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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2018 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    And this, boys and girls, is why you don’t cut up your mags...
  2. 6 points
    Well there it is folks. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Judge Thomas Vanaski today announced his retirement from the 3rd circuit effective Jan 2. With Bibas (I told you all he's a good one) and Porter safely installed and with Matey on deck as soon as the Jeff flake blockade is ended, this means that for the very first time, there will be a CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY on the 3rd circuit. Vanaski was an obama appointee and his retirement is rather shocking. This is the best news you'll hear all year.
  3. 6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. 4 points
    the new people need to be less douchey!
  6. 4 points
    Stop being a douche to new people!
  7. 4 points
    Since your post about you being a hero, everything I see from you now looks like garbage.
  8. 4 points
    Is this the pilot for The Real house husband's of New Jersey ? [emoji848]
  9. 4 points
    A couple members here offered to store them for folks free. For the cost of a flat-rate box you could have saved them, or donated them to someone else that could actually use them. For anyone late to the party, I live in NH and would happily store them. If you don't want them stored I'll happily pay for shipping them to me. Easy to find people here that can use them. PM's, obviously.
  10. 3 points
    Good morning everyone! The forum looks a bit different? Yep. Last night/this morning I was in the process of testing some upgrades and had a slight "oops" moment. As things on the test upgrade seemed to go okay, I went ahead and updated the forum to the latest version which includes numerous performance updates, security patches and fixes for nagging items like the pages hanging up while transitioning between pages. For the next 12 to 24 hours the forum may ran a tad slower as pages re-index in the background but will get back to normal thereafter. Over the next few weeks will be enabling new features that will enhance your community experience in a number of ways including: Helping you find key information more easily and faster. A better way to organize and participate in the many "clubs" discussed in the New Jersey firearms community. (really excited). Better and more up to date information on where to shop and where to shoot. One quick feature that I am glad to have back, which was lost when we upgraded the NJGF Chat Room a few years ago was the ability to see who was in the chat, without having to enter it. Right now you can find that information in the box at the bottom of the main page. (This may be moved in the near future as we figure out where it works best.) Another "fix" which will make things far easier to upload pictures is the ability to paste straight into the message box. If you use a screen capture tool like "Snipping Tool" (available as a feature of Windows), you can crop/copy, and paste right into the message/reply box, rather than having to save the image and upload it. So... it is 5AM... I hope you enjoy the updates, there will be LOTS MORE to come. In the mean time, there may be a few issues, if you run into any, send them as a message and let me know. All of this costs time and money and your help is always appreciated. If you have not yet, and would like to help keep this place running, please consider becoming a Premier Member which you can do by visiting the store or clicking here. Thanks! -Maks
  11. 3 points
    With the onslaught of negativity riled up by this 10-round magazine cap, I thought it might be good to harness that energy into something positive. So, would you join me in stating your 2019 pro-2A New Year's resolutions? Here's mine - I'm putting them in writing so that I'm accountable - and I intend to report back on my progress: I've been trying to distribute CNJFO pamphlets at various FFLs in Hunterdon/Somerset/Warren and nearby PA ranges. I'm lagging on that badly due to some pressing family issues I had the last couple of months, but I'm going to knock out the rest of the list in January and then keep them supplied year-round. You can all piss and moan about our state's 2A orgs, but I think the more people that join any of NJ's 2A orgs the better off we are. It funds education, recruitment, lawsuits and the like. I think they could use people distributing pamphlets in other areas, too - ask @Smokin .50 if you can have a little time to do that and live in a different region than me. I'm going to keep up my current memberships and add 2 more. I'm currently NRA (lifetime), ANJRPC & CNFJO, but I will rejoin The Well-Armed Woman (TWAW) which had lapsed and also join Second Amendment Women (SAW). Last count, TWAW had 4 or 5 chapters in the state, and SAW had 2-3 - they are both growing like gangbusters. More women in the shooting sports is imperative! People, 2A memberships are cheap, there's NO EXCUSE not to join several. I'm going to challenge myself to be an "open 2A advocate" who's transparent about my gun ownership. Right now, I hide it like it's a mortal sin (LOL) - that's going to stop. I will form a habit of inviting people to the range. My goal is to get at least 2 non-gun-owners a month to the range. And I'm going to really focus on recruiting women. I intend to become a regular face at some of these women's events - I figure I can bring my guests to whichever event is closest to THEM and that will make it more likely that they'll attend another time. If someone gets into it, I'll walk them through the FID process, too. I have a couple of pro-2A ideas that I've been noodling on... and noodling on... so I'm going to commit to spending 8 hours a month on pro-2A activities - and that will enable me to get some traction on those, too. What about the rest of you? Remember: what did John Paul Jones say when he was asked to surrender his ship? "I have not yet begun to fight". That's the kind of attitude we need to channel right now! No more apathy... the enemy is at the gate and it's time to get crackin'!
