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Ted Kennedy is dead

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I never agreed with the guy's politics or his odd vision of what America should be, or even with the reverence the Kennedy clan received as a whole, but the man spent his entire life in public service, trying to help this country in his own questionable way. I'm certainly not going to miss his particular brand of progressive politics, and I always cringed when he would open his stupid bloated piehole and some ridiculous crap would come spewing out, and I'm hoping that his seat will be occupied by someone more rational and less extreme (not bloody likely), but I think celebrating his death is in very poor taste (and besides, reveling in someone else's misfortune is bad Karma).

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On a personal level, other than abandoning a women in a car to drown and being a drunken lecher, he probably was very civil to be around, well at least when he isn't plotting with the soviets to thwart US policy? http://tinyurl.com/mp9379


I'm cheering the removal of his _POWER_, not his death. Since the old POS didn't know when to retire, it took his death to end his 47 years(47 years!!!) in a position of power.

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After he drove his car of that bridge, he made 17 phone calls to "non emergency personel" before he called the police. Meanwhile, when they pulled his car out of the river, the women inside had ripped off her finger nails trying to escape her death. 17 phone calls while she died. He should've drowned that night, not her.

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On a personal level, other than abandoning a women in a car to drown and being a drunken lecher, he probably was very civil to be around, well at least when he isn't plotting with the soviets to thwart US policy? http://tinyurl.com/mp9379


I'm cheering the removal of his _POWER_, not his death. Since the old POS didn't know when to retire, it took his death to end his 47 years(47 years!!!) in a position of power.



on a Personal level from what I understand from family members who are familiar with him, he's a VERY nice guy. Problem is, no matter how warm, and personable the man is, all i'd be able to think of is the Bad. I DID have to write a letter to him once thanking him for his efforts on behalf of a close friend of mine from Ma who's death was a "Delayed" LOD (Complications from an earlier incident ended up killing him about 9 months later), which the NLEOM decided didnt meet the criteria. HE fought pretty hard for Jack, as did Kerry, lthough to no avail. Took all of my self control to be polite writing those bastards.

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Well I'm celebrating his death. This SCUM did more harm to our County then any other sitting Senator.


Instead of a rich legacy bequeathed upon the United States by forever U.S. Senator Teddy Kennedy, the oft-intoxicated, blubbery fourth brother of the Kennedy clan-four decades ago--drunkenly drove over a bridge that caused the death of Mary Jo Kopechne and lied about what happened.


But his worst and most destructive legacy for the United States stems from his authorship of the 1965 "Immigration Reform Act" that added the bulk of our additional 100 million people into America within 40 years. It jumped legal immigration from 170,000 annually to 1.1 million annually. Added to that disastrous environmental legacy, his actions provoked a complete ethnic change of our stable society into a fractured civilization. How? He provided for entrance of immigrants from cultures totally incompatible with U.S. culture. He downgraded citizenship by not enforcing our laws or maintaining educational standards.


"We are the only country in history that deliberately changed its ethnic makeup, and history has few examples of 'diversity' creating a stable society." Governor Richard D. Lamm


As those immigrants poured into this country, he facilitated and languished as millions of illegal aliens marched across our borders to wreak havoc on our schools, communities, jobs, hospitals, language and prisons. Over 20,000 members of MS-13 gangs distribute $130 billion in drugs yearly. We pay for 400,000 babies born to illegal alien mothers annually. We suffer 28 million Americans on food stamps because illegals downgrade wages and take jobs from our working poor.


Kennedy single handedly planted the seeds for the destruction of our country per the words of President Teddy Roosevelt, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."


How did Kennedy answer that crisis of unrelenting illegal border crossing? He proposed, wrote and encouraged Ronald Reagan to sign the 1986 Immigration Amnesty that allowed what he said were only 1.3 million illegals. The true number of illegal aliens that gained instant citizenship became 4.3 million.


Later, Reagan said signing that amnesty was the worse mistake of his presidency.


Last June, 2007, as another 20 million illegal aliens broke over U.S. borders since 1986, Kennedy tried to give another amnesty by forcing S.B. 1639 into law with his bluster and pompous bellowing. He voted to double legal immigration to 2.2 million annually! Kennedy remains responsible for our $346 billion annual costs paying for illegal aliens!


