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Ed Brown Is Rude At Shot Show 2012

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I had a thought (yeah they still happen from time to time). Gun buyers often feel every guns fall into the same category of buyer because they are all sold at the same place. If they didn't have to be sold at a FFL Would the higher end sell at high end shops like Bloomingdales and the lower end stuff at Walmart? The firearms market is seriously disfigured by all the restrictions put on the sale of them. Not saying that we need to revamp everything or not, just saying it's something to think about when you are getting pissy about a dealer or manufacture.


In answer to your question, emphatically YES there are indeed "high-end" Gun Stores! Check-out a place in NJ named Griffin & Howe. They don't deal with the riff-raff like you & I. They sell EXPENSIVE custom guns and EXPENSIVE custom accessories & "gun apparel" too! Hand-sewn custom leather shotshell carriers costing hundreds of dollars! Quarter-millon dollar shotguns! English Safari-grade double rifles like .577 Rigby's. That's just the tip of the iceberg! If you walked through their doors your mind would be BLOWN! Yes you can find some of the medium-priced offerings under $10K, but since their's is a true "niche market" they don't have the time to tolerate fools.


I can just see it now: Mr. Viddiot getting hauled-away by the Cops after he comes into their store and demands an interview with the CEO!


Thank you for bringing your question to this thread. Make sure you have a napkin for the drool when you visit G&H's web site. Enjoy!

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You would be quite wrong. Read my response.


I would venture to guess more people watch this video, than read a review in some gun rag that is once and done.


I would be wrong about which part exactly? The the weaponseducation guy is a whinny douche? That he wants the interview not to promote Ed Brown (lol) but to profit off of it on his website? Or the fact that this won't hurt Ed Brown's business?


People that care more about the disposition of the gunsmith than the quality of the gun are a lot less likely to buy top end guns in the first place. Even this douche couldn't help himself in the video to say the guns are great but Ed Brown is an as*hole... LOL most of Ed Brown's customers couldn't give a rats a** about his disposition. Hell, I first heard of Ed Brown back in the late 90s from an armorer in the Air Force. He told me (at the time) if he had to put his life on a 1911 it would be an Ed Brown. That's how Ed Brown's business took off, word of mouth from people like him not some tool on the internet.

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Here it is in a nutshell. The web, internets, googles, youtube, whatever you want to call it has made the firearms industry lots and lots and lots of money. So, Ed Brown can hate it all he wants but company's like BLACKHAWK!, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Magpul have done very well since this has all happened. He can either jump on board or get the fugg out of the way.

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Lets try this experiment .. next fashion show have your wife get a press badge for making youtube reviews of fashion accessories, then ask your wife to walk up to the head designer of LV and ask for 5min. Odds are he/she/it will say no. I'll bet when she posts a video on the internet about how rude the LV designer was, they'll still be fine and sell what they want to sell.


Nothing against your wife btw, just using this as an example, a thought experiment if you will.


There is a difference between saying "no" and being rude.


Ed Brown could have just said, "I don't want to be in a video. Please turn the cameras off. Which guns of mine did you buy? How do you like them?"


Interesting that people on here seem to idolize Brown even more because of his lack of interpersonal skills.

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I went down to a astin-martin dealer with a camera the other day and could you believe that the manager wouldn't let me interview him? What an asshole! That is bad for business, I am going to tell everyone on the internet and they will just have to deal with the drop of sales in the future because of it! Waaaahh!!!! This entitlement that customers in the US feel that they have (or have to have) just because they bought a product from someone is scary sometimes. Is it a good product? Will they fix it or take a return if I find it not to be? Those are the only two factors I have when buying something. I don't need a hug and/or a reach around when buying anything. The only thing this video did was made me make darn sure not to watch anymore from this guy.


Kevin, are you for real?


Your equivalent would be.... I went to an Ed Brown stocking dealer today and wanted an interview, the guy told me no.


Now... the equivalent of Shot show is....


you went to the Detroit Auto Show, went to a company executive and asked "Hi, I am a media blogger with so and so, do you have 3 mins of your time to do a quick interview?"


Who will say no? Especially if you can say... btw, I own an Aston already.


No one is saying Ed's products are bad, merely saying that he needs to wake up and realize you ought to be friendly because you dont know if the person coming to you is your next big lead.


Fact is, if he was too busy to spare 3 mins for someone who bought two of his guns? totally inexcusable.


it is one thing if Ed Brown was the only guy around building 1911's, guess what, he is not. And every other custom builder I have spoken with will be more than happy to do so. The fact that he is getting free publicity, from a guy who LOVES his products, and he does not want to take that opportunity? clueless.

