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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    West. Pennsylvania is to the west.
  2. 3 points
    In Stock at Monmouth Arms. Mint condition, No Box - $600.00
  3. 3 points
    Is it time for a NJGF group pallet order? Who's got a fork lift?
  4. 2 points
    If you've not been following, there is a fairly significant storm headed our way. As of the latest UKmet and Euro models, NW jersey where I am will probably see the most snow, central jersey may get clobbered with a ton of freezing rain and SE Jersey will probably just see rain. After it moves out, there will be a back end hard freeze and some lingering snow. If the low runs to our south, all will be well, everyone gets snow. If it runs north, we all get rain and some snow. If it runs where it is now, well, you'll see the dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifices, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria! Oh and gas up your chainsaw and snow blower
  5. 2 points
    Please fondle the Walther Q5 Match Steel Frame ETA: And ask about chances of a Walther rifle in 9mm or 5.56mm.
  6. 2 points
    Maybe just hand in the legal paperwork and when they ask for the illegal paperwork just tell them those forms are illegal to ask for per 58-### if you have any questions please contact the state police or ag office and i will see you in 30 days for my permit. And just leave it at that.
  7. 2 points
    And beyond just the additional cost and inconvenience, of course this is just another step in demonizing gun owners. Eventually, track your ammo purchases, red-flag you as a gun-nut and danger to the community if you purchase too much. They might even go with a monthly limit right out of the box.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    That's because NJSP knows keeping an ammo log is meaningless bs imposed by the legislature. Ammo logs never prevented or solved any crime.
  10. 2 points
    Another stupid feel good law. Banning internet sales does NOT make ammunition purchases traceable or able to be tracked. In NJ we do log in ammo sales but i have never had the NJSP give it more then a 2 second glance during an inspection... its more of a "You have an ammo log"
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    My friend over at Zev Tech, the famed Glock tinkerers just sent me their latest... their own gun.
  13. 2 points
    Go Fund Me is largely a tool to expedite the separation of fools from their money.
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    I think the real cause of the opiod problem is the people who they are prescribed to not the doctors. I have been been prescribed a variety of opiods for pain for different medical conditions over the years. WhIle the prescription may say 1 every 8 hrs for pain I never took it that often. I only took it when it really hurt bad. I had a demerol on demand drip after one surgery. Don't know if they still do that. If it really hurt and I used the demerol. If not I didn't. I never used any opioid other than prescribed for severe pain. If it didn't hurt that bad I just sucked it up. I never had any withdrawl. I think the current opiod crisis is the result of our kinder more gentle society. People feel they shouldn't hurt at all and keep popping the pills. There are people with addictive personalities. JMO. I was sitting outside a "green cross" store in Colorado. Oddly enough waiting for a NICS check to go through at a gun shop next door. This guy parked near me and he was jonesing like a heroin addict. He walked into the weed store and came out in a minute or two. As soon as he got outside he filled his pipe and deeply inhaled. His reaction of relief was similar to a heroin addict feeling the rush when mainlining. Physically addictive? Psychologically addictive? Don't know but this guy was addicted AFAIC. He smoked the pipe, refilled it, lit up, got in his car, and drove away blowing weed.
  16. 1 point
    When I get a chance to breathe, I'll probably try. Tonight getting ready for NJ Constitutional Republicans meeting at Centerton CC in Pittsgrove tomorrow night. Then Sunday is the Hog Hunt---I leave Saturday & play "Social Director". Thanks Bob!
  17. 1 point
    Yes it is, as well as a RR and WO. Somebody needs to buy this. Great gun at a great price. Adios, Pizza Bob
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Really like my P01 and CZ-75. Hope you enjoy yoursjust as much.
  20. 1 point
    Heard nothing but good bout the cz’s
  21. 1 point
    i am so glad that @nondisclosureand @Zeke might actually know what im talking about. that makes me happy.
  22. 1 point
    Ended up only being 3 mins of downtime. =) Going to close this one.
