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Well the Sequester hit last night.


This morning I awoke beneath the rubble of our shattered civilization. I stumbled to a clearing in the debris, up yonder on the mountain side, where I could survey the ruination. Behold, I witnessed the flames of unquenchable fire rising up like a towering inferno, leaving only smoldering death in its wake. I heard women in the throws of unspeakable anguish, weeping for their lost children. I felt ash rain from the sky like black snow. I watched as mighty architectural structures crumbled and crashed to the earth with a terrible and thunderous roar. To my horror, I saw people running about the streets, looting, rioting and devouring each other. I saw only chaos and destruction.


My wife clung tightly to me and whispered in a trembling voice, "Husband, what is this?"


I looked back and said, "Woman, this is the End of All Things."


Fear grew in her eyes, "How did this happen?"


I replied, "Surely you must know? It is all the result of a slight reduction to the rate of increased federal spending. This is what happens when the government is only able to spend 3.7 trillion dollars in a fiscal year, rather than 3.8 trillion. The government, which spent money last year testing the effects of cocaine on Japanese quail, can not endure even the smallest constraint on their financial projections. And if they can not endure it, neither can humanity."


My wife fell into a deep despair. She cried out, "All is lost! Our fate is sealed! How could we have been so foolish as to expect the State to restrain its spending by even a fraction of a decimal? It is all for naught! We are doomed!"


"Yes we are", I assured her, "We surely are doomed. Surely we must kill ourselves and end the torment."


But just then a blinding light shone from on high. A man appeared, as if descending from the clouds. I dared to look upon him and when I saw his glorious face I knew it was Him, Barack The Chosen, the one they call Messiah. He touched my shoulder and at once I felt my fear melt away like icicles in the heat of the sun.


He spoketh: "My children, be not afraid. Death and destruction have visited upon mankind but -- Hark! -- I bring hope. This great evil to which you bear witness is the work of the GOP. You must turn from them and find peace! Also, if you wish to see humanity saved from the brink of damnation, you must embrace with glad tidings my tax increases. Your only hope is to surrender more of your paycheck to me. I can redeem you and all of man but first I need to raise taxes by like a trillion dollars. This is your salvation! Now go forth and spread this message of submission and Socialism!"


And as quickly as He came, He vanished. But the warmth and joy of His words remained with us. We had seen our salvation: Less revenue for us, more revenue for the government. It is the only way. Come, let us forfeit the last of our income and our dignity to the federal government!

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The problem is they are not trimming just the the fat, they are curtailing everyone.


How much money will Israel, Haiti, Mexico or the Muslim Brotherhood syphon away from us? How many thousands of tons of food are we giving to people in Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda? Those are the programs that need to be cut off completely.


But US Border Patrol agents and soldiers are being pushed off the island instead. Meanwhile Congress has authorized its own pay to increase.


We need to spend less, way less, but this is absolutely the wrong way.

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I’m sure you’ve heard all of the discussion recently on the news about the sequester and its potential impacts. I’ve received calls at my offices about what exactly a sequester is and what programs will be impacted. In order to provide you with some basic background information, I put together the video below to help describe the sequestration.


If you have any other questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact one of my offices so that we can provide you with any additional information that you may need.


As always, if you need any help with a federal agency or I can be of any other service please don’t hesitate to contact one of my offices.


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He spoketh: "My children, be not afraid. Death and destruction have visited upon mankind but -- Hark! -- I bring... hope. This great evil to which you bear witness is the work of the GOP. You must turn from them and find peace! If you wish to see humanity saved from the brink of damnation, you must embrace with glad tidings my tax increases. Your only hope is... to surrender more of your paycheck to me. I can redeem you and all of man but first I need to raise taxes by a trifle amount a trillion dollars at least. This is your salvation! Now go forth and spread this message of submission and Socialism!"



Now does it read like he said it himself??

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All this crap about less then a 3% cut while all of us had to take a 2% revenue cut! I an sick of this game playing, especially from the spoiled brat in the White House.


Obama has been given the ability to spread the cuts as he chooses but he grandstands to make the uninformed public panic. I want to see a 10% cut to start.... a real cut, not the phoney cuts of not raising spending as planned.


When you go out to vote, mean it when you say vote them all out!

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All this crap about less then a 3% cut while all of us had to take a 2% revenue cut! I an sick of this game playing, especially from the spoiled brat in the White House.


Obama has been given the ability to spread the cuts as he chooses but he grandstands to make the uninformed public panic. I want to see a 10% cut to start.... a real cut, not the phoney cuts of not raising spending as planned.


When you go out to vote, mean it when you say vote them all out!


Its not a cut!!!!


Its a cut in the INCREASE.


They will spend at least as much as last year just not as much as they wanted.

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Its not a cut!!!!


Its a cut in the INCREASE.


They will spend at least as much as last year just not as much as they wanted.

^EXACTLY^ I have NO PROBLEM with the sequester because we can't afford to keep piling onto the debt and spend more than we're taking in. More than we already are at least.

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I wonder how Obama is going to deliver on his promise of pain without getting caught. Oh wait - The press will say he saved us.


This is going to be awesome for Obama. Even if nothing happens, Obama will blame the economy and all of the world's problems on "sequester" for the next 8 years.

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