  12. 3 points
  13. 3 points
    He opened his safe to police officers, who found an “assault weapon.” Whether or not he knew it was there, if he was a competitive shooter, he likely knew the law. But hey, this is a case from over 20 years ago... so it is easily referenced and can be looked over without issue (that last part was sarcasm, since you don’t seem to get a lot of the stuff being discussed). Whether or not I agree with it, Pelleteri had an “assault weapon.” It would be similar to you forgetting one of your 15 rounders in your safe, someone trying to break in, and when the officers ask you if anything is missing... you check and that one magazine pops out, landing at the officer’s feet. You aren’t guilty of possessing a high capacity magazine? Think people in possession of drugs try that type of stuff from time to time. Guess somewhere after a person takes power tools to their 15 rounders... Because of unions...
  14. 3 points
    THIS JUST IN: Murphy has just found all domestic dogs do not have their most current shots. In the interest of public safety he has ordered all law Enforcement agencies to pull all records of dog licenses and conduct a door to door search for the offending animals. I don’t know about you guys but if I can’t find a mask for my dog I’m shipping him to PA.
  15. 3 points
    Says the guy who cut up his mags comply fully with the encroachment of constitutional rights.
  16. 3 points
    I did 6 this year; you have to remember I don’t know that many people who don’t shoot. Any new boyfriend the girls bring home gets a range trip, and I like to think they leave with three things: A firearms safety mindset An appreciation of how much fun target shooting can be An understanding that Dad is really proficient with small arms so maybe they should always be extra respectful of their girlfriend
  17. 3 points
    Actually this is what I hoped this forum would be @Maksim.. I still remember the first clay meet up.. Mrs” um who are these people and where did you meet them “ me; “ um, da intronet, but we are all armed so it’s ok?” Mrs”“
  18. 3 points
    Food for Thought: every time one of these ridiculous new laws get us sniping and snarking at each other, it's a win for the other side. Remember, generally speaking, we on these forums are all on the same side. We might have different approaches, but I think we all recognize the unconstitutional nature of these laws... worse yet, we recognize the utter futility of their stated purpose: they will do NOTHING to reduce crime... or mass shootings... or casualties. Channel your energy outward, not inward would be my (ever so gentle) suggestion! So, aside from fuming and sniping at each other, what are you all going to DO in 2019? Actually volunteer some hours for the 2A org of your choice? Makes donations? Set yourself a recruiting goal to get new people to the range? I swear, the energy expended on all of these threads - though it does help to clarify ideas and thinking - it could be harnessed so much more effectively!
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
    We shall see. But this is awesomeness and sad at the same time. the make up of the court determines our constitutional rights? That’s bananas
  22. 2 points
    Yes! I think the PRNJ is soon going kicking and screaming OUT OF THE ANTI GUN BUSINESS! It should not matter if were a blue or red state. The Constitution applies fully to ALL states and now we are going to get our rights back! All hail our POTUS! 30 round mags in NJ just around the corner!
  23. 2 points
    I will be adding a few other reactions soon, including disagree.
  24. 2 points
    This is exactly why I posted on another thread to not turn mags in. If you’re scared of them then distroy them. But if none are turned in their tallies will show disobedience.
  25. 2 points
    I think only that one clown in the other thread was doing that
  26. 2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. 2 points
    The effect of this will be the same as when the 15 round rule went in. Nothing. 10 round mags will go to the range. Other mags will go where the 20 and 30 round mags went before, wherever that is. Even Jersey cops, not known to be mental giants, will realize that if you don't stir a crock of shit it won't stink or get you shot to death by screwing with those who were never the problem and never will be.
