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AGGRAVATED? Vent here!

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260 miles to wash a car! Doubt it. Even with the free coffee.


I use a automated hand wash bay. Gets all the road grime off. I'm not concerned about a bright finsih. I do that myself in the warmer weather. I just wash the salt off after every storm or two.

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Driving through downtown Lakewood on Rt 9 pisses me off so much..Actually, driving through Lakewood pisses me off. Also trying to find a job. That is seriously aggrivating. Not being able to use the gun range across the street in the woods is kind of aggrivating too. Only the police can use it :evil:

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Man boys who were pink aggravate me. :deadhorse:



So currently pink is ok, but formerly pink aggravates you?

They used to be pink... now they're "salmon".

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Aggravate, Aggravated, Aggravating.


From the Latin aggravatus, past participle of aggravare to make heavier, from ad- + gravare to burden, from gravis


: to make worse, more serious, or more severe : intensify unpleasantly

Dan's evil twin???

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I forgot one, people who did 50 in the fast lane. This one just makes me flip out.


So now I know....


When I see Chad, limp handshake and stand in his personal space


When I see ken, I'm going to rock the air qoutes like its nobodies business!!


More to come

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gotta ask...... what is an "air quote"



and I will add to the list....


I hate close talkers..... I really dont need to smell what you had for lunch.... back off!!!!

When people make little quotation marks in the space in front of them with two fingers of each hand while they're speaking, implying that the words should be in quotes.


So now I know....


When I see Chad, limp handshake and stand in his personal space


When I see ken, I'm going to rock the air qoutes like its nobodies business!!

Just more entries in the "You're a dickhead" column

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OK, I agree with Matt (yeah, surprised me too :o ), if you are not going to keep up with traffic, get the fork out of the way! This seems to be especially prevalent with cars on the GSP, Turnpike and Interstates with PA plates. I guess they can't read the signs that say DRIVE RIGHT-PASS LEFT.

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John you have no idea how many people I see daily that merge onto the parkway and in one motion go from the right to the left it's insane.


Then the big tour type buses in the fast lane, first your not suppose to be there EVER and second your doing 45 in the fast lane, grrr. Or you get the big tour bus doing 75 in the fast lane who is about 3ft off the bumper of the car in front of him, do these people even think??


And Ken, that list is so long, is it even a list anymore?

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People (including this forum) who can't (or wouldn't) spell correctly or use correct grammar ... and on top of it are completely oblivious and nonchalant about it!


Try and use the ',' in a sentence when called for (that's a comma, not an air-quote!), and other punctuation marks on the typing instrument called the keyboard in front of you. Do you even notice those special characters? Those are there for a reason ya know!


Some folks are still continuing to use, "AGGRIVATED" in posts to THIS thread, despite repeated corrections! Shish ... :roll: :deadhorse:

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What a bunch of angry men... No wonder I have so many friends here! :D


Things that aggravate (in no particular order):

High gas prices

Old ladies with pristine muscle cars

People with f-awesome guns that never see the light of day

Dead fish handshakes

'for all intense purposes'

Rain on the weekend


People who say they hate something without trying it


Lazy people

Left lane Richards

Toll roads


People (though particularly women) with excessive baggage (even the airlines limit baggage to two items, less than 50 lbs)

NJ laws - all of them

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One of those situations where something bad happens or something gets screwed up and everyone blames you, but you did not do anything wrong and you know you are right but cant prove it. Happened today at work. It put me in such a bad mood. im just starting to cool off from it...


Oh, and +1 on the slow drivers in the fast lane. I take the parkway every day to and from work. Mornings are OK. but coming home always sucks... There is ALWAYS someone doing 64 in the fast lane with NO ONE in front of them. You cant even pass them because there is always another car next to them doing the same speed limit.


AND... (one more thing)... where the parkway divides into the Expressway and Local (just passed Raritan and Asbury toll Plazas), apparently thats when people realize that they want to be on the expressway and just cut you off...

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I also really hate when people stop walking in the doorway of a store when your behind them, So you or anyone else cant get around them. If your gonna stop to check your receipt or answer your phone, Don't do it in the doorway.


I also hate grammar Nazis sometimes, Not all the time but sometimes. Only when they correct you condescending way.

