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Obama shoots for broad gun control

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Cause there was no conservative running


So if your party's candidate doesn't agree with you on all the issues important to you. Why bother even voting? That's why conservative voting turnout was down 12-15 million from 2008. Even if that wasn't enough to alter the outcome of the national election I would bet we would have won more House and Senate seats. To late now. So we complain now after it's to late.

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So if your party's candidate doesn't agree with you on all the issues important to you. Why bother even voting? That's why conservative voting turnout was down 12-15 million from 2008. Even if that wasn't enough to alter the outcome of the national election I would bet we would have won more House and Senate seats. To late now. So we complain now after it's to late.

It was the independents that stayed home. The same group that abandoned the Blue dogs a few years back.

They viewed the candidates as two sides of the same coin.

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So if your party's candidate doesn't agree with you on all the issues important to you. Why bother even voting? That's why conservative voting turnout was down 12-15 million from 2008. Even if that wasn't enough to alter the outcome of the national election I would bet we would have won more House and Senate seats. To late now. So we complain now after it's to late.


Maybe it's time to bring in some not so insane third party candidates to challenge the system.

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In 2008, Obama received 69,499,428 votes, in 2012 he received 65,899,583 (-3,599,845).


in 2008, McCain received 59,950,323 votes, in 2012 Romney received 60,931,966 (+981,643).


In 2008, Libertarian Bob Barr received 523,433, in 2012 Gary Johnson received 1,275,821 (+752,388).


(Interesting that Johnson picked up only 229,255 votes less than Romney picked up compared to 2008, but only spent $2,282,292 directly vs. Obama's $541,000,000 and Romney's $336,000,000.)


IMO Romney lost because 1.) his highly-paid Republican consultants ran an abysmal campaign and 2.) voter sentiment regarding the economy picked up right before the election. He might have been able to overcome #1 (if he had a message) but #2 was just unfortunate timing. If the election had been 6 months away from November in either direction, I think the results would have been different.


New Jersey never goes Republican except in landslide presidential elections where it doesn't make any difference. Somehow, I usually get snookered into voting for the Republican instead of the Libertarian, though.

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The thing that I want to see from gun control is what the Govt might be seeing They have the whole picture.

.We only see what's in front of us and what the media allows us to see.

I think what the Govt sees is a mass invasion of illegals who are bringing along with the small number of good people are an even larger number of drug smuggling Govt dependent people with a third world mementalityThey need to be cared for at tax payer exexpense.

The problem is we are running out of that kind of money faster then most people think. When those EBT cards dont work there's going to be hell to pay. And the ones to pay it will be the ones who live closest to them. They bring crime and are destroying our cities already.

This has all the hallmarks of a full blown crisis .One so huge big Gov wont be able to control it.

They fear the alternative and gun control is a big step in them controlling the outcome in there mind.

Ive always said Govt's first job in a crisis is saving Govt. Super storm sandy helped re-enforce this. Waiting at a gas station for hours only to drive past so called closed gas stations to see Govt (postal employees) filling up there private cars there.

Maybe it's tinfoil hat stuff but thats my view. :crazy:


The Government doesn't "see it", the Government is making it happen. It wants a one-world government maybe to handle the increasing population explosion. However, I for one do not trust the good faith of our government when I see things like this push and Katrina, etc. The US is the major block to that one-world government and once the US dollar crashes (intentionally), there will be enough suffering, confusion, chaos to create an environment to usher it in. There will be a strong, centralized government of elites that will dole out the world's resources as they see fit.


If the world lost, say, half of its people the other half would be that much better off.

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I think the Walmart thing is the MOST important part of the article. It is a continuation of collusion between government and big business that we have seen with the Auto bailouts, bank bailouts, obamacare, etc. We have the government handing out tax money and favor to big business and in exchange big business supports the government through donations, lobbying, jobs after retirement, and forcing the hands hands of their employees.


There is a name for such a system of government. Anyone want to venture a guess what it is?

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We only have yourselves to blame. We do elect these guys. Complain all you want about how wrong they are but the conservatives didn't turn out to vote this time.


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Very true :facepalm:

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Boehner is the Speaker of the House and you need to call him every day.


Office of the Speaker

H-232 The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-0600


Tell him no firearms restriction reach the floor for a vote. And no compromises. And demand a response.


