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Pizza Bob

The Future is Upon Us / We're Screwed

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I have harped upon this numerous times on this board - the "Smart-Gun" law that is already on the books and just waiting to bite us in the a$$.


We got a reprieve when the legislature decided to stop pumping money down the Steven's Institute rathole, that was working on developing this - but private industry can generally outstrip academia when there is a profit motive. From today's The Firearm Blog...




Shown at the SHOT show. Haven't really read anything but the sketchiest detail in this blog. Not sure if this qualifies, but as I recall the statute, there isn't really any concrete design criteria and whether a "Smart Gun" is considered commercially viable is left entirely to the whim of the AG.


If this law goes into effect, it could make NY and their SAFE act look like a haven. Hopefully this will be deemed too unreliable, but even if that is the case, it shows that the day is drawing closer. We need to have that law repealed.




Pizza Bob

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Crap... and the legislators will think this is a novel idea that will solve all of their gun control issues. Stupid idiots are not going to realize that the fingerprint tech is NOT going to work outside of the right kind of conditions. Plus, criminals are not going to buy guns that require a fingerprint scanner.

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I don't see this as relevant at all.... because the anti-gunner argument still stands: "well what if you TURNED bad, what if you WENT ON MEDICATION, what if you WENT POSTAL" etc etc.... because even a legal gun owner, with a legal gun, can commit an illegal act. Bottom line is, they won't be happy until the 2nd Amendment is repealed, either by proper channels (constitutional convention), or improper ones (legislators passing unconstitutional laws, and judges upholding them).


Not to mention, even if this became the law of the land, we aren't turning in our 300-milion "dumb" guns. They can go pound sand.

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Good to know one of the top engineering schools in the country is a "rathole"...


Not sure your criteria, but I'd be willing to give it "top engineering school in hoboken". Maybe "top engineering school in hudson county" but that's it. And I have my graduate degree from there.

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Not sure your criteria, but I'd be willing to give it "top engineering school in hoboken". Maybe "top engineering school in hudson county" but that's it. And I have my graduate degree from there.


Speaking from experience as a PE, the school you went to only matters for your first job, after that, your knowledge, performance, and resourcefulness are all that matters. Furthermore, it was MY alma mater NJIT that was tasked with the SmartGun research, and yes, it was the OTHER rathole, not Stevens. proof: http://www.njit.edu/news/spotlight/2005/jan/index.php


90% reliability in perfect conditions = CRAP IMNSHO

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If all of New Jersey's LEOs are willing to have this technology installed on their service weapons - and introduce increased possibility for electronic/mechanical failure in a critical situation - have at it. Secret Service agents should also be required to use these when the president comes to town.


The next "safety device" will have a radio receiver incorporated which will allow "someone" to disable all weapons in a one-mile radius. Just wait and see...

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If all of New Jersey's LEOs are willing to have this technology installed on their service weapons - and introduce increased possibility for electronic/mechanical failure in a critical situation - have at it. Secret Service agents should also be required to use these when the president comes to town.


The next "safety device" will have a radio receiver incorporated which will allow "someone" to disable all weapons in a one-mile radius. Just wait and see...


I can see hackers having a field day with that.

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Not sure your criteria, but I'd be willing to give it "top engineering school in hoboken". Maybe "top engineering school in hudson county" but that's it. And I have my graduate degree from there.


I think this is a big one: http://www.stevens.edu/news/content/roi-students-stevens-institute-technology-ranks-among-top-25-schools-nation


I don't think it is big enough to rank the way the big name schools like MIT and Cal Tech do, but I think the ROI results speak for themselves.

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That's all i have to say.


People trying to reinvent the wheel...and it should go horribly.


" Please note, that this will have no effect on electronics encased in steel or aluminum—or any other metal, for that matter."


WRONG! With (very few) revisions to THAT plan, it can be done.

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" Please note, that this will have no effect on electronics encased in steel or aluminum—or any other metal, for that matter."


WRONG! With (very few) revisions to THAT plan, it can be done.


I'd imagine their fingerprint scanner itself is a convenient EMP receiver

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If all of New Jersey's LEOs are willing to have this technology installed on their service weapons - and introduce increased possibility for electronic/mechanical failure in a critical situation - have at it. Secret Service agents should also be required to use these when the president comes to town.


