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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    This bill PASSED the House today by a slim margin! Has ZERO chance in the Senate though.
  3. 2 points
    From the article: “The Biden administration has been pressuring the oil industry to increase output as surging inflation and historic gas prices continues to make life miserable for millions of Americans still struggling financially from the pandemic.“ I found this humorous. The Biden administration has done nothing but impede the US oil/gas industry from drilling, and producing. He’s been begging the Saudis, and other ME countries to increase production, but what about domestic producers, Joe? We have plenty here!
  4. 1 point
    I believe one of the Republicans who voted for it is retiring. His vote isn’t based on constituency or remaining in office. He’s just a spiteful asshole.
  5. 1 point
    Beretta is known for terrible customer service. At this point they rather be a clothing company then a gun manufacturer.
  6. 1 point
    I spoke with identigi on the phone. She told me that it will always say enrollment received. But, she was able to see that it was sent to the police department about 6 days after I applied. She told me specifically that it won't change ever... so if you want confirmation just call them and they can let you know. Hope this helps.
  7. 1 point
    He's right (for the wrong reason), but so did everybody else presuming you were all doing the class in preparation for getting your permit to carry a handgun. Your FID does nothing for you with regard to a handgun, except allow you to buy ammo for it. You need a PCH to carry a handgun, nothing less. The fire department is not an exempt location so travelling there with a handgun would have been a felony if you were caught. If the instructor can't get that well established bit of the law right, how much do you trust him on use of force laws?
  8. 1 point
    Qualified today at RTSP , total cake walk.Qualified with 2 guns. Could not have been easier. 1 guy did fail for not safely handling his weapon. Its refreshing to see them enforcing the safety first aspect as it should be.
  9. 1 point
    Great little rifle. You'll be happy with it. And it's not an "evil, black, weapon of war". LOL. Idiots.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    The fact that 2 republicans (NY and PA) voted for it is concerning. With 5 dems voting Nay those two traitors were the deciding votes. They could have sunk it in the House.
  12. 1 point
    2nd to the top article when you search for HR 1808 https://reason.com/2022/07/29/the-dubious-and-doomed-assault-weapon-ban-that-the-house-approved-today-may-cost-democrats-this-fall/ Railroaded through - 3 Dems voted against, but 2 Republicans (NY and PA) voted for... This passed over 4 hours ago.... and still 0 mention on CNN, MSN, and other liberal news outlets. NY Times says: House Passes Assault Weapons Ban That Is Doomed in Senate Even they all know it's pure farce and has no chance of doing anything.
  13. 1 point
    My 96A1 has the same wear as the above after about 1700 rounds. I'm pretty sure your scratches are not normal wear and are due to the burrs surrounding the drilled hole. I am assuming you have filed it smooth, if not, the new barrel will get scratched too. Hope you get the new barrel soon.
  14. 1 point
    Mine has looked like this since day one
  15. 1 point
    I plan on using 2 friends and my wife. Nothing says I can't use her as a reference.
  16. 1 point
    According to the original AWB, nobody in NJ owns an "assault weapon". The vote is not for banning AR pattern MSRs, they want to ban ALL semi-auto rifles. This isn't going to accomplish anything, it's just a bunch of retardocrats looking busy before the midterms. The bill has no hope of passing the Senate.
  17. 1 point
    A hit on the edge of the target at 25 yards is a hit inside the edge at all distances shorter than 25 yards. A hit on the edge of the target at 7 yards is a hit on a bystander at least 2 people's widths to the side of the target at 25 yards. Who would find that acceptable?
  18. 1 point
    I assure you all, there is no hidden agenda on my end. I am not qualifying/certifying anyone for CCW and I’m not associated with any school, range, or training company. I don’t want anyone’s money or business. That being said, as part of my job I have been teaching folks that carry guns for a living for 20 years. From absolute newbs to proficient gunfighters it has been part of my job to qualify them and train them to win a gunfight and protect others. I have also been taught by some of the absolute best in the world in a variety of topics relating to firearms and teaching adults new things. When I recognize nonsense, I will tell you all that’s what it is. Take it or leave it - I have no skin in the game. I absolutely hate when bad TTPs or info gets passed off as “valid”. So, whether it’s relying on a trench knife in one hand with a 1911 in the other for home defense, the idea that using a WML is useless, or stuffing mags on the clock as a valid stress training technique - when I hear bullshit, I’m going to throw a flag. Be Good Stay Safe Get Training We all need to be assets not liabilities. Vet your instructors and vet those that post on the internet. Be confident in your abilities and act accordingly.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    It's all about personal responsibility and accountability. Should the government be allowed to restrict a basic human right to only those people who can pass an arbitrary test? No! In fact HELL NO! Should anyone with any sense hold themselves to the highest standard they can achieve when contemplating carrying a tool capable of delivering death? I say yes. Should anyone who neglects to build the skills they need to safely deploy a handgun and harms anyone else through their ineptitude, be held responsible for their actions? Absolutely yes. It is down to the individual to decide how much risk they want to accept and what they are willing to do to mitigate that risk. If it is proven that someone recklessly deployed a firearm (because they took no steps to become proficient) and harm an innocent they should be held accountable. With rights come responsibilities. Those of us that are advocating for people to subject themselves to a proficiency test are doing so to encourage people to know what they are capable of. Should it be government mandated? No. but if you don't test yourself you have no idea the level of risk you are exposing yourself to. That risk can utterly destroy your way of life.
  21. 1 point
    I am very concerned about SCOTUS siding with any permitting that purports to ensure "law abiding and responsible". Anti's long game (among other things) is to hack at 2A in following ways: 1. Restrict and eliminate (taxes, regulations, lawsuits, supply restrictions, tariffs etc) manufacturing of Arms , Ammunition and related parts for private / commercial market. 2. Eliminate private / do-it-yourself making of Citizen own arms, ammunition and related parts. A.K.A laws against "Ghost guns", constrict supply of reloading parts, supplies etc. 3. Criminalize trivial things under much more severe category so as to use that to strip and deny 2A. This is where "law abiding and responsible" is going to be used against the People. Anti's are atleast 30 years (in SCOTUS ruling timeline) ahead of the game in sh*tting these laws out like there is no tomorrow. We all know 1A, Due Process etc do NOT have any of this non-sense. We as society afford Due Process to even MOST HEINOUS criminals out there without fail, without a test, without exceptions. So, I am highly disappointed most of the SCOTUS watered down the 2A support where as they could have just kept quiet and leave it future cases if need be.
  22. 1 point
    How can we have constitutional carry when Bruen explicitly allowed licensing schemes such as those is shall issue states? Bruen for better or worse only stipulated that a state must have a pathway for people carry who aren't otherwise prohibited.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    somerdale exactly. to me that means that as long as no one sees it(which to be honest should be how ANY of us carries) they're fine with it. i can tell you without a doubt......if me or mine is injured.....mentally or physically by an "incident" at a place with "no-guns-allowed" posted, i will sue the ever lovin snot outta them. including my cost of sueing them.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    So now that we straightened that out... @Annie: Knowledge is good. But gun knowledge is superior.
  27. 0 points
    And sometimes you don't need to fire a shot. Two black perps assault a white guy. Which side is the 'crowd' on? A shocking video shows how racialized America has become - American Thinker
  28. 0 points
    Indeed, the guy eats bugs - rotten eggs, spoiled fish and other unsavory foodstuffs...his opinion is invalid anyway.
  29. 0 points
    Somebody should tell this guy that he's incorrect about the name of the product: Chef Andrew Zimmern went to N.J. to film Taylor Ham, egg and cheese sandwiches, ride with firefighters - nj.com

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