  23. 1 point
    Just jealous I have nice soft hands. Trust me, I still have hard spots all over from doing that hard labor when I worked as a landscaper for several years. Never wore gloves then and my hands were like leather. Grew up a little bit, got a nice cozy job and took a few years to get my hands back to normal human hands instead of leather face ones. I have those MechanixWear gloves myself. I use them or rubber gloves when working on my car, changing the oil, etc.
  24. 1 point
    How many Zeke posts were avoided due to the downtime?
  25. 1 point
    BUT! Will it give FFLs reason to charge extra? Record keeping or some such. Sorry. I’m just in a trouble making mood today.
  26. 1 point
    Wow ! I'm glad I bought a extra brick of 22s last year.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    True. Everyone should have learned their lesson after the Sandy Hook shooting.
  29. 1 point
    Cool. Thanks for sharing. For some reason those guns just look weird. And those triangle proof marks... almost made me think I was looking at mosins.
  30. 1 point
    Well I said on an earlier thread I want this over with. Ginsberg aside, I'm ready for it all. I want it brought to the SCOTUS the sooner the better. I'm tired of all this nickle and diming with petty suits and want it all to go. Tear it off like a band-aid. So go ahead and pass this crap. I donate regularly and I'll donate more for the fight. I want the freedoms to enjoy before I die. I the mean time: STOCK THE "F" UP!! Every spare piece of change in your jars should go toward ammo.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Can just look into the regulations... question N19 gives you some options. For the original topic, here is the online version of that reference guide. https://www.atf.gov/file/11241/download Page 197 and 198 discuss unlicensed persons (people without FFLs). ATF gives a lot of answers for basic questions on transfers and residency. While some points don’t say a pistol transfer must take place within the state if buyer/seller are both residents, most do say to contact State/local officials regarding those laws. -God, I’d give a kidney to get Tapatalk back!
  34. 1 point
    Wayne lapierre to remove his mask and reveil himself to be the diane fenstein wanna be lizard man all the while yelling "cobra-la-la-la-la"
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    Note that this ammo ration stuff was the same thing NY tried to stick into their SAFE laws. They wanted to limit you to buying only twice the number of rounds your mags held. That got cut from the final bill, but it doesn't mean these Communist won't try and make something stick again.
  38. 1 point
    Idaho wants to build their own wall to keep the infection out
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    If no Authority gets a COE copy, and there is no requirement to keep a copy, why drive out of state? In fact, why even do a COE? Trade gun and cash and STFU.
  41. 1 point
    Be careful with that one. It states on the other pages that it is a felony to lie on the form. If you lie and are caught you loose your right to own firearms for ever. They will look for anything to get you.
  42. 1 point
    Are you guys fucking with me? Seriously? Am I being Punk'd? Did you guys forget to put on your thinking caps today? Did reading comprehension fly out the window? Did we decide to think like liberals today and no one sent me the memo? Show me where I ever said to purposefully shoot to wound. Read through what I posted. Read all of it. I'll wait.... One more time for the cheap seats: As good guys - WE DO NOT SHOOT TO KILL. WE SHOOT TO STOP. Period. The end. Full stop. This has been what is taught since before I went to the Academy. It is what I was taught to teach others. It is what I teach all of my cops and all of my SWAT guys. It is the accepted reason, supported by case law as a seizure under the 4th amendment, to use deadly force. I said we shoot to stop, not to kill in direct response to your post where you said this: If you would have said "shoot to incapacitate, never to wound", or "shoot to stop, never to wound" or even "you to draw your weapon and not shoot to stop/incapacitate the threat" like you did in your latest post, I never would have opened my mouth. We train to hit high center mass of our human adversary, not because that is more likely to kill them, but because it is the largest piece of meat to target and it contains the most critical areas on the body. Areas that have proven to be the most effective at rapidly incapacitating/stopping a threat. When the threat is stopped/incapacitated we have then removed the threats ability to continue whatever act they were committing that authorized the use of force in the first place. This knowledge is gained from studying years of use of force applications and their effectiveness. A side effect is that shots to his area of our body also have a higher likelihood of causing death - but death is not our goal. What I did actually say was that: A) Sometimes people miss completely or they hit something other than what they are aiming at. B) Sometimes we don't have a high upper chest area to shoot at and