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Company With Ties to the Federal Gov’t Designs Unsettling Targets for Law Enforcement Community

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So this is what DHS and their multi billion rounds of JHP are training to shoot at. Basically they are shooting at anyone with a gun.


Couple this with all the "desensitizing actions" occurring over Miami, in Texas and elsewhere and what conclusion can you draw?





What if I told you police in your town could desensitize themselves to the idea of shooting a (armed) child, pregnant woman, or young mother, for just a couple of bucks?” Reason’s Mike Riggs asks.

Sadly, Riggs isn’t simply being perverse. He’s being 100 percent serious:


(Law Enforcement Targets, INC.)

For less than 99 cents per target, police officers can now shoot at real-life images “designed to give [them] the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training,” according to Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.’s website.

The company calls it the “No More Hesitation” series:



“Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. provides training targets and supplies for military branches, government agencies, law enforcement agencies, training organizations, private ranges, gun clubs, and shooting enthusiasts in the United States,” a Bloomberg profile on the group reads.

Shortly after contacting the company to find out more about the series, the marketing team at Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. sent Riggs the following statement:

The subjects in NMH targets were chosen in order to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.

I found while speaking with officers and trainers in the law enforcement community that there is a hesitation on the part of cops when deadly force is required on subjects with atypical age, frailty or condition (one officer explaining that he enlarged photos of his own kids to use as targets so that he would not be caught off guard with such a drastically new experience while on duty). This hesitation time may be only seconds but that is not acceptable when officers are losing their lives in these same situations.

The goal of NMH is to break that stereotype on the range, regardless of how slim the chances are of encountering a real life scenario that involves a child, pregnant woman, etc. If that initial hesitation time can be cut down due to range experience, the officer and community are better served.

There are seven targets in the series: Pregnant Woman, Older Man 1, Older Man 2, Older Woman, Young Mother, Young Girl, and Little Brother.


Law Enforcement Targets, INC. (cached).

“Considering that the company has landed $5.5 million worth of contracts with the federal government,” Riggs notes, “it might also be interesting to know if these targets are being used by federal law enforcement agents.”

Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. could not immediately be reached by phone for comment. Also, as of 8:30 p.m. ET, it appears that their website is down.

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As of my last discussion with two DHS shooters I am friendly with... there have been no "Hesitation" type targets on their ranges either locally, in DC or a FLETC in Georgia.

That contract is not for 5.5mil worth of paper target... it is for new ranges, supplies, targeting systems, backers, reactives etc etc.


That being said, this is a disturbing trend.


I also want to add... your are making villians out of some of the most conservative, 2A friendly, constituition loving and freedom protecting people in the nation. If you think there are enough leaders in DHS to back a anti citizen stance, you are way off base. These folks DO NOT think that the people are the problem... they went into DHS to protect the people, and their is no difference between dems and repubs in their eyes. You all sound like a bunch of militant 60s hippies decrying the man...


You are better off focusing on the local gov, the true amatuers that can f'up your life much faster then to look for the great federal bogeyman in the sky.

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My wife saw the photos and when I explained to her that they were targets, she said that was "disgusting".


It doesn't seem like a coincidence that the hand gun held in each picture is not easily discernible. Substitute the gun for a phone, wallet, donut, etc., and the outcome is tragic.


Might as well have photo targets of little children huddled in the corner of school rooms. You never know, one of them may be armed.

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Notice not one is carrying a "high capacity ammunition bullet magazine newspaper clip military style assault cannon". This must be in the future when they are all banned and now only moody, pregnant, senile old woman and children off their bran candy commit crime.

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This is not any thing new, they have been selling these targets for a while now. They sell all sorts of targets. About a 1 1/2 ago I wanted some silhouette targets to shoot at. At the local stores the best price I had ever found was like $1 a target and that was only the one time I had found it that cheep. On average it was like $1.50-$1.75, so I went looking online. I ended up on Law Enforcement targets website. I ended up buying a bunch of terrorist and hostage targets, instead of the silhouettes since I figured they would be a more fun targets and It was only $0.55 per target. They had those “No More Hesitation" targets when I looked back then. They also sell a... hand targets I guess they are called (I am having trouble with thier website to check what they are actually called) which allow you to change what the person is holding.


About my only complaint I have about the targets I have is I still have them. I have not been out shooting as often as I like, and the indoor range closest to me does not allow you to bring your own targets. :(

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I've said it before, Law Enforcement Agencies seem to be adopting military style tactics more and more. They are starting to view everyday citizens as possible enemy combatants. I know that an LEO's job is not easy and that it comes with inherent dangers, but they know that when they sign up. They have their training and equipment to try and offset those dangers. "News-wise" it seems that instead of using cover and trying to persuade an individual to relinquish their firearm, they confront them directly and fire at the first opportunity.


As far as these "No Hesitation" targets go... they promote "shoot first ask questions later". They portray an individual that already has the drop on you. If you find yourself in this situation then perhaps you aren't being careful enough.


I don't care how they justify these targets, it looks like they're gearing up for urban warfare.


Disclaimer: My opinion isn't directed at any specific person, group or agency in Law Enforcement; I'm only giving feedback on what I see in the news in general.

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OK as one of the resident black people here. Where is my target. I feel unrepresented. Where is Reverend Al and Jessie when you need them. OR will we darkies already be enslaved because they revoked the 13th 14th and 15th amendment too....... Just saying they take one, they will take another.

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Did anyone bother to look at the entire LETargets catalog before getting "disgusted"? These are 7 targets out of a catalog of 100s if not thousands of realistic photo targets.


