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The NRA-ILA's View of NJ and Anti-Gun Bills A.1211 & S.805

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Interesting article released by the NRA Institute of Legislative Action on New Jersey firearm bills released today pertaining to domestic violence: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20160405/new-jersey-committee-advances-flawed-domestic-violence-bill


They are promoting this article on Facebook and other social media platforms, and I found the comments quite amusing.  The official account actually responds to a lot of pissed off NJ residents commenting on the post with their feelings about the NRA-ILA: 


FB User: "1. The NRA abandoned NJ years ago. You guys bail out on us !!! 2. Hell yeah this bill needs to be defeated !!! 3. NRA help us in NJ, ball up !!!" 


NRA Official: " If we abandoned you we certainly wouldn't be reporting or lobbying against this bill. NRA is actively involved in NJ. Our State Lobbyist for NJ lives in NJ as does one of our Board members who also serves as President of the Association of NJ Rifle and Pistol Clubs."


FB User: "Just my two cents.. But I see it as you stopped fighting for NJ and North East gun owners long ago. because you were scared of making things worse for the rest of the country due to the crazy gun laws they pass here.. We have no concealed carry, can't even take a gun out our home to go shoot without worrying about being arrested for years.. No me and my family NRA members too belieave you abandoned us.. NJ gun owners have to hope you guys win something in a southern state or mid west state that will one day help us.."


NRA Official: "We haven't stopped fighting in NJ or any other north eastern state. We're just fighting an overwhelmingly anti-gun legislature in NJ which makes the fight extremely difficult."


Sure, they might be "reporting on this bill", but imo they don't really give a damn about us and know that fighting NJ will be an uphill battle for them.  I believe they only reference and report on NJ as way to point at us in front of the rest of the country like, "Look at these guys, they are like trapped rats, you don't want to be like these guys do you?! Send us more money or this could be your state soon".


As for the bills referenced in this article, domestic violence is a great way for liberals and (D) politicians to tug at the heart strings of the general public.  We take people who are (maybe or maybe not) guilty of committing a crime, and label them for the rest of their lives as well as take away many of their other rights...Which in some cases is justified but in many others is beyond the scope of reasonable punishment.   Mind you, just the accusation of DV can be grounds for some people losing their careers (especially law enforcement) or lose their 2A rights.


But, you know, it's for the kids.

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NRA does very little on the state level from scratch. You have to start something and they come in when they see it taking hold. And not always for the betterment.


So Jersey whining about the NRA does nothing while other states get stuff done and the NRA sometimes helps. Good luck with the whining strategy.


That being said, everybody should be a member. Without them we would have no gun rights at all, especially on the national level. Plus they do more than simply fighting for our rights. We'd be toast without them.

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That being said, everybody should be a member. Without them we would have no gun rights at all, especially on the national level. Plus they do more than simply fighting for our rights. We'd be toast without them.

I have this argument all the time, for some reason folks think that pro gun legislation just pops up from no place. I have several friends in NJ who make fun of me when I bring up the NRA yet they whine endlessly about the gun control problems.

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If half of the 150 million gun owners in this country were NRA members we could have anything we demanded. Including turning Jersey around 180°.

Agreed. We are many here in NJ but we can't join together to affect races in every district. They only real shot we would have is at the Gov. level, but we still end up with the crap legislature.

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Jersey Winers better WTFU and lead the charge. I'm sick and tired of hearing why the NRA does nothing in NJ, while the winers all sit on their hands and take it you know where.  You want national support, then lead the charge.  WE LOST four seats in the last election, with the lowest turnout ever.  Where were our 1 million gun owners then? Sign up more new members than ever, then ask for support.  Legislators respond to votes and cash, nothing else.  Who knows in the next round of taxes to be levied we may just get support from unlikely sources.  This state is broke, period.

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Jersey Winers better WTFU and lead the charge. I'm sick and tired of hearing why the NRA does nothing in NJ, while the winers all sit on their hands and take it you know where.  You want national support, then lead the charge.  WE LOST four seats in the last election, with the lowest turnout ever.  Where were our 1 million gun owners then? Sign up more new members than ever, then ask for support.  Legislators respond to votes and cash, nothing else.  Who knows in the next round of taxes to be levied we may just get support from unlikely sources.  This state is broke, period.


Liberal state filled with liberal pussies

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I  just unfriended a friend I had since I was a kid. We grew up a few streets from each other in Ocean County. He is a gun enthusiast but comes here to NC to buy his ammo and long arms. I was talking to a fellow NRA member here about upping my membership and he was here shooting in my yard. He continued to say what a waste of money it was. I kindly asked him to pack up and leave and lose my number. This was in August of 2015 and he has called me at least 12 times wanting to come down and visit(Shoot) and is looking for a new rifle. I have not answered his calls once and will not.
Unfortunately many gun owners in NJ are just stuck in the liberal NJ mindset even though they own guns.