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This guy is looking to make money on the back of Ed Brown. He didn't want to do a video to "promote" Ed Brown, he wanted to do the video to promote and shill for himself. It is awfully self-evident to me. This guy Tom is nothing more than a Leech that has some money for nice toys. And his big web site is a whole year old, big deal! Not for nuthin, but I wish to applaud Ed Brown for blowing this guy off! Tom will surely go blue in the face waiting for his apology, and righfully so IMHO! I've been around a lot longer than most of the members of this forum. If I put a video camera in my hands and get a press pass to the Shot Show does that make me an expert or a video tycoon or a "force to be reckoned with"? Give me a F-ing break! All this clip means to me is that Mr. Brown has the unique ability to smell a turd from a mile away........


Yes, these dumb kids.


Here is a clue, every company out there, including shot show, went out of their way to kiss the ass of every one of these bloggers. These bloggers make a bigger impact that most of the gun rags that get thrown out.


go ahead, google any gun out there, see what comes up first, some site, forum, blog, youtube video..... or some magazine article.


http://www.youtube.com/user/hickok45 146k subscribers in 3 years, 51 million video views.

http://www.youtube.c...cy?blend=1&ob=0 182k subscribers, 89 million video views.


what was the readership of any gun rag out there?


Want some more? Find a gun rag with 2 million subscribers.


http://www.youtube.com/user/FPSRussia 2,120,230 subscribers, 355,942,803 video views, in less than 2 years.


How many guns have those guys sold?


And want to hear the silliest fact... any one of those bloggers, can be the next one.


So what is more important to a company now... a magazine rag where there is no interaction or instant feedback and that gets thrown away, or some blog that gets on the top page of search results.


Even if this guy is out to make himself successful, what do you think a magazine is doing it for? Because they care for glock's success or to sell advertising and subscriptions?


I am one of those guys that went on a media pass through the forum. I spent time with CEO's/Executives of a few major manufacturers, met with 2 designers, from Sig, Mr Tanfoglio himself.


In the media room, company representatives were in and out every few mins to do an interview with some web media.


Just saying. =) The internet is here to stay.



Over the past 2 years, I have met with easily over 250 or so companies at shot show, only 1 gave me the cold shoulder, also the one with the booth with minimal traffic.... Mr. Ed Brown.

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final comment, I am not a fan of the guy, I do think he is a bit whiney, and even though I was rudely treated two years in a row by Ed, and would never buy any of his guns as a result of it, I would not of posted a video.


Now this guy tom... 1 month on youtube...





Channel Views:


Total Upload Views:





Jan 3, 2011

Latest Activity:

2 hours ago




1 million video views, 11k subscribers. Yep.... in one month, he had his videos viewed by as many people as the total circulation of Guns & Ammo.

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Now this guy tom... 1 month on youtube...

1 year. But your point is still valid. 11k and a million views is a lot regardless of how long he's been on youtube.


The internet is here to stay.

Isn't it ironic that you're having to explain that on an internet forum :)

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I have a hard time seeing where anybody argued otherwise.

Then you're not looking hard enough. More than a couple people in this thread have implied (or straight out said) that the internet has no bearing on gun/gear/whatever sales, and that simply is not the case. For better or worse, the internet can make or break a company and those who choose to treat it like a passing fad will eventually realize how wrong they were.

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I know Tom from weapons education talked to him a few times, he is a good guy. He wouldn't lie about his experience, before shot show he really loved his ed brown handguns. I wouldn't expect him to sell the guns, if I bought something that was great quality and worked exactly the way I wanted,the product goes beyond the owner being disrespectful to me. Tom assumed the quality of those firearms would be some where in line with the attitude of the creator but he was mistaken and pretty upset about it.

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Cain, that's great..


As far as the internet, yes it can have a large impact on what people do and buy, you can't beat the number of people you can reach vs many other sources, especially cost vs. contact. The problem is, the people who are in the market for an Ed Brown gun and are willing to spend that sort of money know what they are buying. They have more than likely done some research, they don't buy one on a whim. Will this take away a few sales from Ed, probably, will it hurt his business, I doubt it.


EB guns do sell them selves, by word of mouth, this downside of Ed could have the same effect, but I have a feeling Ed will just be put in a class of Gun Genius, and eccentric builder and given a pass because, heck when you get right down to it, It's a Damn Good Gun.


There are other individual builders and idea people who are the same way in other industries, what really matters is the end product.

I know personally one person like this who just because of it has had added sales just because he makes a great product and people like the fact that he falls into the crazy genius category, forward thinker, and cutting edge push the limit idea guy.

