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Doomsday Preppers

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Was gonna put this in the NJZED section, but since it's not really about zombies, figured I'd put it here instead




Unique in their beliefs, motivations and strategies, explore the lives of four families preparing for the end of the world as we know it. From bunkers to fortified off-the-grid locations, these doomsday preppers will go to whatever lengths they can to make sure they are prepared for any of life’s uncertainties. And with our expert’s assessment, they will find out their chances of survival if their worst fears became a reality.

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the families in south carolina seem to sleep with patriots under their pillow. the last guy is just throwing money at everything. given an unlimited budget, anyone can make a well stocked, safe retreat. the first family were the most self sufficient, and were doing it all with less money.

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Caught the last 20 min of this on the Nat Geo channel tonight. I was impressed with how serious these folks were and how dilligent they were about their preparations. Didn't catch where the second to last family was but the last family was from Utah. The Utah family had a bunker 20ft underground that could house 12, food stores for 2 years etc. The funny part of the show is that they had experts that would critique their preparedness and offer suggestions for improvement. One family disagreed with the experts while the other agreed and made changes.


Can't imagine how much the last guy spent on his whole setup. The bunker/shelter itself looked like it cost him a bunch. I'll have to try and catch the rest of the word sometime.

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I'll admit I feel a bit torn after seeing some of this. On one hand I'm all for preparedness and being ready for emergencies (both physical assets and being mentally prepared). However, seeing these families, I almost pity these people. It's saddening really to think that people would dedicate their whole lives (because let's be real, it takes some serious investment to achieve what they all have currently) to worrying about a future that they really have no control over.

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However, seeing these families, I almost pity these people.


I feel that way about the people with the pool with the Tilapia; that's all they do, prepare for disaster. They've sorta thrown away their life, and I worry about their kids.


The richer guy with the buried bunker talked about how it's more like a hobby. He doesn't play golf, watch sports, etc, he works on disaster prep. He seems to have a more balanced life. They go to the bunker on weekends like it was a cabin. So, at least they live most of the time semi-normally.


I wonder how that bunker got built. It's deep...did he pay a contractor to do it (who would then know about it), did he build it himself, or did he buy some abandoned structure? Not really clear to me.


The bunker guy also mentioned that he was going to try to find a new job that kept him closer to home, after thinking about the expert's opinion. I wondered about that too. Seemed like he was in SF/LN/NY/etc a lot of the time, and having a great bunker in the Utah desert isn't going to help you when you're on a business trip in NYC...

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I feel that way about the people with the pool with the Tilapia; that's all they do, prepare for disaster. They've sorta thrown away their life, and I worry about their kids.


The richer guy with the buried bunker talked about how it's more like a hobby. He doesn't play golf, watch sports, etc, he works on disaster prep. He seems to have a more balanced life. They go to the bunker on weekends like it was a cabin. So, at least they live most of the time semi-normally.


I wonder how that bunker got built. It's deep...did he pay a contractor to do it (who would then know about it), did he build it himself, or did he buy some abandoned structure? Not really clear to me.


The bunker guy also mentioned that he was going to try to find a new job that kept him closer to home, after thinking about the expert's opinion. I wondered about that too. Seemed like he was in SF/LN/NY/etc a lot of the time, and having a great bunker in the Utah desert isn't going to help you when you're on a business trip in NYC...


Mel - I watched it last night. Agreed the "Tilapia" family were a buch of flakes. Especially when I saw him put a cased pistol in his bugout bag. Really accessable..LOL.


Yes the salesman underground guy did have a welder working on his door too. So no great degree of secrecy there.


I like the two families on the farm! Just liked them. Real sensible!

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Yes the salesman underground guy did have a welder working on his door too. So no great degree of secrecy there.


I thought the guy welding might have been a relative. When they were eating their "ramen and mac & cheese lunch" there were three generations at the table, I thought. His wife was the older woman who kissed him. There was a younger woman stirring the pot (I assumed his daughter), and a little girl. Maybe the welder guy was the wife of the middle woman? The bunker has room for 12...

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I thought the guy welding might have been a relative. When they were eating their "ramen and mac & cheese lunch" there were three generations at the table, I thought. His wife was the older woman who kissed him. There was a younger woman stirring the pot (I assumed his daughter), and a little girl. Maybe the welder guy was the wife of the middle woman? The bunker has room for 12...


Could be... I thought the 10' corragated pipe was cool. See how they used the space under the floor for storage?

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The richer guy with the buried bunker talked about how it's more like a hobby.


Here is a link to building your own bunker, it's easy to set up and not sure if all but you can bury some of these.


I want one, would work out nice on my property, not sure of the cost or what I would do with it, but I like it. :)


Concrete Canvas



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It was interesting how they went through all that prep, and to show it off... But didnt mention anything about weapons.


You must not have watched the TV show. There was a lot of time spent on weapons. They showed training, teaching everyone in the family to shoot everything, workbenches with stacks and stacks of loaded magazines on peg boards, etc.


The one guy said he had 4 AR-15's, one for each person. The showed lookout points, and discussed how he could shoot the various places.


The "rich" Utah guy carried a rifle the entire time, and they talked about how his practice at hunting and long range shooting was great.


So, it didn't focus on firearms, but there were a lot of them around.

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Alec, are you sure we watched the same show. The common denominator between all the preppers is that they were all armed and 2 of the groups where shown doing shooting practice and training. I dont think that family one has wated anything at all. They stated that they like this life style and i actually think it was rather interesting. Im sure they are quite healthy! With that being said I think they would quickly become have nots by force. I think anyone without a rifle is ill equiped. The farm and te bunker were impressive for sure. I would love to turn a getaway into an insurance policy. I think its great. But something I have said on the topic in the past is the concern for a disaster that would require you to be nomadic!. So Im buying an armored car! :D.

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I see. The bunker guy had an FAL slung over his shoulder. The farm folk had an armory more or less and the other families had basic pistols. The one guy on tha farm said it well basically stating that what you have should be equally balenced with the means to keep it :)


Ray good thinking, Ill get one all ghetto tagged since Im sure to flee to newerk! LOL

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Well at least for the mormon guy, there is the benefit of being shielded by low hanging fruit. LDS still requires you to have a years worth of provisions in the home to be a good little mormon, but they have frowned on weapons for a while now in that equation. Lots of survival types refer to SLC as a supermarket.


The reality is that around here, anything that goes past about 10 days and is nationwide is going to leave this place stripped and barren for quite some time. Especially if it happens in winter. Population density is just WAY too high.

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Some survivalist related links:







I had a link for various home built shelters but it looks like the server is down for maintenance - http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension-aben/

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Well at least for the mormon guy, there is the benefit of being shielded by low hanging fruit. LDS still requires you to have a years worth of provisions in the home to be a good little mormon, but they have frowned on weapons for a while now in that equation. Lots of survival types refer to SLC as a supermarket.


The reality is that around here, anything that goes past about 10 days and is nationwide is going to leave this place stripped and barren for quite some time. Especially if it happens in winter. Population density is just WAY too high.


The Mormons have a good, common-sense model.

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