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Journal News / Star Ledger video sting!

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There have been many discussions on this board about writing politicians about gun control and writing the newspapers on the issue of the gun map. I contend that putting a microphone and a camera in the face of every person is much more effective than endless letter writing campaigns that end up in a shredder.


The media has tried to get comment from the Journal News, and all they get is "no comment".


This is how you get it done. This is what they really think, and they only speak like this when they think you are on their side. Some will even use OUR ARGUMENTS against their OWN ACTIONS, but only when they don't know multiple cameras are rolling.


Watch as the very people trying to demonize legal permit holders, live lavishly with armed guards to protect them. Watch as the moment they sense fear, they call law enforcement because they have guns who can protect them. Then watch as the police, after detaining the individuals, let them go because paraphrased "they thought you were coming from the 'other side' so they were worried". You are for gun control, no problems here! You're free to go!


Watch the home of Eric Holder; with the weight of Fast and Furious on his shoulders, who has admitted it's imperative to make owning guns not "cool" like smoking, who doesn't have to worry about owning a gun because he has 24 hour FBI surveillance of his home when he isn't even there.


Bathe in your own hypocrisy journalists. Now you have to answer for yourselves. Guns for me, but not for thee.




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On Twitter:



@JamesOKeefeIII I treated the people who came to my home with great respect & engaged them at length & this is how you return that respect?


James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII

How, @Toure, are we "disrespectful" when you have said "I have a right to know who has a gun"??? http://bit.ly/VHTEV9


Maybe, @Toure, the public has a 'right' to know YOU DON'T have a gun. Now they do know that. http://youtu.be/wt1Zy_ASNyA




If you change your mind, @toure, and decide you now want to be armed, I hear the process in NY just got a lot more difficult.


But, @Toure, when you have NBC friends like Gregory, who is above the law, I'm sure the process will be easier than for us peasants.



We don't whine. We don't complain. We don't write letters to the editor or mindless senators. We take your words, and make you defend them on camera. This is how to change the conversation.

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Excellent point. Change the conversation. This article is long winded but it makes essentially the same point, about the need to "de-program" the masses as if they were brainwashed by a cult.



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Why do they get a choice about the sign? Gun owners did not get a choice about whether or not their information was published.


Put the sign on their lawn. If they don't like it and take it down, spray paint "Gun Free" someplace noticeable.


Because then we wouldn't be able to showcase their hypocrisy. This is 10xs better. "i need my privacy, but you don't" "i need guns to protect myself, but you don't"


But you are absolutely right..lawful gun owners did not get a choice, and that is the enraging part of the story. Instead, demand answers from the Journal News and any journalists like Toure who would defend them. Go up to their houses and wait for them to walk out, ask them to follow up on the video. Why do you demand the right to know who is armed, but not for others to know you are unarmed? And by virtue, aren't they the same thing? once you know who is armed, you know who is unarmed. So why reject putting a sign on your lawn??


Get in front of all of these people, and demand the answer to their face. Don't write them letters

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The NY gun control legislation actually has a "journal news" clause to it that will forbid the press from further publishing people's addresses.


So now the statists find it prudent to respect people's privacy, now that they grabbed your guns. By the way, if you are a New Yorker and you still have a mag larger than 7 rounds, you will be guilty of a misdemeanor in 1 year.


The conversation doesn't stop here. More people need to get in the faces of these journalist until they squeal. People need to ask Toure and Janet Hassan why they value their personal privacy and protection with armed guards, why the value the privacy of their "neighbors" to consider putting up a sign, but support the publishing the names and addresses of law abiding permit holders. Were they worried about their privacy and well-being???


They must not rest. More cameras on them now

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The NY gun control legislation actually has a "journal news" clause to it that will forbid the press from further publishing people's addresses.


So now the statists find it prudent to respect people's privacy, now that they grabbed your guns. By the way, if you are a New Yorker and you still have a mag larger than 7 rounds, you will be guilty of a misdemeanor in 1 year.


The conversation doesn't stop here. More people need to get in the faces of these journalist until they squeal. People need to ask Toure and Janet Hassan why they value their personal privacy and protection with armed guards, why the value the privacy of their "neighbors" to consider putting up a sign, but support the publishing the names and addresses of law abiding permit holders. Were they worried about their privacy and well-being???


They must not rest. More cameras on them now


negative..if you have a PRE BAN Mag you have to get rid of it within a year..any mags made after than (10 rounders) are Ok..but you can only load seven into the magazine...or you're a criminal :facepalm:

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negative..if you have a PRE BAN Mag you have to get rid of it within a year..any mags made after than (10 rounders) are Ok..but you can only load seven into the magazine...or you're a criminal :facepalm:


thanks for the correction. That actually sounds even more ridiculous....can you imagine getting pulled over with a gun and watching a cop individually pull out each cartridge to count them???


Meanwhile, the overnight shootings in Harlem and the Bronx will go on as planned, no interruption. While John Q in the suburbs is counting his magazine of 15 rounds down to 7 to be sure he complies....what disingenuous legislation

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Further proof that any of you still writing letters to politicians are wasting your time. Here is a response from Menendez in which I explicitly asked him to disarm all of the state troopers that protect him, or, work to pass shall issue concealed carry laws in NJ. If he refused to do either, I asked him to explain to me why he thinks his life is more important than mine, in that he deserves armed protection but I do not.


Here is his response:



Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding additional firearms legislation in the wake of the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut . Your opinion is very important to me, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to you on this critical issue.


As the father of two, this tragedy struck painfully close to my heart and painfully close to the heart of every parent. No parent should ever have to bear the unspeakable pain of losing a child, especially to this type of tragedy. I join with every American in expressing our deep and abiding grief as a nation and our deepest -- most heartfelt -- condolences to the families of the victims.


As your Senator, I strongly defend the rights of citizens to use firearms responsibly for recreational purposes or protection of one's family and home. At the same time, I vigorously support efforts to keep guns out of the hands of individuals that wish to use them against society.


Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. On this, as with any other issue, there are many different views. Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind. I invite you to visit my website (http://menendez.senate.gov ) to learn more about how I am standing up for New Jersey families in the United States Senate.






Do you guys need any further proof that writing these people is an utter waste of your time? I'm shocked he even responded, but as I always said, they never will answer your questions, because they don't have to, and you aren't a danger to their seat.


This is why you have to resort to video cameras. They won't answer your letters our emails. Make them answer you to your face, and make them do it on camera. If they run away from you, you win the argument. It's a lose lose for them in person. It's a win win for them with letters.

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