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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2017 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Its very taxing right now. I hate that I have to be suspect of almost everybody. When I'm stopped at a light I try to not let cars directly next to me, leave enough space to escape if need be. A simple question could be a purposeful distraction. You can sit in one spot too long or park where people can get around your car. Its 8-16 hours completely on edge just waiting or being prepared for something to happen. I expect the worst so I'm prepared for whatever may happen when I'm working. The one who I feel sorry for most is my wife, not because she is married to me lol, but because I am not home for long periods and a lot of times she can't get in touch with me. She expects the worst too. She has already had calls from either myself or coworkers about me in the ER. A few times I didn't even tell her till I got home after she saw me dropped off in a police car cause I wasn't allowed to drive. Spouses have it bad
  2. 2 points
    Finally picked up my first semi-custom 1911. Here's my almost decade old Les Baer TRS: Pricey but if you like 1911's as much as I do, they're worth every penny... Thanks again to Steve (remixer) for the quick and painless transfer!
  3. 2 points
    Well... that is really a VERY sad commentary - from a cop's perspective - on the current state of affairs. If that is a typical reaction (and I can only assume it is), then not only are cops and their families dealing with an added level of strain, but there are also long-term implications re: the ability of police departments to attract good recruits. Some of these horrible events are bound to dissuade young people from going into police work. They'll either re-direct to other first responder jobs (EMT, firefighter, etc.) or they'll just go into different fields altogether. We all lose when the law enforcement talent pool shrinks. What a shame!
  4. 1 point
    Thanks everyone. I know there are quite a few dog lovers on here who completely understand, she was part of the family. The wife and kids are already asking for another dog but for me it is just too soon, besides we are still paying off a huge vet bill. In time I will definitely get another dog, not a replacement but another furry friend,
  5. 1 point
    Let's give it to the same team that will be charged with getting all the transgender bathrooms set up and enforce compliance with same. I'm sure they won't take three months to get around to setting it up, or enforcing compliance.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    I did just that. It's next to impossible to get individual email addresses however so I sent it to a general address to the Superintendent I found on the main site. I can only assume it'll work its way down to the proper people. I want to add that of all that was shown to me it was clear that the reason for my delay was that the barracks I'm forced to work with did not pick up their mail for several weeks. I had politicians and the Attorney General in on this. It was when I re-called the Sargent in Trenton that helped me and told him that The Barracks said he was wrong and picked up their mail nightly that he got pissed enough to call them and got it straight for me. I then got it 4 days later. I'm convinced that no political pressure can motivate any of these people as they are too insulated from consequences to care. In my case they manged to anger one of their own and in this case one with juice. I can only imagine what will happen for my next go around after embarrassing and angering the people I did. We'll see.... For all of the time and expense involved, and in this I includes time lost from work, I think this process should be removed from the individual barrack's hands and be done at a separate station of some sort set up for just this. NJ is a large state in population but not in square miles. One could be almost anywhere in circa 90 minutes. I would be willing to travel to a point where this could be arraigned just to knock it out. After all we do it for finger prints. Just a thought.....
  8. 1 point
    This LEO, is on a traffic stop, when someone apparently takes a shot at him. I wouldn't want to be a cop these days with all the cop bashing going on. Don't get me wrong, I understand there are bad cops out there. But I believe the majority of them are good, decent people, just trying to do a job and get home at the end of the day. Do some cops have attitudes when they make contact with you? Sure. But as I've gotten older and hopefully wiser, I've realized that with the shit they see and deal with everyday, I'd probably have an attitude to. Who knows what kind of call they just came from? All this cop hating has gotten out of fucking control. When you have people taking shots at cops like this, or at Officer Familia who was just sitting in her squad car, we've reached a boiling point. To the LEO's on this forum, keep your heads down and on a swivel. https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0bd_1500683726
  9. 1 point
    Yep. Back in high school I had a 1980 Trans Am. Smokey and the Bandit special. I got pulled over a LOT.
  10. 1 point
    Not necessarily. When I was a teen, a motorcycle cop set up radar and had no tickets written yet. They were notorious for giving tickets with the most minor infraction. At least the usual guy that was there. He kind of looked like Ringo. He apologized profusely because he hated doing radar and haven't given any tickets yet and was getting off his shift. and lowered it to 2 miles over the limit which was 25. His trap was right next to a hotdog wagon. By time we were done bsing, we each had hotdogs and became friends. Haven't seen him decades but before he left, gave me all the areas with traps and times. I had a few stories similar over the years. They loved picking on TransAms. Lol. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. 1 point
    Hat is off to all first responders. No way I could be a police officer. I do find it comical when people get a ticket or a summons and they bitch about how the officer wasn't all happy and go lucky. You broke a law you dipshit. Own it! Co-worker of mine was bitching about something similar. I said to him this isn't Chili's restaurant where they have to be nice to you. YOU are making this officer do his/her job. You created this situation. Own it.
