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High School Student Disarms Gunman…Gets Suspended?

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High School Student Disarms Gunman…Gets Suspended?


Mar. 2, 2013 10:12am Madeleine Morgenstern



Image source: WFTX-TV

A Florida high school student wrestled a loaded gun away from another teen on the bus ride home this week and was slapped with a suspension in return.

The 16-year-old Cypress Lake High student in Fort Myers, Fla. told WFTX-TV there was “no doubt” he saved a life after grappling for the loaded .22 caliber revolver being aimed point-blank at another student on Tuesday.

“I think he was really going to shoot him right then and there,” said the suspended student, not identified by WFTX because of safety concerns. “Not taking no pity.”

The student said the suspect, a football player, threatened to shoot a teammate because he had been arguing with his friend.

Authorities confirmed to WFTX the weapon was indeed loaded, and the arrest report stated the suspect, identified by WVZN-TV as Quadryle Davis, was “pointing the gun directly” at the other student and “threatening to shoot him.”

That’s when, the teen told the station, he and two others tackled the suspect and wrestled the gun away. The next day, all three were suspended.

“How they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?” he asked.

The school’s referral slip said he was given an “emergency suspension” for being involved in an “incident” with a weapon. Lee County School District spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said in a statement that “If there is a potentially dangerous situation, Florida law allows the principal to suspend a student immediately pending a hearing.”


“Those kids had to fight for their lives,” the mother of the suspended teen said. “All the kids that was involved in this they should have a pat on their backs because they did the right thing to save someone from burying their child.”

The suspended teen is allowed to go back to school Monday.

Meanwhile, the student accused of pointing the weapon has been charged only with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon “without intent” to kill.

The sheriff’s office said the investigation is ongoing and that the charges are “based on our findings at this time.”

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A second-grader at Park Elementary school in Baltimore, Maryland was munching on his pop-tart and was trying to shape it into a mountain. But quickly he noticed it looked more like a gun and began to play with it like a gun. Next thing you know his teacher confiscated the pop-tart and the school suspended him, alleging that he said “bang bang” while holding the pop tart and that constituted a threat.

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Wtf.... I'm at a loss for words.

Maybe were all wrong and just don't realize it.. maybe we should hop on board. Quit our jobs sit back and collect.. not intervene with anything and worry about out selves only..We can trust our leaders to decide when we should get involved. So the lesson I get from this is tell my kids don't stop a bully and don't risk your life to save a classmate but when the time comes for an invasion for reasons you don't understand go blindly to the fight with guns you've barley seen and fire away because you don't know best just trust what your told. :angry:

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In a case like this I can understand why they would suspend him. I don't think it's a reprimand, as much as it is in case of backlash. I can think of at least one incident that happened at my high school. Two kids got in a fight. Only the kid that started it got suspended, he also happened to be the one that got his @ss whipped. Next day, other kid involved comes into school and gets jumped. Schools tend to do this for tempers to settle down, and the gossip mill to cool down. Now, if the kid in this case wasn't suspended and got shot or jumped the next day, everyone would be out for the administrators blood. I don't believe this has anything to do with the "pusification" of America, as much as it is "kids these days are idiots and don't know how to deal with life." I'm only 25, and for the most part as a kid if myself or one of my friends got into a fight with someone it was done and over with the minute the last punch was thrown. That's how things were handled. I got into a fight in high school with some kid. He spit chewed up popcorn all over my back in the lunch room. I turned around knocked him around a bit. Both of us got suspended for 3 days. Came back to school after the 3 days and everything was fine. Gave everyone a chance to cool off. Nobody really even talked about it after we got back. I do not think his suspension was out of line at all. If anything, I feel this article is just more stuff for people to complain about, because people love to complain.

