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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    There was a separate data point in the study titled 'Pizza Revolvers'.
  2. 3 points
    How many of those do you think Bob owns?
  3. 3 points
    I would have noticed someone as handsome as I, who also shoots sub moa groups. Musta been @silverado427then .
  4. 2 points
    Here's your answer: They granted CERT for this case because the NYC law that created this case tramples 3 or 4 Amendments, NOT just a single Amendment. Interstate Commerce Clause Transportation of tangible personal property both intrastate & interstate Restraint of Trade Second Amendment If you wanted to transport your toaster to make toast in Albany, you wouldn't risk arrest for a felony. In order for one to FULLY understand ALL the implications from this case, one must open one's mind and discover that all firearms really boil-down to is PROPERTY. A TOOL if you will. Wanna fix your toaster outside of the 5 Boroughs? Wanna sell your used toaster? Wanna inscribe "I love you" on a gift toaster? Wanna repair your toaster? Only 7 places to take it in the 5 Boroughs...and THAT ladies & gents is UNCONSTITUTIONAL by & of itself ~R
  5. 2 points
    Reloading is dangerous
  6. 2 points
    Kinda follows, don't save silver or gold, just lead and brass, because with lead and brass, you can get all the silver and gold that you want!
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    I have the Costco version of this one, with 3 propane tanks. And a small window ac unit (no need for backup heat in FL). I can run the ac, fridge, internet and gaming pc for several days on this. Unplug the ac for the microwave when needed.
  9. 1 point
    Can you circle what you are concerned about on the brass? I cant really see anything other that three scratch marks that most likely happened during extraction. But I am not really sure what you are asking us to look at.
  10. 1 point
    Champion 3400-Watt Dual Fuel RV Ready Portable Inverter Generator with Electric Start https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FAWMMEY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Ala6DbGXGD3YS I have this one, I went with an Inverter generator because I plan on getting a travel trailer in the near future and I have a 98% furnace. The eletric start makes it super easy for my wife to start
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Good info Malice thanks for that! Also thank you guys on giving me the run down on rating and all.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Oh stop! have faith . Don’t go full retard
  15. 1 point
    Especially a stainless Sig
  16. 1 point
    Are you saying this has already happened, or you are guessing?
  17. 1 point
    Possible, but unlikely. The court doesn't want to look stupid if say, they call the case "moot" and in a year the law is again put on the books. Which means NYC went around the SCOTUS. They will likely hear the case and move forward.
  18. 1 point
    I agree with others, just leave as is. for the record, this wouldn’t happen with a Sig..just sayin.
  19. 1 point
    I'm not expressing an opinion on the *likelihood* of mooting this Friday, just pointing out the possibility is there.
  20. 1 point
    If we win, most likely according to what I’m reading as late as June. If we lose, we will know soon, not likely. Everyone knows the mootness can be undone and this would be a historical blunder and actually diminish scotus. I think they will side with liberty on this. And it’s an informed hypothesis.
  21. 1 point
    She was trying to weigh the "public safety & welfare" on transportation of your firearm WITH YOU IN A VEHICLE leaving the city vs. leaving a firearm UNATTENDED upstate for extended periods of time. Interest balancing. What is the best answer / outcome after applying common sense in this scenario? Is the health, safety & welfare of the public threatened by unattended firearms more than it would be threatened by mere legal transportation in a vehicle? She's known for liberal opinions, but merely asking this question proved she's taking input from all sides. That's why second guessing the Supremes is never cut & dry ~R
  22. 1 point
    @Mrs. Peel you mentioned the bad taste of purified water. I've had to drink some pretty raunchy purified water in my time. We used presweetened Kool Aid back in the 60s. Crystal Light would do the same today. Inexpensive and lasts almost forever.
  23. 1 point
    Life straw is the brand. What I am recommending is not their straw filter but their gravity powered disposable water purifier. she should also probably hit up Lowe’s and get a food grade 5 gallon bucket to cart the water.
  24. 1 point
    Here is a calming cute kitten. Watch, and enjoy some happy neurochemicals briefly.
