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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2017 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    BUMP! STORY BROKE TODAY ON FRONT PAGE OF ASBURY PARK PRESS! Nappen, Bach & I are quoted in the story: http://www.app.com/story/news/politics/2017/10/16/concealed-carry-gun-laws-helping-criminals-protecting-victims/759314001
  2. 5 points
    You think that is fair to the vendors here? Your best bet is get the NJSP to send you a copy. Don't expect vendors here to support using outside online vendors.
  3. 5 points
    Ms. Bergman won an Oscar for that role. I bet she calls it Pork Roll.
  4. 5 points
    Like I said. I’m a helper. I do what I can the best way I know how. I can’t be a life taker and a heart breaker? Taken hostage - got it! I can do that. Need to be arrested but have a violent criminal history - that’s my jam. Got in a car crash - I got you. Victim of a crime - easy day. Need someone to talk you down from suicide, to validate you so you realize you have worth and people care about you - easy peasy. Need me to solve in 15 minutes a family problem that took years to devolve into the mess you have now - I am all over it. Cut an appendage off and are bleeding to death - I can handle that. Just need someone to talk to - I’m your Huckelberry. Im a cop Peel. Trained to be a security guard, a report writer, a medic, a social worker, an investigator, a therapist, a jailer, a marriage counselor, a firefighter, a boxer, a special-ed teacher, a drunk whisperer, a crossing guard, a racecar driver, a babysitter, a dog catcher, and a lawyer. I wear many hats and can switch them as needed to best help those in need.
  5. 5 points
    Peel, I just hate to see you be so wrong. It pains me that such an independent, intelligent, and well spoken woman such as yourself can be so patently wrong and not realize it. It hurts my delicate sensibilities to the core. But I’ll tell you what - I’m a helper with a can do attitude and I want you to be right. The easiest thing would be for me to agree, to simply switch side so we are on the same team and I no longer have to see you struggle with the truth. But agreeing with your delusions is just not the way to go. It is the cowards way. The way of the charlatan, the fake, the deceiver. I want you to let the scales fall from your eyes so you can see the truth. I really do! So I simply have to convince you of the folly of your argument that is so fundamentally flawed. I have my work cut out for me but I am up for the challenge.
  6. 5 points
    Here is the e-mail from the state: FFLs - Please be advised that the following decision has been made regarding the Mossberg Model 590 Shockwave, Black Aces Tactical DT and the Remington TAC-14. The New Jersey State Police Firearms Investigation Unit concurs with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) that these pistol grip only designed firearms are legal for sale in the State of New Jersey as a firearm. As such the firearm will be sold utilizing normal retail sale procedures required under Federal and State law. The required State paperwork will include the Certificate Of Eligibility and not a Permit To Purchase A Handgun & Form Of Register. Firearms with similar design and structure must fall within this definition of a firearm and must not have been manufactured as a "shotgun" (NJSA 2C:39-1n) or meet the Federal requirement of "any other weapon (AOW)" which measures less then 26 inches in overall length. The firearm must also comply with all BATF requirements. So now we will be stocking Shockwaves for Legal Sales in NJ - Yay!!!!!
  7. 4 points
    I was going to suggest that he have his online retailer contact the NJSP for a letter (which i doubt they will give). I dont see any vendors giving letters so someone can buy it someplace else. that just makes no sense.
  8. 4 points
  9. 3 points
    Given the obvious slant the reporter had going into this story. I would say that OUR SIDE, Rosey, Bach and Nappen hit a home run on this one! The common sense and logic they presented almost swayed the author to our side. All in all, a fair article!
  10. 3 points
    In the context of how it's written the writer is suggesting that a resident of NJ could go to PA and buy a gun, then come to NJ before the mythical 30 day waiting period. You can purchase a handgun in PA, but it's getting shipped to a FFL in NJ. You cannot legally take possession of a handgun in PA unless you're a PA resident. Then you need your NJ Pistol Purchase Permit to pick it up. It's pure rubbish.
  11. 3 points
    If an FFL still tells you it's illegal, you should find another FFL.
  12. 3 points
    Damn, HE! Perhaps I AM having delusions!! Because here I thought you were a tough, swashbuckling SWAT guy, ya know, with a gun strapped to your thigh. As it turns out... um, dude... you're starting to sound more like this:
  13. 3 points
    "There's nothing wrong with a little shooting, as long as the right people get shot." Harry Callahan - Magnum Force This explains the progressive attitudes. Just as you see on the subject of free speech.
  14. 2 points
    Story should hit the newsstands in this Sunday's paper. Gave the reporter a 50 minute interview this afternoon on all sorts of EFF'd-Up NJ gun laws, justifiable need & how being KIDNAPPED TWICE by the same Biker Gang wasn't justifiable ENOUGH, Dustin Friedlander (Short Hills Mall), Carol Bowne DV homicide & how she'd be lookin' at 3.5-7 if she had a loaded gun with her in the SUV when her Ex stabbed her, Shaneen Allen arrest w/ permitted hand gun over the boarder, PTI, mandatory minimums, and how even cops have to get a P2P for their off duty gun(s)! Enough STUPID to fill an entire story by itself. I hope I'm treated fairly, as I was assured I would be. I also hope I spoke up well for all of us here on the forum that want to see real changes for the better when it comes to NJ gun laws! Rosey
  15. 2 points
    Agreed. There's still a lot of "anti-gun" spin in the article. Although it's good that our folks got the "last word." Excellent job Smokin!
  16. 2 points
    Metro(police)sexual? That aint right..