In Dr. Otis Graham's "Unguarded Gates: A History of America's Immigration Crisis", he writes, "Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide, but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all--ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet."


He's voted against making English our national language which ensures further Balkanization of our nation via linguistic chaos. When a nation cannot speak to itself, it becomes fractured and separated.


While he battles with brain cancer, we battle for our nation's life. While he sails his boat around Martha's Vineyard, we pick up millions of pieces of trash on our borders from invading illegal alien hordes that he encourages. While he tips yet another glass of wine, we struggle to maintain our schools, communities, hospitals and prisons from this illegal invasion. While he sat on his barnyard wide rear-end for 40 years in the Senate creating the problems that now destroy our nation, we watched the American Dream turn into a nightmare.


Contrary to the editors of the Denver Post, Ted Kennedy may be likened to Nero of Rome who fiddled while it burned. Kennedy drank while we fought for our nation's survival. Kennedy ate at the finest tables while we struggled with his voting for H-1B and H-2B visas that displaced millions of American workers. Kennedy sailed his boat while our nation sank into consequences of a dysfunctional and unsustainable nation.


Because of Kennedy, our successful culture finds itself turning into a foreign culture that failed, i.e., Mexico. The March PEW report shows Mexicans in America becoming the new dominate majority by 2050 at 53 percent.


In other words, rather than serving America and our future, Senator Ted Kennedy destroyed our America just as quickly as he took Mary Jo Kopechne's life on a drunken night somewhere back in the 60s. As she fought for her life in that car as the waters rose above her, he escaped.


While we struggle nostril-deep in the nightmare waters of immigration swirling around us, we may well drown, too!


Once again, Teddy Kennedy escapes via death while we struggle for our nation's life.


Bye bye you complete waste of oxygen!!!! You won't be missed by true Patriots of this great Country!!

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I see where you're coming from, Mauser. I was never a big fan of the former Kennedy myself. However, the prospect of taking possible measures to help clarify the immigration issue might not be as horrific as you make it sound. Honestly, define what it means when you say "incompatible with U.S culture." As far as I'm concerned, the wealth and historic significance of our country was built on the backs of immigrants-- regardless of where they might have come from. A rise in illegal immigration might correlate with the introduction of that bill, but could the rise also be attributed to a number of other factors (socio-economics at the time, rise in population at the time, etc)?


To say that immigration is a bad thing is truly ridiculous and absolutely the least patriotic thing anyone could ever say in this country. Sadly, there is no such thing as a stable society, and if the standard is a "stable society," I fear that you will be highly disappointed every morning you wake up.


I will agree on the premise that Americans have become far more absorbed with their own cultures then the "American culture." I am a fan of Teddy Roosevelt's "hyphenated Americanism" belief, but in the connotation that the US is a soup, and not a salad. However, with that said, what makes the US the most unique in the world is our ability to welcome foreigners (legal of course) with open arms, accept their cultures, and shape ALL of our futures with those differences in mind.


Close-minded thinking gets people no where (the adage that "I'm old and I don't care anymore" is stupid, and is reserved for stupid people). As for the former Senator, I do not embellish his passing, as it is obvious of his impact to those he actually cared about, but I do not share any sympathy either.

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I see where you're coming from, Mauser. I was never a big fan of the former Kennedy myself. However, the prospect of taking possible measures to help clarify the immigration issue might not be as horrific as you make it sound. Honestly, define what it means when you say "incompatible with U.S culture." As far as I'm concerned, the wealth and historic significance of our country was built on the backs of immigrants-- regardless of where they might have come from. A rise in illegal immigration might correlate with the introduction of that bill, but could the rise also be attributed to a number of other factors (socio-economics at the time, rise in population at the time, etc)?


To say that immigration is a bad thing is truly ridiculous and absolutely the least patriotic thing anyone could ever say in this country. Sadly, there is no such thing as a stable society, and if the standard is a "stable society," I fear that you will be highly disappointed every morning you wake up.


I will agree on the premise that Americans have become far more absorbed with their own cultures then the "American culture." I am a fan of Teddy Roosevelt's "hyphenated Americanism" belief, but in the connotation that the US is a soup, and not a salad. However, with that said, what makes the US the most unique in the world is our ability to welcome foreigners (legal of course) with open arms, accept their cultures, and shape ALL of our futures with those differences in mind.