  25. 1 point
    ^^^^THIS!! The Chief Justice is nobody's fool. He would consider it a major slap in the face to the sanctity of the Court itself if motion for mootness was granted and then NYC decided to alter its' rules/laws right back to the "old ways" in a "GOTCHA" move. The Chief's job is to ensure utmost respect given to both the written word AND the intent of the USCON as a whole. Decisions don't get handed down in a vacuum. Instead, they're much like pieces of a puzzle that need fitted (interpreted) into the American landscape. ~R
  26. 1 point
    "No one knows why a Justice asks a question or remains silent during oral argument. Justice Clarence Thomas asked his first question in three years back in March of 2019 ---that was after ten years of not asking any questions, from 2006 to 2016. I suggest not judging a Justice by his/her questions." ----Theresa Inacker, Former Editor of the Seton Hall Law School Constitutional Law Journal, member of the Supreme Court Bar Just because it doesn't come up in oral arguments has little meaning. The 9 Black Robes that sit at the scale weighing the overall minutia can use everything from life experience to ancient dissent in another case as a reason for their voting a certain way. Some of those 9 Black Robes like to make toast at their 2nd homes. Even RBG was quoted as saying: Why is having TWO guns in TWO houses better than just having ONE brought between them? Leaving the one at the empty house vulnerable to theft". There's more going on here than meets the eye. Second guessing the Supremes is often a fool's errand Rosey
  27. 1 point
    I don't have anything specific I can recommend. I have hardware to do color calibration on my computer monitors, and could theoretically do the same for my TV, but I have not. The basic settings might or might not be OK for you (my TV has about 6 presets i can change PER INPUT (so like 24 total presets I can mess with)). For me, I went in and tweaked each preset (things like contrast, brightness, color saturation, tint, sharpening, motion compensation, etc). Even if you don't tweak the settings to your preference, at least I would see what picture modes the TV has and see if you prefer one over the default. For example, during season 8 of Game of Thrones, one of the episodes was very dark. A LOT of people complained about it. People with a properly set up TV saw things just fine without washing out the darkness. Yeah nighttime is dark, but you could still see what was going on. You also might want one setting for a bluray player vs cable TV with different settings, or different settings for a TV you might watch during a bright day vs nighttime viewing where you don't need it to be super bright. My suggestion is watch something you would typically watch, and pause it here and there (a still image allows you to compare a lot easier than a constantly changing screen), at least a bright scene, a dark scene, and something with a lot of colors. Go into picture settings and play with the settings, and don't be afraid to go back in again later if you change your mind. (Maybe write down what you were at before you mess with things). Find a nice balance between not being too bright, too dark, too saturated, and the other settings the TV may have. I would go back through the settings multiple times, as each one may affect the other settings more than you'd think. Once you have things set up how you like, you'll probably never have to mess with em again, so the extra time spent on getting it right makes it worth it. But again, do write down your finalized settings somewhere (tape to back of TV?) so if you have to do a firmware update or reset to defaults you can get your preferences back.
  28. 1 point
    If he was super good looking and shot sub MOA groups...that was me!
  29. 1 point
    Has it occurred to anyone that they spent so much time on the mootness question because the decision on the merits is too obvious? I think they are being careful with regard to setting precedent on mootness. The choices are 1. Slam NYC or 2. Do nothing
  30. 1 point
    Well if that's the case it didn't work out too well for the justices who granted cert on that basis. Not one of those issues came up during oral argument.