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I  just unfriended a friend I had since I was a kid. We grew up a few streets from each other in Ocean County. He is a gun enthusiast but comes here to NC to buy his ammo and long arms. I was talking to a fellow NRA member here about upping my membership and he was here shooting in my yard. He continued to say what a waste of money it was. I kindly asked him to pack up and leave and lose my number. This was in August of 2015 and he has called me at least 12 times wanting to come down and visit(Shoot) and is looking for a new rifle. I have not answered his calls once and will not.

Unfortunately many gun owners in NJ are just stuck in the liberal NJ mindset even though they own guns.

I know a few avid hunters that wont join. Same reason. Waste of money...they don't do anything here. Can't talk to them about it either. They're done.. But I would never unfriend them. I rub it in their face every time I see them and when they talk about leaving the state or anything about gun control.

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-How many NRA members are there in NJ?



About half the households in America has at least one gun.  If the number of gun owners in NJ is 1 million, that's 1 in 7.    If that accurate, then the incidence of gun ownership in this state is pretty low compared to the rest of the country.


We need more gun owners.


Bring someone new to the range every month to shoot or at least watch and learn.   Bring them to a competition.   I'll be on new person #4 as of this Sunday if they don't bail.   edit. it's #4

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Jersey Winers better WTFU and lead the charge. I'm sick and tired of hearing why the NRA does nothing in NJ, while the winers all sit on their hands and take it you know where.  You want national support, then lead the charge.  WE LOST four seats in the last election, with the lowest turnout ever.  Where were our 1 million gun owners then? Sign up more new members than ever, then ask for support.  Legislators respond to votes and cash, nothing else.  Who knows in the next round of taxes to be levied we may just get support from unlikely sources.  This state is broke, period.


The majority of gun owners in NJ are FUDDS. They simply do not care for "Black Rifles" or if people want to "CCW". They only care about their shotgun/muzzle loader. I have this discussion all the time with my buddy and his father. 


I think a lot of help could come from the gun store owners/workers. Almost every time I am in my LGS (short of Howell Gunworks owned and run by LEO), most stores do nothing to promote gun rights in NJ. I see no support for NJ2AS or ANJRPC. We have many factors against us: politicians, media, anti-gun groups that all get heard. Our voice falls on deaf ears. As for the NRA (and I am a member) I believe they don't want to really help us here in the PRNJ. They need NJ to stay right where it is so they can fund raise from other Free States. They need NJ to be the "Bad Guy" to get their message out. 

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I am also a member of the NRA. I don't think for a second that the NRA wants Jersey to be the way it is. The PRNJ stands as an example to

all other states that it is OK to ignore the Constitutional rights of their citizens!


The NRA could spend every cent they take in on the PRNJ and they would still lose! No amount of outside force is going to change the minds of our liberal, anti 2A

politicians. That change can only come from a force within NJ in the form of voters who could remove Loretta Weinberg and her ilk from office and replace them with

2A friendly legislators. Then and only then can we turn this stupid state around and join the rest of free America!


A republican win for POTUS in November would also fix the PRNJ. If not and the Democrats win, the entire U.S.A. will be like Jersey and quite possibly worse! Bye bye

black rifles!

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The majority of gun owners in NJ are FUDDS. They simply do not care for "Black Rifles" or if people want to "CCW". They only care about their shotgun/muzzle loader. I have this discussion all the time with my buddy and his father. 


I think a lot of help could come from the gun store owners/workers. Almost every time I am in my LGS (short of Howell Gunworks owned and run by LEO), most stores do nothing to promote gun rights in NJ. I see no support for NJ2AS or ANJRPC. We have many factors against us: politicians, media, anti-gun groups that all get heard. Our voice falls on deaf ears. As for the NRA (and I am a member) I believe they don't want to really help us here in the PRNJ. They need NJ to stay right where it is so they can fund raise from other Free States. They need NJ to be the "Bad Guy" to get their message out. 

We all know about a LGS and range in Glassboro that is owned by a FUDD! I will never spend another penny there. I spent many thousands of dollars at that shop

until I learned the facts.  We should not patronize or support any LGS that is not supportive of our 2A rights.

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When the FUDDs loose their shotguns then we can say I told you so.  It will happen. Semi's of every shape and variety will go first, and some FUDDs will complain.  Then the new law requiring training for a FPID will kick in with no grandfathering and Hunter's Ed will not be accepted, they will complain but do it.  Then when the State begins lead abatement and their ranges close only then will they realize the real purpose all along.  By then it will be too late.  I get in their faces now and let them know they are  denying all our rights due to their selfishness.


