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If the evidence is soooooo available, why do the politicians refuse to really look at it. Only now they think it was a problem?


Informative video on the effect of psychotropic drugs on the minds of lunatics and programmed lunatics...


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Yea, but forgetting about the money end. For reference purposes. It's not necessarily the drug's fault. To me, it is the failure by he system to recognize the fact or being able to realize that these are mainstream problems even outside current gun issues.



Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

Typos courtesy Apple...

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I've been saying this for a while. It's scary the meds we prescribe people. The reps shower the doctors with lavish gifts, dinners, and golf outings to get them to prescribe the drugs. People think the NRA lobbies hard, big pharma lobbies even harder.

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Psychopharmacology has always perplexed me as a business and as a means of therapy. It exists because of a mechanistic view of the mind, which is arguably not incorrect. Your brain is a soup of chemicals, and it reacts a certain way to chemical X regardless of the source being your body or something introduced form the outside. Sounds reasonable, and tests seem to prove it is more or less correct. The problem is that at the same time, the explanation for the mentally ill is that their checmical soup is missing some ingredients, or not processing those ingredients properly. They will readily admit that there are a number of mechanisms to arrive at that divergent situation from the middle of the curve. Then they make a drug that does ONE thing to the ecosystem of the brain, and expect predictable results from what are by definition folks with non standard wiring.


It bothered me less when I was younger and the general attitude to chemical therapies were that either you were taking them short term to make it possible for you to develop non chemical methods of coping, or despite what anyone said to the contrary, you had been placed in chemical restraints to make you tolerable for everyone else to be around, you would be bounced from drug to drug as they became less effective, and if it made you die younger from horrible side effects that's just a bonus as the point was never to make you well but to make you stop being a problem.


Wind the clock ahead many years, the wife and I had a kid and everyone looked at us like we had three heads when we said we weren't on any medications, especially mood altering ones.

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The best proof that these drugs don't even work is that you don't see any commercials with people saying that "drug X cured me" or "drug Y helped get through my problem and now i'm better". What always stands out to me in those commercials are how many times you hear "if you experience any thoughts of suicide...", I think by that time your mind is a little too far beyond normal to consider calling your doctor. It really is embarrassing that this is part of our culture and it all revolves around money but the worst part of the whole thing is that the drug companies keep pumping those drugs out and they don't feel bad about any of the individuals who suffered. These are human beings.

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I was just commenting to my wife the other day how many medications advertised on TV (even ones that are supposed to be for non mind altering purposes) have "thoughts of suicide" as a possible side effect. Once I started noticing that I'm finding I notice it more and more. There is something quite disturbing about that.


There was an article in Wired or PopSci (I'll try to find the exact article) a few years back about the rise of anti-depressants and other mood altering drugs back in the 70s/80s and how prozac was hailed a wonder drug then but now after a few decades of more research they are finding that often more harm is being done with these drugs than good. The gist of the article was basically that people's brains become dependent on it and whereas before starting these drugs they were fine but maybe a little anxious after being on them for a while if they stop they completely fall apart. I gotta find this article, it was a good one...

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One of the things people don't know about these drugs is that they are addicting. Perhaps not in the way you'd think. Anti-depressants and other mood altering drugs affect the way the brain processes certain chemicals. It can and often does have beneficial effects on people with depression and other illnesses caused by chemical imbalance, but the problem comes when people want to stop depending on the drug and learn how to live without it. Many of these drugs (like Cymbalta, Lexapro, Pristiq, and others) can have VERY debilitating side effects when discontinuing them, including extreme depression and suicidal ideation among some physical effects. Look it up. There are a lot of forums out there for people dealing with SSRI withdrawal symptoms. These effects are usually listed in small print in a warning sheet with the pills, but it's pretty much downplayed by the pharmaceutical companies.

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Now, how interesting is that? Things that make you go, "hmmmmm"... :)


Yep, Someone sent this to me today as well...





Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

Typos courtesy Apple...

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Now, how interesting is that? Things that make you go, "hmmmmm"... :)


I knew someone on that Effexors S**t, and when they were coming off of it, they literally had to take a weeks worth of vacation time from work because they literally couldn't think straight enough to make a reality based decision in thier head. Luckily, this person was educated enough in psychology to understand that something wasn't functioning correctly "upstairs" to make "critical" decisions... we can't expect that from the average person who may not realize the educated awareness!

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The best proof that these drugs don't even work is that you don't see any commercials with people saying that "drug X cured me" or "drug Y helped get through my problem and now i'm better". What always stands out to me in those commercials are how many times you hear "if you experience any thoughts of suicide...", I think by that time your mind is a little too far beyond normal to consider calling your doctor. It really is embarrassing that this is part of our culture and it all revolves around money but the worst part of the whole thing is that the drug companies keep pumping those drugs out and they don't feel bad about any of the individuals who suffered. These are human beings.


You don't see drug commercials like that because regulations don't permit it, not because the drugs don't help anyone.

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You don't see drug commercials like that because regulations don't permit it, not because the drugs don't help anyone.

Hmmm very interesting...was not aware of that, thank you. So they can hire actors to portray the patients but they are not allowed to let the patients come out and say it...interesting society we live in!

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There's only one reason Pot is still illegal, and it aint because of those crazy Mexicans....


That's because the government hasn't figured a way to corner the market and collect taxes on it. Pot in itself is not a drug that can have the same effect as some of the prescription drugs on the market, and please, don't tell me if you smoke pot it's the gateway drug to others. I don't do any of them, but am not ignorant on the subject.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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LOL, u guys!!!!


I meant that big pharma is keeping it illegal, they stand to loose BILLIONS!


Not being able to tax it isnt really a reason, with 2 states now openly legalizing it and taxing it. There's no reason it wouldn't fall under the tax codes for alcohol and cigs. How they control the market depends on how they regulate it, if they get greedy people will just grow it. I mean you have MOONSHINE!


C'mon i threw in the "crazy Mexican" reference for a reason... for those that don't know, pot was originally criminalized because of propaganda about Mexicans going crazy, because they liked to smoke after a hard days work and relax.. Which lead to "reefer madness"..

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