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Today I shot a Fox



No I would never kill a poor little fox with a gun, I used my Camera!



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I can't be the only one who'd think they'd make a pretty cool pet....

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I can't be the only one who'd think they'd make a pretty cool pet....

I know this may ruffle some feathers but if you could get them young why not, people have (here's the feather ruffling) pitbulls.

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nice, how close did you get?

I would guess I was about 25 yards away.  I was driving down Radtke Road in Randolph and saw it on the right side of the road.  It ran across the road and into the woods, I quickly grabbed my D300 and shot at I think 170mm and then cropped this about 30%.


Edit --- I guess I am not that good a judge of distance, checked the exif data and it said the focus point was 12.6 yards away and this one was actually at 250mm, there was another one that was at 170 my bad.

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i forget the website but there is a guy in russia that has been selectively breeding tame foxes since the 70s i believe. he sells them but they are not cheap. im pretty sure they cost about $8000 and i believe you need a permit to have them imported.


on another note people need to realize that foxes are predators. while i dont condone killing for the sake of killing, i do condone controlling the population of predators. if you happen to enjoy hunting then so be it. i happen to enjoy hunting and would love to bag the fox that has been terrorizing my buddies chickens and have it stuffed.

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You ought to look into a Shiba Inu then.

That's what we did!


They are a very stubborn breed, definitely not for everyone.



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You compare a wild animal to a domesticated pet. Also keeping a fox as a pet would be against the law

Yes, yes i did, they are devil's spawn :taunt: . And I can't own a fox, really? Thanks for letting me know. Can I own a Wolf? :onthequiet:


Great photo

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That's what we did!


They are a very stubborn breed, definitely not for everyone.



Cute doggie.  We saw one a few weeks ago that was black and white and looked like a mini Husky.

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Yea, I've heard the Shiba Inu's are a tough breed.



But they are clearly dogs....a fox has the look of a cat-dog to me, lol.

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There is a 3 legged fox that lives on Island Beach State Park that my gf and I spot quite often my my parents beach place.  The property is the last piece of land before IBSP so we have a view that covers the entire park.  When we saw him a couple years ago we were sad bc we thought there was no way he would survive very long with one of his legs missing, but we saw him year after year, and he even showed up again post Sandy hobbling along the dunes at night, presumably looking for food.  


I root for that little guy every time I think about him.   

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There's one that pops up in my yard from time to time. I'm always afraid my English Bulldog is going to get into it with the fox.

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Family is Canidae, true fox is genus Vulpes, Wolves, dogs, coyotes, jackals etc. are genus Canis.


Great shot!  We have a family of foxes (mother and 3-4 kits) that we see nightly in a newly cleared lot across the street--playing among the piles of dirt left from digging out the basement.  My wife saw one today heading back from our property with a squirrel or rabbit--glad they are helping to help control those guys from destroying our garden.  Hopefully they can get some of the feral cats also.

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i forget the website but there is a guy in russia that has been selectively breeding tame foxes since the 70s i believe. he sells them but they are not cheap. im pretty sure they cost about $8000 and i believe you need a permit to have them imported.


on another note people need to realize that foxes are predators. while i dont condone killing for the sake of killing, i do condone controlling the population of predators. if you happen to enjoy hunting then so be it. i happen to enjoy hunting and would love to bag the fox that has been terrorizing my buddies chickens and have it stuffed.

Yeah they're frigging Houdinis when it comes to getting through wire into coops

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Again with nj and it's laws. You can get a fox as a pet in pa as well as a whole list of other crazy pets without a permit or any know how. The foxes that were semi domesticated in Russia have made their way over here and I know of a breeder in pa. They are costly but cool as hell. As for taking a wild animal and raising it from a baby when they get old enough most of the time they want nothing to do with humans. Also pit bulls and foxes have nothing in common and you can not compare the two. Trying to Shows a lack of knowledge of dog behavior and fox behavior

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How far away was it? I can never get 100 yards near one.

Details in post #11 but about 40 feet.  That is why I always keep one of my dslrs with me in the car, you can actually get much closer under cover of the car than you can ever get on foot.

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