The targets highlighted are but a small sample of what is available. Every race, sex, and age are represented as well as weapons ranging from a bat, a tire iron, a broken bottle, a knife, a pistol, shotguns, subguns, a hand grenade, rifles, and even an RPG. Additionally, there are replaceable sections of the target so the weapons can be switched out for innocuos everyday objects such as a cell phone, beer can, wallet and yes even a badge.


These targets are used for Shoot/No Shoot scenarios and stress training. An important and mandatory part of LE Firearm's training. Not every target in training can be a shoot target and not all shoot targets should look like gang bangers, thugs, cartel memebers, or mobsters.


Finally, if you dont think a pregnant lady, a little kid, or grandma in her robe can't kill you or be a justifiable threat to anyone, let alone LEOs, you need to re-evaluate how you identify friend/foe.

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I see how none of these people pointing their weapons directly at you would pose any type of threat what so ever (sarcasm). Target, weapon identification. The next time you hear that noise at your back door and you investigate with your weapon and come face to face with a young teenage cutie pointing her automatic at you make certain you take the time to have a good heart to heart talk as you assume they are not a threat based on your preconceived idea of what a threat is.


It will be a shame you wasted all of those range days and ammunition.


Any of you who believe a young boy, pregnant woman, cutie teenager, cookie baking mom or woman walking with a child cannot hurt you are fooling yourself. Besides, there is NO CONTEXT to any of the pic's shown therefore NO CONCLUSIONS can be drawn, except anyone pointing a gun at you places you in a life threatening situation (your life).


I don't like the idea, but understand why they may have something like this. I've only seen a few pictures like these during training. Nearly everyone uses "Q" targets, but very occasionally something like this MAY be used to help sharpen target/weapon identification and use of deadly force decision making situations.


Anyone see the pictures of the Poindexter who killed all of those kids? He doesn't appear threatening at all, but add in the context of his weapons, mental history and if you are lucky enough to know some type of intent he suddenly becomes a VERY REAL threat. There is a reason everyone knows the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover". Ignoring this saying and mixing in guns is a bad combination.

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Can somebody show me the line in the article that states DHS has ordered these NH targets?




Oh wait...it isn't there!


And by the way.....last time I checked, there is no descritpion of a terrorist or bad guy/gal. Kids, women and the elderly can all become a threat. How many here would shoot a pregnant woman without hesittaion if she had a IED vest on in the middle of your living room? What if she is not really pregnant and that baby bump is filled with explosives and shard? has it happened..you bet...just not here stateside. Our military has been using targets like this for years. Nobody cares or says a word. Color shoot/don't shoot targets have been around for years. Add a elederly person, child and pregnant person to the ongoing collection and suddenly they are coming for us all!



My neighbor must be coming for all the foam deer with the targets he shoots bow at in his back yard! Wonder why he shoots at them instead of just a outline over some hay.

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Let's use commonn sense, shooting at targets of children is very disturbing...WTF are these people being conditioned to do?...So as these people support an Administration that wants to disarm you, they practice shooting at children? (the same Administration which supports a million abortions a year - so you know how they treat the sanctity of life)...Connect the dots - the contextual picture that results is not good.

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Just ask yourselves what would the reaction be at your local range if you showed up with these targets. And how would the local, friendly police officer react if he pulled you over and saw those on your back seat.


"Officer Friendly" wouldn't do anything as far the type of targets you have because he more than likely has seen the same ones during his training and understands their use as far as making use of force decisions during stressful conditions. Nothing would happen at all, unless maybe he is speaking with "Driver biased and unfriendly"

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I would be surprised if officer friendly wouldn't raise an eyebrow seeing those in the hands of civies.

But again, my involuntary interactions in the past 24 years with officer friendly are a total of 4. The most recent two resulted on a "have a good day, sir" to which I replied back "you too sir, stay safe". The other 2 occurred over 15 years ago and resulted on a couple of well deserved citations.

So, I'll concede that I may not be the best judge of character of officer friendly due to the lack of interaction with him.

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To be honest Joe I think it would be the catalyst for a discussion about guns (in the car) and the larger topic of guns in general. The pivotal point where the conversation begins (assuming everyone is in the legal) would be split in the road as to how both the Officer and the Driver perceive their respective interaction. It could be a surprising revelation that many police a big supporters of 2A and against further changes in the law. The police know better than anyone what is going on with gun violence and who is doing it and what any "new" laws would contribute to changing it. Nothing.

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It could be a surprising revelation that many police a big supporters of 2A and against further changes in the law. The police know better than anyone what is going on with gun violence and who is doing it and what any "new" laws would contribute to changing it. Nothing.

I have absolutely no doubt of the veracity of that statement. Not only officers are not stupid people, but also as you said, they get to see first hand what works and doesn't. Having to enforce a bunch of new useless laws just makes their job harder.

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Seriously though this company sells all types of targets. These "No More Hesitation" targets are not some new thing they just came out with. Can they be considered in bad taste? Sure. That does not mean they do not have a valid training purpose. I can think of a dozen scenarios where an officer might find themselves is a similar situation as those targets.


On top of that Do you really think some one shooting at a paper target is really going to create less hesitation in an officers response in a real life situation. For training purposes those targets would be better suited for a course were you have both hostile and non hostile targets. By throwing some of those targets into the course you could teach officers to pay better attention to the situation.

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QUOTE: By throwing some of those targets into the course you could teach officers to pay better attention to the situation.




That is exactly correct. When mixed with real players, simmunitions and targets you get a much heightened sense of what you are doing.

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