I have lived in this state most of my life, and in the last 30-40 years the legislature has been primarily controlled be liberal Democrats,  They have done nothing to improve the quality of life in this state.  In fact they have made it worse.  All I see is the continual decline of this state.  

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We all know about a LGS and range in Glassboro that is owned by a FUDD! I will never spend another penny there. I spent many thousands of dollars at that shop

until I learned the facts.  We should not patronize or support any LGS that is not supportive of our 2A rights.



Considered going to that place in Glassboro as my girlfriend goes to Rowan.  What did they do, I am curious because if they truly are Anti then I won't give them my money?

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Considered going to that place in Glassboro as my girlfriend goes to Rowan.  What did they do, I am curious because if they truly are Anti then I won't give them my money?

He is not anti gun. He is however fiercely anti 2A when it comes to CCW. He believes only the police, himself and Sweeney should be allowed to carry! He feels that due to

the dense population here that we are very different from the other states and that CCW rights should NOT be given to NJ citizens unless they are Law enforcement Officers!


Friend and supporter of Sweeney.

Refused to support Sweeney recall since "he WILL be our next Governor, and it would piss him off".

Told a member of this forum who visited his his shop that New Jersey is NOT the wild west and we don't need a bunch of "gun nuts" with a CCW. "leave that to the professionals"

Was an NRA state representative for many years, no improvement in 2A rights during his reign .....Duh!

Lost his NRA reelection by a landslide after word got out.

Won't let his employees carry in his shop, period!


Do you require more proof that he is an anti and a FUDD? Do a search of his last name on this forum. Better yet, stop by his shop and ask him if you can leave some NJ2AS



End Rant!

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He is not anti gun. He is however fiercely anti 2A when it comes to CCW. He believes only the police, himself and Sweeney should be allowed to carry! He feels that due to

the dense population here that we are very different from the other states and that CCW rights should NOT be given to NJ citizens unless they are Law enforcement Officers!


Friend and supporter of Sweeney.

Threw Anthony Colandro and "Gun for Hire" out of his store.

Refused to support Sweeney recall since "he WILL be our next Governor, and it would piss him off".

Told a member of this forum who visited his his shop that New Jersey is NOT the wild west and we don't need a bunch of "gun nuts" with a CCW. "leave that to the professionals"

Was an NRA state representative for many years, no improvement in 2A rights during his reign .....Duh!

Lost his NRA reelection by a landslide after word got out.

Won't let his employees carry in his shop, period!


Do you require more proof that he is an anti and a FUDD? Do a search of his last name on this forum. Better yet, stop by his shop and ask him if you can leave some NJ2AS



End Rant!


What an absolute piece of shit.  Does he realize that a large portion of LEO's aren't even gun guys?  Thousands of regular Civs have more range time, experience, and know-how then cops when it comes to firearms. 

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Friend and supporter of Sweeney. he was very vocal about how great of a friend and 2a supporter swiney was 

Threw Anthony Colandro and "Gun for Hire" out of his store.  don't know wasn't there

Refused to support Sweeney recall since "he WILL be our next Governor, and it would piss him off".   don't know wasn't there

Told a member of this forum who visited his his shop that New Jersey is NOT the wild west and we don't need a bunch of "gun nuts" with a CCW. "leave that to the professionals" i had a very similar  conversation with the owner and he said that the "gun nuts" don't need to carry guns and that he was an nra officer/board member of something  and that only people that need to carry guns are the police....and if i had a problem was to call them...to which i said no wonder the nra has turned its back on us..with people like you in power 

Was an NRA state representative for many years.....Duh.

Lost his NRA reelection by a landslide after word got out.

Won't let his employees carry in his shop, period! true...but he certainly had one on while telling the customer he was talking to originally that no one but police should carry , which when i glanced over after hearing that and saw him concealing i stepped in an asked why he was carrying then...was his and his families life worth/more important than the customers and he started by saying ...ohh i guess you're one of those gun nuts too that wants to run around with a gun  etc etc 


Do you require more proof that he is an anti and a FUDD? Do a search of his last name on this forum. Better yet, stop by his shop and ask him if you can leave some NJ2AS



i was there once and the red above was my experience....i left and will never step foot in there again....ive since heard people say "ohh thats just the way he is, he's old, he really a good guy/christian etc etc....and i like shooting there because its close.....his prices make gun broker look like a going out of business sale...but people still shop there and give him their money.....


to me i don't think its that unlike shopping at a store owned by sweeny...knowing he hates everything you believe in and isn't shy about telling you so but he sells something you want for way more than you can get it elsewhere but you might have to drive 30-60 mins and give you're money to someone that is on your side and not working against your cause?.....seems like a no brainer to me...but i guess I'm part of a dying breed I'm not giving my money to the enemy/people/businesses that think they are entitled to rights others are not

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What an absolute piece of shit.  Does he realize that a large portion of LEO's aren't even gun guys?  Thousands of regular Civs have more range time, experience, and know-how then cops when it comes to firearms. 