Close-minded thinking gets people no where (the adage that "I'm old and I don't care anymore" is stupid, and is reserved for stupid people). As for the former Senator, I do not embellish his passing, as it is obvious of his impact to those he actually cared about, but I do not share any sympathy either.


I'll deflect to one of my favorite authors and his feelings on diversity. Mr. Henry Makow who wrote the following,




We are all affected by "Diversity" but few understand its true nature.


Warning: It isn't pretty.


"Diversity" is a massive long-term behavior modification program that uses minorities to disinherit the majority.


In English, "Diversity" means acknowledging different races, religions and "sexual orientations."


In New World Order doublespeak, "Diversity" is a devious way to dilute and discriminate against the white, heterosexual Christian majority in Europe, Canada and the US.


While it pretends to advocate equality, its real goal is to guilt mainly heterosexual White males into yielding position and power. The object is to prepare North America and Europe for inclusion in a "world government" run by the central banking cartel based in London.


This private cartel's power is measured by the fact that virtually every major corporation, educational institution and government agency provides "diversity training" (i.e. political indoctrination) to its employees. Even though studies show it has zero economic benefit, they spend eight billion dollars a year on it. Toyota alone plans to spend that much in the next ten years.http://findarticles.com/p/ articles/mi_m0FXS/is_4_82/ai_99986376/pg_1


Here is an example of the shaming of Whites that takes place in these sessions. It is from the text, "Seeing Ourselves: Exploring Race Ethnicity and Culture" (1999) by Carl James.


A participant, Greg tells the group:


"As for my race, I am white but I never really had to think about it before. I don't feel that it ever affected the people with whom I associated or talked to. My two best friends are Black and (Canadian) Indian. I was brought up in a family that didn't believe in prejudice and I'm proud of that. If I don't like a person, it is because of their personality, not their race or heritage."


Now you'd think that Greg would pass with flying colors.


You didn't consider the hidden agenda. The author, a Diversity trainer, chastises Greg for assuming he is "the norm." Greg fails to acknowledge his "race privilege," that "invisible package of unearned assets" that is the "white colonial legacy." Whites like Greg deny "the ways in which they socially, culturally and politically produce relations of domination." (p.44)


In other words, Whites naturally oppress other people. That sounds like a vicious racism to me.


Can you see what's happening? These Diversity sessions lay guilt trips on Whites, especially males, so they will yield power to compliant grateful minorities who have not earned it. This is a scam. Anyone who objects to this political agenda commits career suicide. That's political persecution.


I want to be clear that I think the human race is one family and God loves all people equally. Like Greg, I believe people should be judged on their merit alone, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.


I have no problem with "minorities" winning positions of power so long as they do it fairly. I welcome the rich contribution immigrants make. I am an immigrant (1951).


But "Diversity" is not about fairness or enriching society. It promotes minorities not for their own sake, but as a way to undermine and control the majority.




It's ironic that the central banking clique should lay this guilt trip on Whites when they are responsible for imperialism and wars past and present. They grew even richer through the slave and opium trades, and they control organized crime today through their agents.


The US population is more than 75% White and Christian. The plan is for Whites to become a minority by 2050 or sooner. Whites are expected to stand by and become guests in their own house.


When Whites are a minority, no one will champion their rights. There are two million more females than males at US universities. Have you heard of any affirmative action programs for males?


"Diversity" is practically unheard of in China, Japan, Israel, India and Latin America. These countries are allowed to keep their racial character. But because people of European origin have a sense of material, spiritual and political entitlement, they are the hardest to absorb in the New World Order. They are the targets of the "Diversity" program.


The central bankers use the tactic of "divide and conquer" to undermine the four pillars of our identity: race, religion, nation and family.


First, they pretended to champion the workers to get rid of the Tsarist regime in Russia. Then they pretended to champion women and homosexuals to undermine heterosexual values and the family. Finally they are duping Whites to passively accept discrimination and a greatly diminished status.


They use the same dog-eared play book. (Select one) Workers, Jews, Blacks, homosexuals, women have been oppressed for centuries. Let the bankers put their (select one) front men (or womyn) in power.





Malleable and conformist, the masses will usually adopt the norm. When evil people set the norm, the masses will succumb to distorted and self-destructive behavior.