The next "safety device" will have a radio receiver incorporated which will allow "someone" to disable all weapons in a one-mile radius. Just wait and see...


LEO's are exempt from having to use the Smart Gun technology (let's not turn this into a LEO bashing thread - they just have a better union than the general population).


My apologies to Steven's, but rathole wasn't intended to denigrate the school - just a term used to indicate lots of money being allocated with no results, i.e. "Pumping money down a rathole." And, yes it was NJIT. although that is somewhat immaterial other than the failure of academia to get the job done.


All the issues raised about what if this happened, etc, have all been raised before. The AG is still the one that makes the decision as to whether the technology is commercially viable.


This statute is like having a "sleeper" agent in our midst.




Pizza Bob

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Good to know one of the top engineering schools in the country is a "rathole"...


It's not one of the top engineering schools anymore. Much to the dismay of older generations of Stevens graduates, the school administration has transformed that degree into toilet paper over the past 15 years (about the same time the 'Rat closed it's door, funny enough). I feel bad for the older engineers and scientists who worked hard for such a prestigious degree and hold it in such high regard. I have witnessed the engineering program devolve firsthand -- you'd be hard pressed to find as much hand holding and rampant cheating in any given kindergarten. Damn shame.

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It's not one of the top engineering schools anymore. Much to the dismay of older generations of Stevens graduates, the school administration has transformed that degree into toilet paper over the past 15 years (about the same time the 'Rat closed it's door, funny enough). I feel bad for the older engineers and scientists who worked hard for such a prestigious degree and hold it in such high regard. I have witnessed the engineering program devolve firsthand -- you'd be hard pressed to find as much hand holding and rampant cheating in any given kindergarten. Damn shame.


Thanks, glad to know my degree is "toilet paper"

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Mechanical. I do HVAC work for the moment.


Right on. Sorry about the toilet paper comment. I am not happy with the direction the administration had taken the school. It definitely was one of the top engineering schools in the country before they went into the liberal arts business. And the corruption is sickening, even by Hudson County standards.

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Rest assured anyone in the science/engineering curriculum sees the art degrees as pretty much a joke. I think with Raveche not running the show maybe things will get back on track a bit more. In the end it's a business and I guess they have to do what they think will bring in the most dollars.

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Ladies please stay on topic... nobody gives a flying f**k about Stevens etc... If you're that insecure about your school perhaps you sensed some truth in the statement?


Anyway, back to the real topic. Bob is right, this law is just waiting to bite us in the ass even though this tech will not be truly viable for a long time, however what is viable in the real world and what is viable by NJ AG and politician's standards are two different things.


I'm somewhat shocked these guys want to be the first ones to be sued when their "smart-gun" tech fails and someone gets hurt or killed. There are so many ways for tech like this to fail it's truly scary. I'd be curious to see who funded this company (sorry if that comes off as tin-foily... I usually am not that type).

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I say this law on the books needs to be removed no matter what.


Here is the justification, if the PD at will as we have seen it have said we need to get Finger Prints redone from time to time. Some places just in another thread inside a year from a person getting either their FID or P2P, others saying 5 years. Well if they are saying that our Finger Prints Change, well how will I know what day they change on? How will I know my smart gun doesn't become a dumb gun when I need it??



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I've got a fingerprint scanner as the lock for my cell phone - a Motorola Atrix. It uses a small pad at the top of the phone that you swipe your index finger over, and the phone then unlocks. 50% of the time, it works every time. If I'm holding the phone perfectly, and not angling my hand and/or finger, and not moving my finger too slowly or too quickly, and don't use my left hand (even though that is also programmed in), and run my finger over the scanner 4 or 5 times, it usually unlocks the phone.


Would be great to never have to lock the gun....in an emergency, all I'd have to do is scan my fingerprint a few times, making sure my grip is the same as always (because I wouldn't be under any stress or anything), hope nothing is going to prevent the scanner from reading my fingerprint (oil/cleaners damaging the scanner, dead battery, etc), and then, after I'm dead because the guy who broke in didn't have a "smart" gun, he can take my gun and download an illegal hack off the internet to disable the scanner...

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