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If the US was invaded

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Hypothetically speaking. If something were to go down I think about it like this. If you control the east coast you control a lot. You have major communication hubs in New Jersey. You take control of that you can slow down the rest of the country. Just my opinion


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There is no benefit for any country to conventionally attack the mainland US for any reason. If anything someone will fire a nuke at us from half the world away. Considering a 'tactical assault' is ludicrous.

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There is no benefit for any country to conventionally attack the mainland US for any reason. If anything someone will fire a nuke at us from half the world away. Considering a 'tactical assault' is ludicrous.





sometimes at work we have those crazy conversations.... and people say ... 


"what happens when China comes to take us over"


and I try to explain that we would be of no use to them.. they want us free earning money so we can buy the stuff they make.. LOL

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There are ways to shut down the country and causing economic turmoil without invading a country. Merely attacking the NorthEast power grid will result in a huge disruption. Wall Street being shut down as well as much of the other non-financial related business that works in the nYC area...


Or just elect Obama and create the same turmoil slowly.

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Maybe iphones are programmend not to type US in their language...


Enter all tin foil types now....





Didnt Japan look into this before WWII? I believe they found that "there would be a gun behind every blade of grass" or something to that effect. Not to mention we'd see any mass invasion attempt coming a figurative mile away. I guess of I had to pick a place it would be the west coast to invade, with a blitzkrieg strategy. Take as much land as quickly as possible.


Jon's right though, a nuclear attack is much more likely.

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The Japanese did invade Alaska and held one of the small islands for a short period of time in WWII.


I agree the nuke or fire bombing would be the first action. Take out the major cities and take out our power and a majority of people would be helpless.

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There is no way... there are FAR too many military bases (almost all with an "ALERT"section that will scramble jets with live munitions within minutes of a suspected attack.  NJ has several bases, NY has many as well, DC has 2, the northeast would be a bad spot to come at us.  They would do it from the south and come up from mexico.... oh wait...

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The Japanese did invade Alaska and held one of the small islands for a short period of time in WWII.


I agree the nuke or fire bombing would be the first action. Take out the major cities and take out our power and a majority of people would be helpless.

OMG NO FACEBOOK!!! NO YOUTUBE!! NO GOOGLE?! WHAT EVER WILL WE DO!!!!  remember that power outage that took out like 1/3 of the north east and they thought it was a terrorist attack... people where so confused and couldnt handle no technology.... maybe those doomsday prepers have it right lol

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If there is an "invasion" of any sort by nation-sponsored foreign operatives, it's likely to be some kind of commando units, going after infrastructures like major bridges and other transportation, power stations, power transmission, and communications systems.


However, most of these things can be hacked remotely.  Most wouldn't even require an operative to be physically nearby.  Think of the virus that destroyed Iran's centerfuges.  China is trying this kinda stuff all the time, and you have to imagine plenty of our [other] enemies are trying just as hard.


An actual invasion by normal infantry units?  Can't see that happening, at least never initially.  I have to imagine we have enough spies, satellites, and friendly nations out there to spot [and then neutralize] any major naval force that would have the capability of threatening us...

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No way an invasion happens.  Invade and do what with all the citizens and cities?  Germany had hell trying to occupy countries in Europe and they were a fraction of our size.  


Easier to wreck the U.S via infrastructure/economy than an old school boots-on-the-ground takeover.  Even if D.C. was occupied and razed, we're a republic; each state already has its own government in place.  Add to that the amount of firepower in the hands of civilians and the supply difficulties for the invaders and the US is a really, really hard nut to crack.

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Three letters - EMP.


Then they could just wait offshore until we were done tearing ourselves apart fighting for food, water, electricity, medicine. 3 months later they could stroll in from anywhere they pleased and meet token resistance at best. Those of us most likely to be the ones "behind every blade of grass" and resist an invasion would be dead from the fight to survive while fending off others trying to do the same. Those fighters remaining would be weak, sick, and short on any ammo, weapons, and supplies that was stockpiled.


Over half of the sheeple would be dead and the rest starving. All the infrastructure would still be standing for their exploitation. No fallout. Roads and buildings still intact for the most part and manufacturing facilities, utilities, etc would take minor repairs to get back up and running.


The worst part, the part that really makes me sick.... After 3 months of starvation most remaining Americans would welcome an invading army if they brought food, MTV and Facebook back.

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