  12. 1 point
    I get the need to use windows etc I remember how important that was during the ride along I did in the fall. However, it's 2017 they have to make some type of light weight film by now. And how do you put a price on someone's life. The threats are unfortunately a very real problem. This whole anti cop bs really pisses me off. The crap our society faces today the police are our protectors on home soil. Let's not forget the majority of individuals that have negative interaction with police are criminals! Not law abiding, positive contributing members of the community. let me stop now, before I get myself in trouble
  13. 1 point
    No way I'd be a cop. I have a GREAT deal of respect for them, but it's by and large a thankless job. The public loves the military ( for the most part), but police tend to get a bad rap. Unfortunate. They are the front line. Everyone hates a cop when they get a ticket, but they cry and bitch that they aren't around when they need one. In many cases, it's a no win situation. My hat is always off to them.
  14. 1 point
    Heavy, expensive, and you can't roll it down. A lot of good police work is accomplished with windows rolled down so you can hear things and talk to people. People cry militarization when we buy rifles, put lights in our guns, or have our armor outside our shirts. Imagine if we had bulletproof cars that created a "wall" between cops and the public we serve?
  15. 1 point
    Getting shot at is a very character building experience.
  16. 1 point
    Kings Shooter Supply (Roger's Better Bullets) is very nearby
  17. 1 point
    Funny, I was thinking, "I should find out who his boss is and send a nice note." He really was nice.
  18. 1 point
    I'm not erecting a blue wall. Neither am I erecting the gallows. We don't know anything about the case and should withhold opinions until actual facts are released.
  19. 1 point
    If this diversity hire weren't wearing a uniform, you wouldn't be erecting a blue wall in front of his indefensible actions. What I know of it is irrelevant anyway. I do know how politics works though, specially when foreign governments are involved. The stench of his employment will end up on a lot of people and others heads will roll.
  20. 1 point
    There will be official inquiries into everything behind this. The Australian government will demand it and public opinion will support it. This was an indefensible killing by an unqualified diversity hire, from the seat of his cruiser, across his partner into the body of an unarmed woman in her pajamas with no obvious threat. There is no way you can twist this into a good shoot. This is a very high profile case and every level of government will end up demanding a report. The Mayor tossed the chief under the bus, the Mayor is next, count on it.
  21. 1 point
    No amount of blue fog is going to make this one go away. They will dig into his reviews, how he did in the academy, any communication about him, on and on. Everyone involved in hiring this turd will be under a microscope and when they out the fact that he was in the position for one reason only, i.e. he's a Somali Muslim, there is going to be hell to pay.
  22. 1 point
    Case closed, Johnson. Now sprinkle some crack on the body and let's get out of here.
  23. 1 point
    The chief resigned. There's a storm coming and she was seeking to get away from it. This diversity hire, unqualified POS murdered that woman and he's not going to get away with it. The Australian government is involved. There is no way this shit stain gets off. Maybe he'll do us all a favor and jump off a cliff.
  24. 1 point
    He won't be charged. Courts have already ruled a cop can knock on your door in the middle of the night and shoot you dead. Even if they don't announce themselves, have the wrong person, and the wrong house. Just because you are holding a pistol at your side. Everytime a cop is held to a lower standard than a civilian, the distrust increases, and unfortunately the danger for the police increase. Every good cop should be talking out against the Andrew Scott Murder, but I don't remember reading much about it. I am sure many disagree with what happened in many murders by cop, but there is the unwritten rule of standing by their own, no matter how bad and wrong they maybe. http://mobile.wnd.com/2017/03/cops-given-pass-for-shooting-innocent-man-in-his-own-apartment/ Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  25. 1 point
    This is crazy! I support the police but this poor lady was in her pajamas running to the people she called for help. The chief of police said it was a bad judgement on the officers part. He needs to be charged with manslaughter like any other citizen would be and have his day in court.
  26. 1 point
    I must be a little slow on the uptake that it took me so long to figure this out, but... don't you think the NJSP are assuming a Democratic governor, like so many others on here? If that's so, they're probably NOT DOING A DAMN THING to improve the permitting process, because they think Christie's directive urging them to meet their 30-day processing requirement will soon get tossed right out the window. I just can't imagine it's on their priority list. And if Murphy does get in... I'm further guessing that 3 mos would soon be considered LIGHTNING-FAST for a permit. Who knows what additional fees, restrictions and other blockages might be added to the process by this nimrod? This leaves me with 3 thoughts: 1) everyone should fight Murphy in any way possible --- if you have time to spare, give it, and if you have no time but a few extra bucks, donate it 2) if he gets in despite best efforts, the only solution is the courts.. and that will take years 3) if there's 1 special firearm you really have your eye on, and have the money to get it, you should probably just buy it before November. It seems that prices have flattened or even dropped on some guns, so it's not like you'd be buying during a period of inflated prices. Anyone disagree? Because that's kind of my own plan and timeline right now.
  27. 1 point
    Prolly should hang up the bags if you're screwing up vinyl siding. But truth is, there are hacks in every industry. I have yet to advertise, I've subbed of a group that advertise like a summabitch. Hacks! Doing the game well, but time catches up with everything.
  28. 1 point
    If you get a chance try the HK VP9, trigger not as light as PPQ, I find it's better for me. comfortable not scary.

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