I rest my case!  He will make his money from FUDDS, uneducated pro 2A people and those pro 2A people who don't give two shits about supporting an anti. I WILL NOT support an anti

and he will never again see me in his shop or range!

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one of the more disturbing issues I find is that for yrs Viden was a co-chair on a ANJRPC commitee with the now head of ANJRPC's Scott Bach. And SB did endorse Viden for the NRA board. Now I do respect SB for what he does and is obviously a huge 2A supporter but it is a little unsettling to me that they were close for a long time and presumably still are buds. I'll just leave it at that.

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For those who want another perspective on Bob Viden, you might want to read the endorsement he received from Jeff Knox during the last NRA BOD election.



"For whatever reason, he tends to come in low in the vote totals"

I think I know why. There are many hunters and sportsmen in the NRA. He gets their votes for sure since he is an avid supporter of

2A rights for hunters and target shooters. Others believe in the 2nd Amendment the way our founding fathers meant it and keep guns

for self defense. He does not get their votes.


I an sure Scott Bach is not a FUDD but for some reason he did not see Bob as a danger to our 2A rights to hunt and shoot. I do see Bob as a danger and I do not want him

representing New Jersey in the NRA!

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What an absolute piece of shit.  Does he realize that a large portion of LEO's aren't even gun guys?  Thousands of regular Civs have more range time, experience, and know-how then cops when it comes to firearms. 

if you haven't met him, don't judge him. he, nor his employees are "a piece of shit".

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one of the more disturbing issues I find is that for yrs Viden was a co-chair on a ANJRPC commitee with the now head of ANJRPC's Scott Bach. And SB did endorse Viden for the NRA board. Now I do respect SB for what he does and is obviously a huge 2A supporter but it is a little unsettling to me that they were close for a long time and presumably still are buds. I'll just leave it at that.

was there any improvement before him? no. is there any since? the nra ain't gonna do shit for us here, unless we're already winning the battle....then they'll come in and take the credit.

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Bob's is local to me. His politics aside, I won't spend a dime there. Treat me like crap once, shame on you. Treat me like crap twice, shame on me.


The sad part is, the archery side of the store couldn't be more helpful and customer oriented. 

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if you haven't met him, don't judge him. he, nor his employees are "a piece of shit".


Hey don't quote me....there's a general concensus here about this guy's opinions and demeanor. Rebute what they have to say about him, make an argument for the other side, I'm always open to hear both sides. If he really is against NJ citizens having conceal carry permits, as well as carries himself inside his shop, then he truly is a big heaping pile of shit.

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if you haven't met him, don't judge him. he, nor his employees are "a piece of shit".



I am a bit surprised by your defense of Bob! We have been through this before ad nauseam! I HAVE met him and I HAVE spoken with him. I Have spent Thousands of dollars at his shop.

I will never give him another cent of my hard earned money for obvious and proven reasons. You may choose to support his business as you wish! I for one will not!


PS. I never said his employees are a "piece of shit"!  They are victims like the rest of us. Enjoy your relationship with Bob! He might be able to get you some state business

through Sweeney! Is that what you want?

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Hey don't quote me....there's a general concensus here about this guy's opinions and demeanor. Rebute what they have to say about him, make an argument for the other side, I'm always open to hear both sides. If he really is against NJ citizens having conceal carry permits, as well as carries himself inside his shop, then he truly is a big heaping pile of shit.

Bob's stance on CCW in New Jersey is irrefutable! I am not asking anyone to not patronize his shop.

I am simply stating that I have in the past but will no longer! My choice alone. I am not calling for a boycott! You make your own decisions!


To be fair, If 1LtCAP wants to support Bob Viden, it's his choice! We all must make decisions based on the facts presented and our own interactions with Bob!

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When you see someone like this take the position of being against citizens carrying, it makes you wonder what could possibly lead them to this position. It's true that it's a progressive position that "the masses" can't be allowed to make their own decisions. The masses .....us..... need to be tightly managed. So Bob is probably a progressive/socialist and sees himself as an elite member of society.


But when you see people coming to these conclusions.....citizens shouldn't carry.....its like watching someone doing a simple math problem like 2+2 and getting it completely wrong. But insisting they're right no matter what you say or show them.


There's something deeper than those inconvenient facts that drive their beliefs.

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