted yes on:


A588 - Ammunition, penetrate body armor-proh.

A1683 - Firearms ammunition purch.-concerns

A3687 - Firearm id card-disqual. Terrorist List (only one of my two R reps voted yes, the other voted no initially and then didn't vote on the final)

A3717 - NICS-submit cert. mental health records

A3788 - Firearms records-abolish right of access (I agree with this vote)

AR143 - Gun buyback prog.-express support


I will be personally contacting them - and may send an email today already to try to reach out to them and explain why these are a bad idea.


In the meantime I will be turning the heat up on my senator and focusing on why these particular bills are exceptionally bad or why they need modification.


By going to this link - http://www.njleg.sta...bers/roster.asp selecting your rep and using your browser search feature to search for 'weapon' you will be brought to the section where you can see how your assembly reps voted as well.



I think they were well intentioned but misinformed. Here's my assesment form a purely pragmatic position, and you may want to consider your position on these particular bills when contacting your senator for round 2. Remember, if the senate amends them, they have to go back to the assembly. PErsonally, I can see why a politician who wants to say they can compromise would pick these bills. They do little actual harm to NJ gun owners.


A588 looks like it is either something for the good guys, or something that is simply restating an existing law if you are unaware of the technical details or perils of misapplication. The blessing of the AG has been removed, and what's left is restricted to handgun ammo with steel penetrators. Looking at the most current ammended version I can find, it does not leave in the NIJ body armor test like the committee stated, but chucks that with the AG text. What's left is a ban on handgun ammo with a steel penetrator followed by an aluminum core regardless of the hardness of either. PReviosuly this would not have been covered unless the steel part was >25% of the jacket weight, or greater than 72RC. The only cartridge I know of that fits that bill is SS190 5.7 ammo which you can't buy as a civilian. SS109 and 855 are steel followed by a lead core, even if you want to say that since there was a handgun made for it, it is now handgun ammo. IMO now that I can acutally see the amended version I really don give a turd about this bill.


A1683 basically extends the prohibitions on purchase by a felon to ammo. GIven the low use of long arms in crime in NJ, this is moslty pointless as handgun ammo purchases require an FID to be presented, so it really doesn't do anything new to criminals, and FID holders by definition of passing the check for FID likely are not at peril for this law either. SO it is useless, but your rep may see rubber stamping a useless law as a reasonable compromise.


A3687 - I think all the politicians are pretty scared of voting to protect anyone on the terrorist watch list. I can understand why, as the explanation might be good, but won't fit in a 15 second sound bite. Alternatively I can see this as a very easy bill for Christie to veto and appeal to both sides of the aisle by taking on the quality of the terrorist watch list, which could VERY easily be improved to not be the steaming pile of trouble it is. Even if not, he may see it is very challengable in court with low risk, and thus not worth risking his own neck for. There also may be a long game going on as given that you don't wnat ot be on the side of the terrorists come campaign season, they could play amendment ping pong trying to kill this turd.


A3717 - This is simply finally providing mental health records to NICS. We already put up with mental health background checks that will flag stuff this wouldn't, so form the perspective of NJ gun owners, this bill does nothing new to affect you. It does however remove a barrier to arguing that NICS is sufficient to NJ background checks. If I'm misinterpreting the text of the bill, I'm sure someone will correct me.


A3788 - I think we want this. Although I have come to question that. gun owner data is already protected as a blanket request. THis would prevent it at the individual level. I don't think the news outlets would bother with submitting 7 million poeple as individual requests to find all the gun owners, but now there would be zero chance of RKBA groups finding out who the hypocrites trying to make new laws are.


AR143 - this is really just a bill expressing support. IT does nothing. You may object to your tax money being spent on buybacks, but as a whole they don't really affect you as a gun owner other than being insulted.

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I understand your point. My point is the law is already onerous and ridiculously voluminous. Adding to it when it's already prohibited federally...


By my account, they should take all the laws and throw them in the fireplace and start over.

I agree completely...........but the pragmatist in me knows that's never going to happen here.........

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So if A1683 passes what is to stop a felon from crossing the river and buying ammo off the shelf anywhere in PA? Well, provided they can actually find some for sale............. Useless piece of legislation that should be shelved.

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