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Gov Chrisite could announce his gun control package tomorrow

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Hmm, that's disappointing. Looks like there's been no change to the text. But these are still Assembly bills. I don't think this is the final version of what will be voted on. They don't even list any Senate sponsore.


Here's an example:



I am far from an expert on this, but, doesnt the bill go to the senate for a reading before it gets its final rewrite?

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He didn't have to throw the Anti's a bone, he should have thrown them OUT! Instead of conceding, he should have said some of the current laws were not helping anything and relaxed certain things. He could have banned the 2-shot .22 Derringers, betcha they are used more often in crimes than a .50BMG is, would have actually been a "useful" choice................

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"Under the provisions of the bill, it would be unlawful for anyone to possess a prohibited firearm of 50 caliber or greater. The bill, however, grants individuals who lawfully own one of these prohibited firearms one year in which to dispose of them."


Seems no grandfather clause either for .50. It also doesn't differentiate between an AE 500 and .50 BMG so even .50 desert eagles and the like would be banned too. Complete and utter BS. Bet ya more then 10 people are now going to be pissed.

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Did I say I thought a ban on 50BMG is ok or justified because it only affects a few people?  What I said was Christie chose the one proposed bill that will impact the fewest people which was tactically a smart move on his part.  True, he could have proposed no changes at all, but I am assuming that he is under enormous pressure to do something and I'm guessing he chose the ,50BMG because it will impact very few people and has a lot of BS sensationalist propaganda tied to it.  Plus, isn't his proposal to ban future sales but not to confiscate or render guns that are already owned illegal?


What do you think he has in mind for his next gun ban and gun control laws? I think you guys should ask him. He should be willing to let you know what he has in mind for his next term if he expects you to vote for him. Although, I doubt he will be as cautious if reelected. Look at Obama.

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Christie knows better than anyone. I was the Foreman on the NJ Federal Grand jury, years ago, I served once a week for 2 years. Back then Christie was in charge of all the prosecutors. Most of the cases I heard were gun related, probably 80% of them. I can honestly tell you of all the gun cases we heard, 99% were gang related. I honestly cannot remember a single case where a legal gun owner came across our group. During that period all the murders, robberies etc. were gang related.

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I'll try again. I agree - it's not ok to ban .50 cal and doing so will not save a single life or prevent a single crime. However, as for "justification", from Christie's point of view the "justification" is that doing nothing was not an option. He needed to throw the antis a bone and do so in a way so that it looked like he was doing something, while in reality doing as little as possible. Many of you are purists/absolutists and will slam Christie and say you will never vote for him because he proposed this ban. Fine, you are certainly entitled to that opinion. For me, while we'd all like to have RIck Perry as our Governor and Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham as our Senators, we in NJ and I'll take Christie over Buono or another Corzine any day.


Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Grahamnesty. Are you kidding? I can see if you said Rand Paul or Mike Lee or Ted Cruz, but you want McConnell & Graham. Oy.

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"Under the provisions of the bill, it would be unlawful for anyone to possess a prohibited firearm of 50 caliber or greater. The bill, however, grants individuals who lawfully own one of these prohibited firearms one year in which to dispose of them."


Hahaha if I had a 50 cal or greater they'd have to take it from me. Too bad I can't afford one and won't be able to for years (other weapons I want first).

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I have a 500 S&W and if the senate passes the same bill the assembly pushed through, yes I will be impacted from my understanding of the bill. I'm really trying to understand the mindset either house is using to create and pass these bills.

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I have a 500 S&W and if the senate passes the same bill the assembly pushed through, yes I will be impacted from my understanding of the bill. I'm really trying to understand the mindset either house is using to create and pass these bills.


Unless you have a mental illness, don't bother. You won't be able to figure it out.

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Unless you have a mental illness, don't bother. You won't be able to figure it out.

Don't give yourself a headache. These people are clueless about guns. I bet you I know more about brain surgery..............

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Note the agenda for next week's senate committee hearing doesn't include the .50 cal ban but does include mandatory training, ban on online ammo sales, and requirement for continuous FID reapplication nightmare.

I wonder what will happen if they ban online ammo sales. What is to stop me from having out of state relatives purchase the ammo for me and ship it here? Are they going to consider it contraband? The people in Trenton are clueless, as well as most in Washington, and California needs to have a massive earthquake and drop into the Pacific.

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That's right, Hillary Clinton, unless she croaks, will be the Dem nominee in 2016 and she will win. End of story. I guarantee it. I was 100% right about Romney being a loser from the very beginning. I am 100% sure that there will be another Clinton in the WH in Jan 2017, barring her incapacity to do the job. Prepare accordingly.



Unfortunately I think you're right. I've been predicting the winner since 2000 each time.. I'm young, in that demographic of motivated, delusional voters that outnumber the baby boomers. The sense of who will succeed is palatable the moment the names are out. Obama will be remembered in the short term as the greatest thing that ever happened to America and Clinton will ride his wave right to the white house.


If the Republicans want to win they need to stop putting losers in the ticket. McCain was a loser and Palin was laughing stock of the nation. Romney was a natural loser too. Moderate Republicans will fail nationally every time. Obama is polarizing and forceful, the Republicans need that.


What WE need is to scrap the parties... but that's even further off topic...