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Maks .. I only have to watch 3-5 seconds of a you tube video to mark it as a "view". 1 million views is meaningless. How many times has the same person viewed each video, how many times someone like me went "Christ this guy is an idiot" 10 seconds in the video? How many of those views are from countries where guns are a unattainable fetish (ie Japan?) and lets not forget how many of those views are "fraud"?


How many views did the "leave Brittany alone" video get? Do you care?


Yes I know that big name manufacturers go out of their way to kiss a** to every Tom Dick and Jane .. it is FREE VIRAL ADVERTISING. They are savvy to realize they all they have to do if impress of bunch of people, make them feel like the company gives a **** about their blog or channel or whatever, the blogger's ego gets boosted and return the favor with basically free advertising. In other words they are playing on Tom, Dick, and Jane's ego so they can sell another 1000 widgets. We can all be attention whores, some people more then most. Some people really need that bit of exhibitionist behavior and the approval of crowds to justify their choices. If they want to prostitute themselves so they can be on video with some random famous on the internet personality, that's their business.


But here is the thing. I never bought a gun based on a youtube review. I may look at a video to see how something work and make up my own mind if that is good or bad. I may look at a youtube review of a holster explaining a certain problem with it. But I've never bought or not bought a gun or an accessory because some guy with a camera and big teeth went on you tube and showed me how nice the booth people were to them or he bitched that someone wasn't


Yes there are lots of views of his channel. Twice as many as Guns and Ammo. Do you know that Guns and Ammo is available online and that they encourage you to read it online for free? More importantly everyone here knows what Guns and Ammo is, almost no one knew who this guy was. He got more advertising from his rant then anything else he ever did, I'll bet his whine will propel him to even more "stardom" that he could have ever imagine, it will be the best thing that happened to him.


But here the real problem: The power of internet goes both ways. It has made a new bunch of "stars" and it keeps making them and it keeps making them until the pool is so diluted it doesn't matter. When you have 100 Nutnfancy's their individual "power" to sway anyone disappears. In cases like Ed Brown their power is already minimal because Ed Brown doesn't need to sell 1 million guns or widgets to make a living. He needs to sell far fewer to people who care about certain things. Look, one of the most popular autoblogs in the world complains that Ferrari fakes their speed numbers and calls them names for refusing to let them test cars the way they want. The most popular car show on earth complains that Ferrari will charge 1.8mil for a FXX and then doesn't let you take it home and that's ridiculous. Does that hurt Ferrari? Seemingly no, they sold every FXX they made and never had to let you have it and they are still Ferrari .. because they don't need to sell one to every Tom Dick and Jane.


So .. you don't want to buy Ed Brown because he was rude to someone who flicked his fingers over his way .. don't. He won't care. I can tell if that guy flicked his fingers at me as he shows in the video as an opener to the conversation I would have been far ruder to him then Ed Brown ever was. Hell if someone did that to me in the morning, I'd be in a foul mood all day and likely been rude to anyone that looked like him or had a "internet media" badge even if they were a nice guy like Maks because I can't guess which blogger is a douche bag and which one is nice. Think about that before you defend whatever the hell his name is, I forgot already.

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Yes, these dumb kids.


Here is a clue, every company out there, including shot show, went out of their way to kiss the a** of every one of these bloggers. These bloggers make a bigger impact that most of the gun rags that get thrown out.


go ahead, google any gun out there, see what comes up first, some site, forum, blog, youtube video..... or some magazine article.


http://www.youtube.com/user/hickok45 146k subscribers in 3 years, 51 million video views.

http://www.youtube.c...cy?blend=1&ob=0 182k subscribers, 89 million video views.


what was the readership of any gun rag out there?


Want some more? Find a gun rag with 2 million subscribers.


http://www.youtube.com/user/FPSRussia 2,120,230 subscribers, 355,942,803 video views, in less than 2 years.


How many guns have those guys sold?


And want to hear the silliest fact... any one of those bloggers, can be the next one.


So what is more important to a company now... a magazine rag where there is no interaction or instant feedback and that gets thrown away, or some blog that gets on the top page of search results.


Even if this guy is out to make himself successful, what do you think a magazine is doing it for? Because they care for glock's success or to sell advertising and subscriptions?


I am one of those guys that went on a media pass through the forum. I spent time with CEO's/Executives of a few major manufacturers, met with 2 designers, from Sig, Mr Tanfoglio himself.


In the media room, company representatives were in and out every few mins to do an interview with some web media.


Just saying. =) The internet is here to stay.