Only after you have called him, email him. Only after you have emailed him, write him a letter. Keep it short. They don't care what's in the letter except for "for" or "against."


NJ Senators. Are you going to give them a pass because they hate guns? Screw that.


Anybody that lives within 15 miles of one of these SOBs has NO EXCUSE to not stop by their office and tell them the need to defend your Constitutional Rights.


Every person on this forum should be required to post and be held to account for their action or inaction on this.


Sen. Frank Lautenberg


Newark Office:

1 Gateway Center, 23rd Floor

Newark, New Jersey 07102

Phone: (973) 639-8700

Fax: (973) 639-8723


Camden Office:

One Port Center, 2 Riverside Drive, Suite 505

Camden, New Jersey 08101

Phone: (856) 338-8922

Fax: (856) 338-8936


^You live near there^? You better drop by and tell them what you think.


Sen. Robert Menendez


Newark Office:

One Gateway Center, Suite 1100

Newark, New Jersey 07102

Phone: (973) 645-3030

Fax: (973) 645-0502


Barrington Office:

208 White Horse Pike, Suite 18

Barrington, New Jersey 08007

Phone: (856) 757-5353

Fax: (856) 546-1526


^Go and speak with his staff.^ This week


Please contact your House Reps! They are probably more important!


Find them here: http://capwiz.com/gu.../dbq/officials/


Think you can't change their minds? That's OK. Reduce their will to fight. Aggravate them enough that they realize losing is a mixed blessing. Maybe they decide that if they are going to lose anyway that it would be better to not have to vote on it.

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Think you can't change their minds? That's OK. Reduce their will to fight. Aggravate them enough that they realize losing is a mixed blessing. Maybe they decide that if they are going to lose anyway that it would be better to not have to vote on it.


Exactly. And it's unfortunate that it's come to that, that it's the best that can be done, but that's where we're at until we get some other people elected. Or until the alternative.

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It was on Good Morning America today. The President needs to move fast on taking on the NRA. while he still has public on his side. George Stephanopoulos said an Executive order coming soon.


Don't worry, if the public starts to forget about sandy hook they will find another group of victims to shine the spot light on.

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Boehner is the Speaker of the House and you need to call him every day.


Office of the Speaker

H-232 The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-0600


Tell him no firearms restriction reach the floor for a vote. And no compromises. And demand a response.


Only after you have called him, email him. Only after you have emailed him, write him a letter. Keep it short. They don't care what's in the letter except for "for" or "against."


NJ Senators. Are you going to give them a pass because they hate guns? Screw that.


Anybody that lives within 15 miles of one of these SOBs has NO EXCUSE to not stop by their office and tell them the need to defend your Constitutional Rights.


Every person on this forum should be required to post and be held to account for their action or inaction on this.


Sen. Frank Lautenberg


Newark Office:

1 Gateway Center, 23rd Floor

Newark, New Jersey 07102

Phone: (973) 639-8700

Fax: (973) 639-8723


Camden Office:

One Port Center, 2 Riverside Drive, Suite 505

Camden, New Jersey 08101

Phone: (856) 338-8922

Fax: (856) 338-8936


^You live near there^? You better drop by and tell them what you think.


Sen. Robert Menendez


Newark Office:

One Gateway Center, Suite 1100

Newark, New Jersey 07102

Phone: (973) 645-3030

Fax: (973) 645-0502


Barrington Office:

208 White Horse Pike, Suite 18

Barrington, New Jersey 08007

Phone: (856) 757-5353

Fax: (856) 546-1526


^Go and speak with his staff.^ This week


Please contact your House Reps! They are probably more important!


Find them here: http://capwiz.com/gu.../dbq/officials/


Think you can't change their minds? That's OK. Reduce their will to fight. Aggravate them enough that they realize losing is a mixed blessing. Maybe they decide that if they are going to lose anyway that it would be better to not have to vote on it.


Amen! Call, Write and visit their office! I have sent numerous letters and emails over the past few weeks and have shared several links to ease this process. Please use these to connect and get in touch with all of your reps and those outside of your area. Make it be known that you and other like minded individuals will fight back financially by supporting their opponents in their next election.

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im going to get flamed for this im sure..but i dont put much faith in the nra...arent really doing any national organizing of rallies and such...some minion in their huge buildings could be sending out emails..it wouldnt take away from their "war room planning"...with the huge influx of memberships...and increased revenue...they should be able to overcome this...but they have to actually DO something...not just make video statements...