  29. 2 points
    This is the thread that will never end. Dear Lord, I pray that just ONE% of all this angst gets applied to do some good
  30. 2 points
    I cannot understate how huge this is. It's the first circuit Court in the nation that Trump is going to turn conservative, and it happens to be ours. It swings from a 10-4 liberal paradise to a solid 8-6 conservative majority. YUGE! I'll be honest, I track this stuff closely and did not see this one coming. My money was on the 11th being the first one he flipped. Vanaski's out of the blue announcement is a Christmas miracle https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/11/19/donald-trumps-judges-making-courts-more-conservative-slowly/2005281002/
  31. 2 points
  32. 2 points
    Nice...just picked up a all correct 43 (except rear sight but will replace) sa!
  33. 2 points
    Appreciate the maintenance but the hearts gotta go my toxic masculinity isn't dealing with it too well....
  34. 2 points
    An article that was mostly ridiculous, as you noted. You did see me say I was disappointed in Zero Hedge for referencing it? I would not have found it on my own. I posted it since this thread and others have discussed 'fear mongering'. I thought that was a good example. Although as Sniper pointed out, there are some kernels of truth in it. I for one would never degrade solid 2A arguments by making up ridiculous crap like that.
  35. 2 points
    Okay, how many Glock 19s have been sold in NJ in the past 10-20 years? 1000? 5000? 20000? If NJSP were to request how many shipped with 15 Rd magazines Glock could tell NJ to pound salt. The only people Glock has to answer to is ATF. Now NJSP can request that info from ATF. IF ATF got that information and passed this to NJSP the real question is how many of these gun's WERE DELIVERED with 15 Rd magazines. I guarantee no FFL in NJ could accurately answer that question. Even if NJ FFLs could answer that question there would have to be reason to believe the recipient of these guns didn't comply as you did. Even of all this info were available NONE OF IT IS PROBABLE CAUSE. That's what you need for a search warrant. Not mere or reasonable suspicion. How many people do you think NJSP or ATF have to devote to this effort? Possible? Yes. Probable. Never.
  36. 2 points
  37. 2 points
    Hmmm. I need to be realistic so I won't say get my wife to the range. Maybe try to get her to not be afraid of guns... no, we have to be realistic here... Well I guess I will help people that are interested in getting a gun but are afraid of the process and don't know how to get a FID figure out what they need to do. I usually get a few people like that a year. Currently helping four people get their FID.
  38. 2 points
    Here ya go Ray. G17 frame on top G19 frame on bottom Both are Gen 3 stripped frames in what Glock calls OD Green. I got them from Big Tex Outdoors for like $70 each. For another $70 you can get a Glock LPK. Ike is the man!
  39. 2 points
    Ya dude seriously! I heart you
  40. 2 points
    Ok. Now you did it. I have to cry. I be back in a few minutes.
  41. 2 points
    Lol? youve said you moved here for work, and stayed for freedom. um, have you read the constitution? Stepped in it is an understatement sis
  42. 2 points
    Hey!!! After the boating accident with @GramGun79 we found some more! im laughing, I have no idea who’s boat that was. I left a note though “ sorry”
  43. 2 points
    Well, we all cut up our mags at a party.. It wasn’t a good party though.
  44. 2 points
    Cuz pineys dont have teeth Sorry I couldn't resist. Lmfao
  45. 2 points
    And since it will inventively come up.. Aiken case.... HE BROKE THE LAW and had his 18 round mags or whatever it was.... NO ONE was out looking for him. The only reason it came up was that his family called the police. This is how I see those 15 round mags becoming an issue, just like how every other sane person here says it would... as part of you doing something else stupid. (domestic disturbance, DWI, warrants, etc.) Is it POSSIBLE that there will be door to door searches and follow ups? Sure.... just like it is possible a meteor will strike earth tomorrow, public disclosure of aliens, zombies, or Hillary admitting she was wrong. IF any of that happens, there will be far more pressing issues to face than dealing with that crime. ... and that's the point.
  46. 2 points
    Will do a more comprehensive list later... but more meetups.
  47. 2 points
    Fuck them, and the buck toothed jackass they road in on.
  48. 2 points
    It’s a shame. I would have paid for shipping them to freedom.
  49. 2 points
    Save your money and buy a ticket out of this state.
  50. 2 points

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