The banking cartel creates money using our national credit. As a result, society has been subverted by an alien power with a satanic agenda. Our political and kultural elites consist of traitors who, for example, allowed 9-11 to take place and covered it up. We are subjected to a constant stream of lies from these sanctimonious self-serving pawns.


In a poll taken Oct. 18, 2007, by the Toronto Globe and Mail, 63% answered "No" to the question: "Do you think Canada's multiculturalism policies have been a success?" The sample was roughly 11,000 and Globe readers tend to be liberals.


The founding peoples of the West have a right to maintain their national character and see it flourish. Immigrants expect to integrate, while retaining their heritage. They don't expect to be used to undermine the majority.


So, let's not fall into their "divide and conquer" trap by focusing our indignation on minorities. They are manipulated as much as we. Let's focus on the central bankers and their lackeys, in politics, education, business and the media.


I know this goes against the grain for some. Ask yourself where did you get your attitudes. They were dinned into you by the media and education. We are being manipulated and duped and it's time we awoke.


Let me remind you: the term "politically correct" originated in the Communist Party of the USSR in the 1920's. It is not a coincidence that the term is part of our lexicon today. The same bankers who controlled the USSR then, secretly control the USA, Canada and Europe today.




Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." ([email protected]

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I agree on the principle that most racism is justifiably self-racism/self-fulfilling prophecy in this country, and that the majority is slowly becoming the minority (not necessarily in numbers). However, to blame the broken trend of "giving" to minorities is just as wrong of the current majority as it is of the minorities to take advantage of such programs. When looking deeper into the problem, it is actually the fault of the "white man" in this situation to even let it continue. White man in this context of course referring to the majority and not necessarily the color of a man's skin.


Now, as I stated, the issue here is the moral ambiguity of the majority to deflect their inability to deal with the issues in a coherent manner that allows for actual progressive change. Progressive change not being the willful or skillful upheaval of the current system into a so-called New World Order, but the actual change of thinking that allows for both the majority and minority to come upon the premise that all men are indeed equal. This mode of thinking is of course quite abstract, and many frown upon it as a notion of an idea, and not necessarily something that can be executed upon. Others see it as a means of projecting their unique qualities, and, in turn, being racist towards others (IE. Obama's successful election should have been a great step forward for ALL Americans-- regardless of their status. Instead, it, in a sense, broke the racial dam free, empowering minorities to seek further material gain instead of bringing people together).

Like the argument of progressive change, diversity appears to have the same issues. However, in the same context, it is not simply a matter of a group taking advantage, or the system even being broken. It is the inability for the people to take the responsibility to actual do something about it. In my perspective, this is when it appears that it is indeed the majorities "fault" of sorts that the country has dwindled and become what it is today. Why? Because it is the majority that have "run" the country since the beginning and to this day, and never quite did enough to push for any kind of change to either help with diversity, or question the modes of diversity taken by individuals or allowed by the fellow majority.


Some may argue they do try to make a difference, but obviously your modes of trying to make a difference are pointless if you've been trying to do it for over a decade, and nothing has changed. Either that or you're not doing enough. I'm of Orient background, and my race has gone through a number of hardships both in the homeland and here. I do not feel entitled to a damn thing because I know that my family never felt that way. When my parents came here, they never asked for a thing (my mother was accepted to Harvard Medical school, but could not attend because American schools did not give out aid to foreign students at the time. My father rose to a high position in Bloomberg, but was asked to resign or be fired by his superiors [who were all white]). They both drove on), instead they kept their heads down and did a damn fine job that nobody, including the ones who apparently have "sympathy" for minorities, cared much about. Why? Because unless you're an actual minority, you simply do not know what it is like. Sure, I'm US born (from the mid-west), but I still am shaded differently, and in turn am still treated far differently-- even if I sacrificed my well being for the nation.


So, do not simply state that the problems with diversity are a social construct. That is elementary and a pointless argument.

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...but I think celebrating his death is in very poor taste (and besides, reveling in someone else's misfortune is bad Karma).


Read "Senatorial Privilege: The Chappaquiddick Cover-up" by Leo Damore. You might well change your mind after that. I read it many years ago and after I finished I wanted to drive to Massachusetts and take a bat to the drunken son-of-a-bitch.

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