Actually if you knew the amount of things they squash prior to it becoming a problem on the national level you would be surprised. Remember they are a national organization and while they get involved in individual state issues, they in my eyes are in for things they can win and not there to waste all the money taken in on loosing battles, that's what the state run organizations are for, to get things done or almost done and the final push is when they come in with the big bats so to speak..



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The NRA may not be perfect from everyones vantage point but they do carry the biggest stick on a national level. I feel this onslaught from the anti's is going to be the worst in our lifetimes to date and we need to support the NRA as well as our local and state organizations to fight this battle. I think the NRA realizes the magnitude of this situation and will rise to the ocassion for all American gun owners but we all have to do our part as well. Keep hounding your state and national representatives and senators by calling and emailing them.

Because if we sit back and let the other guy do it we may end up with a very unpleasant result that we will regret for the rest of our lives.

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The NRA may not be perfect from everyones vantage point but they do carry the biggest stick on a national level.


That is 100% true and everyone needs to swallow a little vomit and be a member of the NRA today.That being said, how many people do you know that decided to call legislators in the past week due to the NRA? How many people do you know that have been organized into action by the NRA? How many rallies has the NRA organized for you? What has the NRA done for you?We all need to do it ourselves.

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Actually if you knew the amount of things they squash prior to it becoming a problem on the national level you would be surprised. Remember they are a national organization and while they get involved in individual state issues, they in my eyes are in for things they can win and not there to waste all the money taken in on loosing battles, that's what the state run organizations are for, to get things done or almost done and the final push is when they come in with the big bats so to speak..



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I hope you're right....but it's not looking good from what I can see

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My theory is the NRA is waging a silent war right now. We know they have lobbyists all over working the back channels. They were smart to wait a bit after Sandy Hook to make a statement. They knew no matter what, they would be branded as either baby killers or terrorists, so why not wait and see how the antis were going to start jumping up and down first and show some respect to the victims families so they could grieve.


We all knew that there would be a spew of anti gun bills introduced at many levels nation wide, it was a matter of waiting to see the who, what, and where. Finestien keeps getting coverage about her all out ban plans drawing most of the attention to her. I think we have to worry more about all the little bills adding up. I'm not convinced her "megga bill" is going to get anywhere near enough support to go anywhere being how ridiculous it is. We may be looking at a long drawn out take a little here take a little there scenario. Remember , bills get attached to other things so worrying about a mag restriction getting attached to something regarding the debt ceiling is more deadly than a play running straight up the middle.

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So if your party's candidate doesn't agree with you on all the issues important to you.  Why bother even voting?  That's why conservative voting turnout was down 12-15 million from 2008.  


Maybe it was because he likes to sign assault weapons bans and invented Obamacare. So, yes, he didn't agree with me on all the issues important to me. As in not a single one. I voted for the punk, but those are the specific reasons right there why R turnout was low.

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Maybe it was because he likes to sign assault weapons bans and invented Obamacare. So, yes, he didn't agree with me on all the issues important to me. As in not a single one. I voted for the punk, but those are the specific reasons right there why R turnout was low.


That, and the fact that the republican party has abandoned conservatism- the republican party, by and large, is Republican In Name Only- RINO.


I didn't abandon my party, my party abandoned me.

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I hope you're right....but it's not looking good from what I can see


Well I'd be willing to bet that without the NRA, we wouldn't even be having this discussion, and this forum probably wouldn't be needed either, we would have went the way of England and Australia already..

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Well I'd be willing to bet that without the NRA, we wouldn't even be having this discussion, and this forum probably wouldn't be needed either, we would have went the way of England and Australia already..


people forget that its the NRA that has the spotlight on them. its the NRA giving press conferences. its the NRA that is mentioned whenever a shooting happens. you never heard a news anchor saying 'we're waiting for a statement from the GOA/NJ2AS/SAF.' the NRA is the top dog in 2A rights, with the members, money, and political clout to get things done. im a member of ALL the 2A groups, and if youre the least bit passionate about 2A rights, everyone should be. but you should never knock the NRA for having a few points you disagree with, as HD said, we wouldnt be here without them.

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Well, as the media blitz from Sandy-hook wains, the trail for Aurora, CO. starts... should allow the anti's to keep gun control on the front-page for months.



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