  31. 1 point
    I picked up a gardening auger bit for my cordless drill. It makes digging holes for posts super easy and fast. The holes the post hole diggers make are way oversized for target holders.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    There's more than one playbook. Sometimes we fall victim to our own anxiety. Here's my editorial on Inacker's story from yesterday: GUN OWNERS NEED TO LEARN HOW THE SUPREMES FUNCTION! WATCHING SCOTUS IN ACTION REQUIRES A CIVICS-101 LESSON! by Black Wire Media Tuesday Dec. 3, 2019 www.cnjfo.com/join-us Scanning social media since yesterday's oral arguments in the SCOTUS case NYSR&PA vs. New York City leads us to believe most gun owners were left in the dark in high school by not having a Civics-101 class on how the US Supreme Court functions. As some 2A pundits decry "the other side had paid protestors along the Supreme Court buildings' sidewalk, how come we didn't see a huge crowd of our people?", ignorant gun owners are in holiday shopping and tree-trimming mode while reading & listening to MSM sources foretelling a huge victory for the anti's. Then everybody gets upset! Feeling flummoxed, they pour their souls onto social media stirring the pot, thus recklessly and inadvertently leading others to "spread the bad news like The Plague". Thing is, the news isn't bad at all, it was merely EXPECTED (mootness issue)! So why is everybody so unraveled? Oh my gosh did an editorial staffer just call gun owners ignorant? YES WE DID! Why? Social media is ablaze with misinformation, pent-up emotionalism, OPINIONS (not FACTS!) and the end result is bewilderment on the part of gun owners seeking a glimmer of hope while reading & listening to a barrage of half-truths, innuendo & outright falsehoods beset upon us as only a well-oiled PROPAGANDA MACHINE can accomplish! In short, we are sometimes our own worst enemy when it comes to social media. Just STOP IT already! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Theresa Inacker, a member of the Supreme Court Bar: Associate Justice RBG asked a really hard question of the city: why is having TWO guns in TWO houses better than just having ONE brought between them? Leaving the one at the empty house vulnerable to theft". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several 2nd Amendment cases "in the que" waiting for molasses in January (SCOTUS) to do their due diligence and handle this case with the same nit-picking, often misunderstood rules & procedures that have both benefited and plagued this Republic since its inception! Put bluntly, we'll let you know if the ship is sinking, when it's time to protest, and (hopefully) when it's time to REJOICE! Till then, pass the eggnog, pass the single malt, REMAIN CALM and consider placing some of that emotional energy in a VOLUNTEER ROLE with NJ's busiest 2nd Amendment group, CNJFO! You'll certainly feel better #DoingSomething than being a propaganda puppet. There's real WORK to be done, so JOIN HERE from anywhere in the 50 states: www.cnjfo.com/join-us ----The Editor
  34. 1 point
    No, being ignorant is.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    The Survival Rule of Threes: The Rule of Threes states, humans can survive three weeks without food, three days without water, three hours without shelter, and three minutes without oxygen.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    CNJFO have been getting my Amazon smile benefits for years
  39. 1 point
    Ill take an HK over any other crunch and ticker out there.
  40. 1 point
    Is it peeling? or something growing on it? Honestly, would just leave it as it is... no reason to paint it as if it gets in the wrong space... can impede the function of it. If it really bothers you... contact HK, I am sure they can send out a new one. Also, how do you store the gun? Is it foam case around? If it is oxidation/rust... very common for north east for guns kept in box, in safe, in basement... without dehumidifier. My Springfield XD was sent in to Springfield for a brand new refinish when the first gens had huge rust issues. That is almost what it looks like with the extractor.
  41. 0 points
    For those of you who don't live in Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon or near the NY border, let me tell you it's a mess up here with the ice and snow. Early Monday AM JCP&L listed less than 2,000 customers without power. By Monday night it was up to around 15,000. Last night it was over 35,000. This afternoon around 3 PM the count was below twenty, and now at 4 PM it's back up to 23,600. My point is we're not out of the woods by any stretch, and we're expecting 30 mph winds tomorrow without significant melting ahead of time. The trees are still ice bound. JCP&L says the ETR is 11:30 PM tomorrow night. I think that's a crock. We lost power at 8:48 PM Sunday and got it back at 2:38 AM. Then down again at 1:31 PM Monday and back up at 8:24 PM. Down again at 11:18 PM, and up at 6:14 AM Tuesday. We've been up since then, but 70% of my township is still without power. Get the big picture here, if you haven't seen this before. I finally got out to Newton today and the roads are a mess. But the number of trees/bushes/vines still hanging on the electric, cable and phone wires was unbelievable! It's incredible that the utilities let all this growth really impede on the wire paths. No, I don't expect them to denude the county of trees, but a lot of what I saw would be prevented by a simple topping or pruning. Fortunately we have all disaster equipment in place and operating. Regardless, it's a pain in the ass! /RantOff/
  42. 0 points

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