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So... my spleen ruptured

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Not sure if anyone noticed that I haven't been around much lately, a lot has changed. Basically my life went from finals to Christmas, to girlfriend, to being sick and tired starting January 2nd.


Coincidentally the day before I started dating my girlfriend.


Well, it turns out I had mono, for about a month, and about two weeks ago I had some really bad stomach pain. Thought perhaps I was constipated, and so I tried every remedy (and I mean EVERYTHING). This was made worse by my girlfriend getting annoyed at me and punching me in the stomach, or rather, my left side, just under the ribs.


Next day, I went to a clinic, since I can't get an appointment with my doctor, ever (I always seemed to get sick during Jewish holidays, Fridays which he takes off, or when there were no appoinments.) Well, they listened to my symptoms, and asked if I wanted an ambulance.


Being the cheap-ass I am, I instead drove home in excruciating pain, and waited for my mom to take me to the ER. Eventually, I had a CT Scan, and found out my spleen ruptured, and I was having internal bleeding for a while. Initially, they told me they were going to have to remove it, but, being the badass I am, it's healing, which is good because I turn 21 on Feburary 19th, and I want to drink once I'm legal. But either way, I had to spend 5 days in the hospital, where I watched all the Sean Connery Bond films.


Anyway, I'm fine now, but I figured this might be a bit of a funnier story, and at least something different from all the talk of AWB, and other stuff that's causing us gun owners to lose our hair, plus, I wasn't sure if anyone noticed I was gone.


But the long and short of it is, always get checked out if something doesn't feel right, and don't get distracted when your girlfriend is talking to you.

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I'm concerned about your safety. Domestic abuse doesn't go away or stop no matter how many times she apologizes. If she beat you to the point of internal bleeding this early in the relationship, imagine how badly she will beat you next time. Run away while you still have legs... Ever see/read "Misery"???


Now seriously; welcome back and get well soon.



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So basically what I just read your gf punched you in the stomach and ruptured your spleen. I hope you dumped her and punched her back.




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Feel better. Don't stand for domestic abuse. And, btw, we share the same birthday :-)

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Feel better.


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Dude, find another doctor that will take that rhing out. Mine ruptured back in 1988, back when medicine was still emerging from the Stone Age. Recovery tool A LONG time, even at age 16, but it is better than being dead.


One thing you do NOT want to eff with is the spleen. All it is is a thinly-walled sack of blood with no critical finction. But it can kill someone easily - just about did me in. And if you are planning on going into the military, you can get a waiver for it.


My advice is to:

1. Get a second surgical opinion NOW;

2. Don't try to tough this out.

3. Lay a serious guilt trip on the GF. "Let no crisis go to waste."

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Dude, find another doctor that will take that rhing out. Mine ruptured back in 1988, back when medicine was still emerging from the Stone Age. Recovery tool A LONG time, even at age 16, but it is better than being dead.


One thing you do NOT want to eff with is the spleen. All it is is a thinly-walled sack of blood with no critical finction. But it can kill someone easily - just about did me in. And if you are planning on going into the military, you can get a waiver for it.


My advice is to:

1. Get a second surgical opinion NOW;

2. Don't try to tough this out.

3. Lay a serious guilt trip on the GF. "Let no crisis go to waste."

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With your track record, perhaps you should consider switching to a Gentile doctor.

I re-read that twice and keep seeing genital doctor.

Well, actually, I did almost lose a ball when I was in 6th grade, another time I wasn't going to seek medical attention. Only reason I ended up going was because I didn't want to go to CCD.


As for the aggressor, here's one taken while my spleen was unknowingly ruptured. BTW- I forgot to mention, she punched me in the Mutter Museum.







As for taking my spleen out, there are reasons you don't want it out, it increases your risk of infections, my mom's friend's son had meningitis recently because he never got certain vaccinations when his was removed. And the CT scan said it was healing, and the surgeons decided not to remove it, so I'm cool with it.


Besides, I can't afford to miss any more work or school.

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See if the spleen can fully heal. You're better off with one than without it, in my opinion. Take it easy and don't go crazy on your birthday.


But, if your spleen still acts up or your GF decides to pile-drive you again, you're probably gonna re-rupture it and need it removed.

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