Over the past 2 years, I have met with easily over 250 or so companies at shot show, only 1 gave me the cold shoulder, also the one with the booth with minimal traffic.... Mr. Ed Brown.




Yes the Internet is here to stay. What the "Kids" don't understand is Ed Brown doesn't need the internet, which flies in the face of everything else they know. It actually irks them if someone is successful without it! If his business is such that he's booked more than a year in advance, at a terrific mark-up, while producing some of the highest quality in the industry, I'd say that's a pretty good business model. There are a few more like him, both in this industry and others.


Should he have said hello to this self appointed media czar? Yeah, probably. But Tom is a PUTZ, acted like a PUTZ and videotaped like a PUTZ. Didn't even let Ed wipe all of the fingerprints off of all of that glass before he stated shooting video. Those fingerprints belong to somebody, so people were at that booth! That's the difference, Ed wants to have a say in how his product is shown. These amateur vidiots that leave the fingerprints in the video leave a lot to be desired. A Pro videographer would have brought his own windex. And walked up to Ed with the camera turned off, open hand ready to shake and walked right up to him in his open-air booth to shake his hand, instead of the wheenie way he summoned him. From that point, it was all down-hill, because the PUTZ PUTZED!!

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The only thing I saw out of this mess was that Ed Brown should have just said, "no thanks, I don't want to do an interview, I have my personal reasons and hope that you understand." Instead he told the dude to keep coming back just so he can play some kind of mind-fug game. "i'm in a meeting", "I told you that you can come back but not that I would do an interview", "I'm still in my meeting", etc etc. That is just dickery.

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The only thing I saw out of this mess was that Ed Brown should have just said, "no thanks, I don't want to do an interview, I have my personal reasons and hope that you understand." Instead he told the dude to keep coming back just so he can play some kind of mind-fug game. "i'm in a meeting", "I told you that you can come back but not that I would do an interview", "I'm still in my meeting", etc etc. That is just dickery.


Or that might just be what the dude SAYS happened. But then again, you beacon me over with that gesture, I may be pissed enough to screw with you. He if really made the gesture he shows in the video, the dickery didn't start with Ed Brown.

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The whole thing is we have heard from Maks who I know isn't BS'ing and this guy and his whole video, but I do have to say at the end of the video when he shows Ed and what looks like some random person there looking to get there picture taken with him, he seems more than happy to do that. Maybe Ed should just post up a sign next year saying he will do Pic's but no Video and avoid this type of fiasco.

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This complaining mess comes off to me as a stalker who can't take a hint. And yes it annoys me too if I get gestured to one over like some servant. Man up and stop looking for Ed brown to tickle your balls because you have a show and bought a couple guns. You are not that important.

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Here it is in a nutshell. The web, internets, googles, youtube, whatever you want to call it has made the firearms industry lots and lots and lots of money. So, Ed Brown can hate it all he wants but company's like BLACKHAWK!, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Magpul have done very well since this has all happened. He can either jump on board or get the fugg out of the way.

Ed Brown doesn't care and doesn't need to care about the internet. His company puts out high end firearms that are always in demand for more then he can make, the companies you posted are major corporations that put out thousands of products compared to the tiny amount Ed Brown puts out. To compare EB to them is to compare apples to oranges. EB doesn't owe anyone an apology nor does he need to be Mr.Friendly at SHOT SHOW, while it definetly cant hurt to be nice he has a choice of how he is going to treat people even if they are his customers. I highly doubt because a random guy off youtube said hes rude and wont buy anymore of his firearms will even put a dent in EB business.

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Yes the Internet is here to stay. What the "Kids" don't understand is Ed Brown doesn't need the internet, which flies in the face of everything else they know. It actually irks them if someone is successful without it! If his business is such that he's booked more than a year in advance, at a terrific mark-up, while producing some of the highest quality in the industry, I'd say that's a pretty good business model. There are a few more like him, both in this industry and others.



Yes, Mr. Brown doesn't need the internet. His firearms sell themselves. But to just ignore the internets and hope it goes away is not going to help his business.

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Ed Brown doesn't care and doesn't need to care about the internet. His company puts out high end firearms that are always in demand for more then he can make, the companies you posted are major corporations that put out thousands of products compared to the tiny amount Ed Brown puts out. To compare EB to them is to compare apples to oranges. EB doesn't owe anyone an apology nor does he need to be Mr.Friendly at SHOT SHOW, while it definetly cant hurt to be nice he has a choice of how he is going to treat people even if they are his customers. I highly doubt because a random guy off youtube said hes rude and wont buy anymore of his firearms will even put a dent in EB business.


I dont think it could be said any better.

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