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I wonder what will happen if they ban online ammo sales. What is to stop me from having out of state relatives purchase the ammo for me and ship it here? Are they going to consider it contraband? The people in Trenton are clueless, as well as most in Washington, and California needs to have a massive earthquake and drop into the Pacific.


That's the main point...these laws only effect the honest, law abiding citizen. Criminals will never obey the law, they'll buy everything illegally leaving the law abiding citizen empty handed following Unconstitutional and illegal laws. It's simply a way to erode the ability for law abiding people to defend themselves. A controlling government can't control people that can defend themselves...it's that simple.

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I wonder what will happen if they ban online ammo sales. What is to stop me from having out of state relatives purchase the ammo for me and ship it here? Are they going to consider it contraband? The people in Trenton are clueless, as well as most in Washington, and California needs to have a massive earthquake and drop into the Pacific.

One of the bills requires "face to face."

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Unfortunately I think you're right. I've been predicting the winner since 2000 each time.. I'm young, in that demographic of motivated, delusional voters that outnumber the baby boomers. The sense of who will succeed is palatable the moment the names are out. Obama will be remembered in the short term as the greatest thing that ever happened to America and Clinton will ride his wave right to the white house.


If the Republicans want to win they need to stop putting losers in the ticket. McCain was a loser and Palin was laughing stock of the nation. Romney was a natural loser too. Moderate Republicans will fail nationally every time. Obama is polarizing and forceful, the Republicans need that.


What WE need is to scrap the parties... but that's even further off topic...

Part of the problem with the republicans is that they let the democrats pick the republican candidate. take NJ for this November, since Christie is an incumbent and is on the republican ticket unchallenged , all registered republicans should switch party for the democrat primary and choose the democratic challenger.

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Maksim, I would venture to guess no regarding your question, and let's face it, NJ hasn't had a conservative candidate for nearly anything in close to 20 yrs. (I do like Chris Smith though). In my 39 yrs.of voting I've gone from registered Dem to Repub to Independent, which I believe NJ now calls Unaffiliated, since Independent sounded so strong. Mikeyboyee, I hope you're right, but after Ole Bill goes on his smooch tour, Bhengazi, etc. will roll right off of Hil's back.

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Maksim, I would venture to guess no regarding your question, and let's face it, NJ hasn't had a conservative candidate for nearly anything in close to 20 yrs. (I do like Chris Smith though). In my 39 yrs.of voting I've gone from registered Dem to Repub to Independent, which I believe NJ now calls Unaffiliated, since Independent sounded so strong. Mikeyboyee, I hope you're right, but after Ole Bill goes on his smooch tour, Bhengazi, etc. will roll right off of Hil's back.


I kinda agree with you. American's have a short memory when it comes to politics and in another three months everyone will have forgotten Hillary's, "what difference does it make" comment. The Clinton's have a Teflon reputation already.


If Anthony Weiner is thinking about running for mayor of New York City, anything is possible these days.

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NJ hasn't had a conservative candidate for nearly anything in close to 20 yrs. (I do like Chris Smith though). In my 39 yrs.of voting I've gone from registered Dem to Repub to Independent, which I believe NJ now calls Unaffiliated, since Independent sounded so strong.



Christie signed fewer laws last year than any NJ Governor in 168 years. http://www.app.com/a...on-168-year-low I had thought the last conservative NJ Governor was Democrat Charles Edison, who left office in 1944 --- but by that metric, Christie is even more conservative.


He's not a 2A guy for sure. And for November he has the soccer moms and Volvo Republicans who don't know a 15 round magazine from a Pez dispenser to contend with.


Chris Smith is my Congresscritter. I had the pleasure of voting for him when he first won election in 1980 -- and as a tribute to NJ gerrymandering, his district has followed me across the state. I sent his reelection committee a check last year, which they still haven't bothered to cash -- also saying something about NJ gerrymandering. But by 2013 standards, he's not awfully conservative. He's conservative by NJ standards, but he'd be a liberal in most red states.


I'm also an "unaffiliated"/independent voter. I'd be a Libertarian if they could figure out how to win an occasional election.


Econometric models predicted a Democrat would win in 2008 and indicated 2012 would be close, with an edge to the incumbent. It didn't really matter who the candidates were. A similar scenario seems to be unfolding now. Is the Boston Marathon Obama and the Democrats' Katrina?


Obama's approval is tracking Bush #43's second term approval ratings fairly closely, and we all know what happened in 2006 and 2008.

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There are countless examples in which the Republicans showed their incompetence during the last two national elections. And, if you think it is just stupidity, then so be it. I do not. Boner was handed the House of Republicans by his base and the American People (who form the Tea Party), and what did he do, he gave them the finger and cried. Give me a break. If you think for one minute that these clowns aren't working together in that "transparent" government down there to find ways to tax us and take away our freedoms, while growing government, you are mistaken.

Agreed! I know many people who are near polar opposites and are against most of what I stand for and I don't do lunch, dinner, and go golfing with them. It's obvious this country is heading towards marx - imperialism and the best the republican party can come up with is Amnesty for 20 - 30 million illegals who will overwhelmingly vote against them?? Come on........

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5+ months for a change of address as well through the NJSP.  And I have reached out to everyone including my localstate representatives, which are pro-2A, the AG and Fuentes.

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