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what would really irritate me in nyc was tourists.... dont just stop in the middle of the street and put your head in the sky.... move the heck to the side of the street and ponder all you want.


People who take up the whole damn escalator..... if you are not walking up the escalator, as I feel everyone should, stay on the right side of it... let people, obviously seasoned nyc commuters to walk up the left hand side.


People who buy professional equipment (cameras, etc...) but have no fuggin clue how to, or intention of using things for the way they were designed.


Teenie boppers and younger with crack berries, crack phones, etc.... you are not that important.

Along the same line... your 6 year old does not need a damn cell phone. Read a book or something.


Stubborn people who have no clue about what they are talking about, but saw something on tv, and obviously they are now an expert and not only, do they not need professional help, they can tell that professional how to do their job. Yes, I realize you saw suze orman say it on tv, and I know you learned that one term and you can now magically speak the lingo of the finance masters, and you now with an excel spreadsheet you downloaded, can plan your entire families budget, created your retirement plans ,inflation hedged for the next 25 years, created your financial plan including a montecarlo simulator, know all the 50,000+ pages of the tax code, and know all of the 80,000+ different investment vehicles out there, and obviously far more qualified than anyone who actually lives and breathes, and puts in 80 hours a week plus doing this for a living... and oh yeah... is actually legally liable for giving you that advice. Go open up an E-trade account, roll over your retirement account and invest it in the next surefire investment, because you got a stock tip in an email,that you dont know who sent it to you, for a company that is a "sure fire 1,000% gainer next week," and they dont even have their financials being reported and the CEO is a 23 year old scam artist. While you got that one bright idea in the shower that you can do it yourself, you STILL CANNOT GIVE YOURSELF UNBIASED ADVICE! For every one joe smoe who got lucky, there are thousands who lost it all. This is why 70% of do it yourselfers are broke within the first year, and 99% lose it all within 3 years.


Brokerage companies, like fidelity, schwab, scottrade, etc... they dont give a rats behind if you make money. They make money every time you click that button. In fact, they want to see you fail. As your account is going down, the gambling mentallity comes in to get you to want to double up to get out of it...... they make their commission every time.


The people on TV dont give a hoot either, they just want to sell their: book, stock picking service, overiced gold coins, audio programs, seminar's, suze orman's fico kit, dave ramsey's books, counseling, etc. MSNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg, CNBC all want to keep you watching as they get paid on ad revenues.


None of your so called resources give a hooot about how you do as long as you keep buying their stuff..... and none of them are responsible for you ruining and blowing through your own money.... why? Because you did it yourself.


At the end of the day, we can all be bitching about doctors, lawyers, mechanics, brokers, insurance salespeople, but guess what.... we are all responsible to give you unbiased advice & recommendations, and to put you in a better position.





pheeeeewwwwwww. wow. I needed to get this out. lol. so it started out simple, but really got into what bugged me for the first 5 years of working with people. I would really be bothered by those types of people and think I am doing something wrong, and it would keep me up, and even made me consider if this is what I wanted to do, but after 5 years, you realize there are just those people, you cannot change them, and I choose not to work with them. :clap:

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See? Don't you feel better now?


To add to your escalator irk...In Atlantic City, I'm not sure what they are called, they are like flat escalators? They can also be found in airports. People really need to move to the side if they are just going to stand on them and not walk on them. I love these things, its like walking in bionic speed, they ruin it for me.


People who stop at red lights 100 yards behind the car in front of them, then SLOWLY creep up behind them, or just remain stopped wayyyy far back.


People who turn their blinkers on 5 miles before they are going to turn.




People who insult my intelligence.


People who infantilize others.


People who don't cut the umbilical cord until they are 30+ years old.


People who TRY to tell me how to raise my own daughter, who has not raised kids themselves in over 30 years. A LOT has changed.


Fat free peanut butter.


"Men" who wear sandals. I don't want to see your nasty azz feet, PLEASE DO NOT wear sandals to restaurants. It makes me want to vomit.




People who yes me to death.

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The more professional your field, the more you find what you describe. Nobody tells the kid a McDonald's how to make their hamburger 'better'...


But, I did diagnose a co-worker's father via information I found on the interwebz - and I was correct, the guy had West Nile. :o

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