choose to shoot at the center of another body part that is available. Finally, here is the important part: If any force used by you in defense of yourself or another successfully stops the threat from continuing actions that were likely to cause death or serious bodily injury, your legal permission to use deadly force ceases. The force used that stops the threat's actions does not matter. The force could be your mere presence as an armed good guy. It could be giving verbal commands or brandishing a firearm. It may even rise to the level of actually firing a shot. That shot may miss or hits an area of the body that is non-critical. It doesn't matter. If your interventions makes the bad guys stop then you must stop any application of deadly as well. (Note, pointing a gun at someone/covering their position is NOT deadly force and can be used to secure a bad guy as you wait for assistance) The trick here is we do not get to choose what causes the bad guy to stop. That is up to the bad guy. For some, it is the presence of armed resistance. For others, it can be merely being shot at and missed. And for others, they will fight to the death. The secret is that we need to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of our intervention, and react accordingly. The above is all speaking in general terms that everyone that carries a firearm in self defense should understand. As to this specific incident, all I know is that her intervention worked and she evaluated it correctly. I don't know why the bad guy took a round to the leg. Wasn't my gun fight. Having experience reviewing use of force incidents I can think of a few reasons why he bad guy took a round in the leg, but they are educated assumptions at best. Is that all she had to shoot it? If so, good for her - that is a good mindset. Hit his leg, decrease his morale and mobility. This allows you to fix his position so you can move to a position of advantage and finish the fight. Did she purposefully aim for the leg in an attempt to wound - I would not advocate this, but as I stated earlier, it was not my gunfight. She did what she thought she had to do. Or, did she aim high chest and just hit him in the leg? As I stated in an earlier post it happens. Starting from behind the power curve she may have wanted to get on the trigger faster, she may have lost some of the finer aspects of trigger control under stress, and she may have likely been shooting over her sights so she can see her whole threat, again causing shots to go low. All three of these things are common in a defensive gunfight. This is all nice to hot-wash with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight and none of it matters. What does matter is that her shot, regardless of where she hit or her intentions, stopped the bad guy without anyone else being injured. What is important to note is that this armed defender recognized that her shot ceased the assailants actions, and she no longer had the right to continue to shoot him. She appropriately stopped shooting, and began her rehearsed post engagement sequence. She is a rock star in my book.
  43. 1 point
    It's exceptionally cool--that's why openings don't come up too often. It is a lot of work, and a very long day/night to set up, shoot, and clean up the venue, but the reward is getting to set off 10's of thousands of dollars worth of professional fireworks that somebody else paid for. My crew does hand-fired shows, meaning at shoot time we are running up and down the mortar racks with highway flares lighting fuses. The company also does computer-controlled electrically-fired shows, which allows for more creative control, but takes away the hands-on feel of lighting the fuses. Here is a shooters-eye view of the finale from the Millburn show we did a couple of years ago. The finale is all chain-fused together; I think there were about 700 shells in this one. Millburn finale
  44. 1 point
    I'm boggled about the part where he's ALREADY OUT ON BAIL.
  45. 1 point
    I’m still running my “outlawed” magazines to PA as close to the deadline as possible, as I’m not playing any games while at FLETC. Will pick up as I make my final trip across the Delaware. But I just did my drug testing for CBP/USBP, and submitted my updated medical tonight. After that, the final order is all that awaits... hopefully it is past 45 days, so I can go on the cruise. If not, I’ll have some extra money in my account when I head down. Wish you guys the best of luck on the appeal, but I’m blowing this taco stand. Guns and the pup are coming with me... if the girlfriend decides to come, great. If not, easier on the move/choice of housing.
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    He had it covered. She was packing too.
  48. 1 point
    Peter Goldwing's Complete Chronicles of Craiglist and Concealed Carry Narratives.....sticky that. #craigslistcarrytales. Get it trending people. Edit: Or... #noAnticPedantics
  49. 1 point
    And he didn't even have to use his AK.....today was a good day
  50. 1 point
    I like antics...like goofy antics ...also shenanigans.....pranks, that sort of thing. What did he show you?

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