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Its ok.... just tell them....


"I am extremely excited to partake in Jury Duty, especially since I can tell if people are guilty or innocent using my telepathic powers."


That will be the first and last day of Jury Duty.




"I think everyone is guilty"

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I've found that simply saying you are a gun owner or work in some field that requires logic and reason is usually enough to get tossed from most cases.


Every time I sit on a jury, it's an opportunity to oppose nj's broken laws. Haven't gotten a really good one yet, as the above gets you tossed from pretty much anything criminal.

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I've found that simply saying you are a gun owner or work in some field that requires logic and reason is usually enough to get tossed from most cases.



THIS x10004556334!!!!


During voir dire, I kid you not, my father was asked, "can you set aside the science and training that you received as an engineer, and decide this case solely on the information given to you?"


He was quickly dismissed from the jury pool.


BlueLine: first chance you get, tell the defense that you're a police officer. You should be out by lunch, at the latest.

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I've sat in New Brunswick listening to my MP3 player and waiting to see if they would call me or not. At least they let me go home after lunch and I didn't have to go back. Got a check for like $4 in the mail one day, I stuck it on the fridge, doesn't even cover the cost of gas.


Trying to avoid Federal Court, so far so good, but I know my luck will run out............ :(

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The jury system is just as much part of the constitution as the right to bear arms. It is our civic duty to serve as jurors.


But we deserve to be properly compensated for our time and effort. I live about 20 minutes from the Camden County courthouse, $5 doesn't cover the gas to get there and back, let alone the day of wages I will lose.


Thankfuilly I didn't have to go when I was called.

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This sucks...jury duty tomorrow. Of course i get called when i am off from work.


Jury duty always seems to come at the most inconvenient time. A couple of months ago, my wife got a notice - here was the scenario. Our twin girls had just turned 12 days old (yes...days), our two year old daughter was sick, we were living in my brother's basement (explain shortly), and I was hours away from deploying for 6 months. Luckily, my sister-in-law saw it first, showed me and said she would take care of it. I am assuming she did because my wife hasn't been arrested yet.


Living in the basement at the time because within weeks of getting back from the deployment, we will be moving to another base. Shortly after I deployed, the wife and kids moved back to Ohio to stay with her parents for the remainder of my deployment. The military has been good to us and this was a preemptive move to make things less stressful between the time I left and when she moved to her parents.

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The jury system is just as much part of the constitution as the right to bear arms. It is our civic duty to serve as jurors.


While i agree with this when I got called , several times. I had a very hands-on business to run. They seemed to call me in the middle of my most hectic season. If you want out its fairly easy and you lose the day only. I asked them to call me in Jan/Feb when I was typically slow and would be glad to serve but its a random thing. BTW- my wife was called up on a Fed level case, 5 weeks of traveling to Newark for that duty!

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I am over 50, and I have been a registered voter for 34 years and a driver for 36 years, but I have only been called once. I was let go within an hour because they did not need me. I don't understand how they select which people serve.

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The jury system is just as much part of the constitution as the right to bear arms. It is our civic duty to serve as jurors.


^^^ This!


There needs to be a better system. Either make jurors an actual occupation or make those that collect welfare serve as jurors so they actually put something back into the system. Why punish people with jobs.


The problem with "professional jurors" is that now you've created a basis for corruption. Funny, as an officer of the state, you would think that you would have some appreciation for the entire legal system, and not just the part where you get to carry the gun.


Jury duty is not a punishment for anyone. It is the basis for our trial system and should be viewed as a duty, like voting. The founders intended that jurors AND elected representatives were to serve as a civic duty, but both have been corrupted by those who simply want to get out of it (jury duty) or make a career out of it (elected office).

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Thanks for the lecture professor. Professional jurors would breed corruption. Like there isn't any now? Our legal system is seriously flawed. Full of frivolous civil lawsuits and repetitive criminal lawsuits because the sentencing of criminals is too light. Spare me the high and mighty bs that I, as an officer, should appreciate the legal system. When I arrest the same people over and over, see 85 page criminal histories, myself sustain serious injuries that will hinder me for life yet the perp gets five years for carrying a loaded weapon and attempting to use it in a crowded place. This is a 3 time convicted felon I might add. So save your lectures or somebody that doesn't have a clue and you continue to believe in the wonderful world of rainbows and unicorns

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Touched a nerve, eh? Since when are 4 sentences considered a "lecture"?


No sh*t the legal system is flawed. Punishing people for possession of an "illegal" object (guns, drugs, drop side baby cribs) has to be the biggest travesty of the justice there is. But light sentencing and plea bargaining have nothing to do with jurors, so your anger with the system is severely displaced.

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