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In a case like this I can understand why they would suspend him. I don't think it's a reprimand, as much as it is in case of backlash. I can think of at least one incident that happened at my high school. Two kids got in a fight. Only the kid that started it got suspended, he also happened to be the one that got his @ss whipped. Next day, other kid involved comes into school and gets jumped. Schools tend to do this for tempers to settle down, and the gossip mill to cool down. Now, if the kid in this case wasn't suspended and got shot or jumped the next day, everyone would be out for the administrators blood. I don't believe this has anything to do with the "pusification" of America, as much as it is "kids these days are idiots and don't know how to deal with life." I'm only 25, and for the most part as a kid if myself or one of my friends got into a fight with someone it was done and over with the minute the last punch was thrown. That's how things were handled. I got into a fight in high school with some kid. He spit chewed up popcorn all over my back in the lunch room. I turned around knocked him around a bit. Both of us got suspended for 3 days. Came back to school after the 3 days and everything was fine. Gave everyone a chance to cool off. Nobody really even talked about it after we got back. I do not think his suspension was out of line at all. If anything, I feel this article is just more stuff for people to complain about, because people love to complain.



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Our country is managed by as$ hats. If we keep on voting morons into office we get the government we deserve. Let morons teach our kids and don't act surprised in 20 years when everyone you meet is an imbecile.


We suck. Look in the mirror...it's all of our fault. We've put stupid people in charge of important aspects of our lives.

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I don't believe this has anything to do with the "pusification" of America, as much as it is "kids these days are idiots and don't know how to deal with life."


And a knee jerk suspension of someone who does the right thing will definitely help kids learn how to deal with life, right?


No, this is exactly part of the pussificiation of America.



I'm only 25, and for the most part as a kid if myself or one of my friends got into a fight with someone it was done and over with the minute the last punch was thrown. That's how things were handled.


Let me ask you this. Why do you think that is no longer the case? What has changed in the past 7-8 years?

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And a knee jerk suspension of someone who does the right thing will definitely help kids learn how to deal with life, right?


No, this is exactly part of the pussificiation of America.





Let me ask you this. Why do you think that is no longer the case? What has changed in the past 7-8 years?


Policy is made by attorneys instead of educators

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I've suspended employees on the spot who were clearly in the right just to get an innocent person out of a bad situation until I had time to solve the problem. Always a paid suspension and they were told that they were getting a few paid days off but were not in any trouble. Hopefully this is the same thing.

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I agree with the school. Let tempers calm down and work out the issue, instead of putting the kid back in class where some of the other guys buddies might be tempted to get a little revenge on his behalf. As long as his permanent record is expunged so the suspension doesn't hurt his chances of going to college if that's what he plans to do, I don't see the harm in it.


You guys are way to quick to jump to conclusions without all the facts. You aren't there, you don't know what the final outcome will be. As previously pointed out, if he'd been back in school the next day and got jumped by the other guy's pals, everyone would be singing a different tune.


If in the end this turns out to be a punishment instead of an attempt to protect ALL the kids and sort things out, then freak out.

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Fort Myers is also not exactly the most conservative part of Florida. Lived there for a year and there were more New Yorkers (from the city) and Bostonians there than you would think. So this suspension isn't much of a surprise. They're just doing it to cover their asses to avoid lawsuits. Hopefully the kid comes out clean, but it really depends on the school administration.

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Meanwhile, the student accused of pointing the weapon has been charged only with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon “without intent” to kill.

The sheriff’s office said the investigation is ongoing and that the charges are “based on our findings at this time.”


Mostly every firearms training course I've had has said "don't point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill. Based on the fact he had it pointed at another student, point blank, I'd say that is an intent to kill. Why is the Sheriff's Department letting him off so easy. Also, why no specific weapons charges. Or a charge since he was in violation of the "gun free zone" :lol:

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Had he not disarmed him, and the kid shot a couple students (not that many with a revolver) they would say we should teach our kids self defense and how to react in situations. This school is completely rediculous. The kid should be honored for his heroics, especialy in this "anti bully" state of mind (dont get me started on that crap!). The kid did the right thing, i hope the kids parents are wise enough to praise him for his heroics and it is nice to see that some people are still raising CONTRIBUTING members to society!

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Excellent rebuttal.




Now when this kid applies to college he has to mark on his application that he was suspended for an incident involving a firearm.

His chances of getting into a good school just went down the toilet.

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