  17. 1 point
    There is a lot of pro-gun info in the article. Nice job on the interview! Unsurprisingly the article is pretty biased overall. You would think domestic-violence groups would be more balanced on their stance. I would imagine the victims of DV would benefit more from legal ownership/carry than the perpetrators.
  18. 1 point
    Sounds like the liberal philosophy of "it's not what was said, but who said it" ...
  19. 1 point
    How many days before they change their mind, ie the M1 Carbine? Sent from an undisclosed location via Tapatalk
  20. 1 point
    hopefully they're still legal at that time!
  21. 1 point
    Don't get me wrong - if you want one, buy one. That’s all the justification you need. I just think there will be a robust “lightly used” market for these in the next year or so when folks realize that this doesn’t really fill the role they thought it would. I’ll probably pick one up at that point and kit it out like my breaching gun for training purposes.
  22. 1 point
    I feel like I need this...
  23. 1 point
    I got my hands on tac14's as well if you are interested
  24. 1 point
    One important thing I learned from the article is - Dave & Rosey are one and same :-). Great Job Dave ahm....Rosey.
  25. 1 point
    I'll probably be buying a few more of the 8 rounders.
  26. 1 point
    I tried to contact the author for clarification on where the part about getting a gun in PA came from, but I didn't see any contact information. Am I being unreasonable expecting reporters to research their facts before printing an article? At least someone called out that fictional scenario in the comments section.
  27. 1 point
    If you want one of these, shop local and pay cash. You'll be a bit less or same out of pocket than online. I've already searched and after shipping and transfer it seems to be an even deal. Unless you find one for around $299 online (there isn't any that I saw) just get it local, IMO.
  28. 1 point
    It's nice to see an almost unbiased article in NJ though. Good job Rosey.
  29. 1 point
    Yeah, I noticed that too - but I guess (theoretically anyway) SOME could - but only if they had a 2nd residence in PA, correct? Either way, it did an exaggerated, incorrect impression on that point. I suppose someone could write a letter to the editor about that? Maybe one of the 2A groups should.
  30. 1 point
    Yeah 200-250. Its a parts machine as of now. My 2 cents. Sorry
  31. 1 point
    But we only have two choices: (1) make Gottleib rich and win some 2A ground in the courts or (2) Keep Gottleib poor and don't win that ground in the courts. I don't have a third option so I'm going to continue to contribute.
  32. 1 point
    I'm brimming with confidence that a woman of her obvious talents would refer to it as Taylor Ham - as any intelligent, discriminating person would.
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    I can’t believe something remotely positive has happened
  36. 1 point
    Well, where to begin? You're all circling like sharks. Normally, right about now, I would try to work the sympathy angle - but I can already see that Mr. Teflon (Scorpio64) with his I-know-women-spidey-senses will shoot that right down. So, I will take but a few of these RIDICULOUS statements and give a quick reply. Please note: if I didn't respond to your post, it does mean your pork roll punditry was not equally ridiculous to the other comments... I'm just limited on time this evening - and can't reply to each and every dim-witted utterance from all the knuckle-dragging pork rollers on this site. Oh, my dear! You REALLY don't know me at all. This game has barely begun! If you can locate my ex-husband (I don't recommend that, mind you, as contacting Lucifer does tend to open up a vortex of evil)... but if you can, just ask him how long I can argue! Once he stops cursing, he'll explain that when it appears I'm on the ropes and my energy is flagging, I'm actually just getting warmed up! Krdshrk, first, so disappointing to see a rift in our relationship developing! Secondly, I find it fascinating that despite your bold Taylor Ham protests in front of the ignorant pork rollin' majority, you have sponsored 2 of the staunchest Taylor Hammers, both myself and @Purple Patrickto join your range. Why is that? Coinkidink? I think not! From a psychoanalytical perspective, I suspect that you are actually a latent Taylor Hammer yourself, just waiting to join our esteemed "Team Taylor Ham" once you work up the nerve! It's ok. We're patient. We'll wait for you... with open arms... bright smiles... and a juicy, delicious Taylor Ham, egg and cheese sandwich with your name on it! Please do! It sounds... interesting. I would never deign to stomp on a man's dream... not yours, and not Mr. Taylor's. Why do you? I thought you were better.... Thank you for your concern! Despite the onslaught... and despite the fact that Purple Patrick and other reinforcements are (as of yet) nowhere to be seen, I feel remarkably confident and ready to do battle. It must be the knowledge that tradition... not to mention Taylor Ham Truth and Goodness is on my side.
  37. 1 point
    PA's can only practice in NJ under the auspices of a licensed physician.They often make entries into the patient's chart, which are normally reviewed by a physician who may make an additional comment or diagnosis. The chart may contain a diagnosis under what is known as DMS V which is the standard manual for mental or psychiatric diagnosis. However, it may not. You really need to get a copy of the medical record to see if a diagnosis of a mental or psychiatric condition was made. Usually, a physician who calls in a prescription documents your chart. Insomnia, in and of itself is not regarded as a DMS psychiatric condition, but anxiety can be depending on its presentation. You do not indicate here what medication you were given and should not post the answer in a public forum anyway. You should be aware that even if, after reviewing your chart, you need to make a disclosure, that is not the end of the matter and usually a letter from your physician may be all that is required. As you can see, there is no simple answer to your question without more data.
  38. 1 point
    Yup. Now Legal, we already have a bunch inbound.
  39. 1 point
    I find it ironic that no liberal idiots are able to pick up on the fact that a gun control nut job threaten to SHOOT Dana. If they are truly against firearms then why would they threaten to SHOOT someone? This just proves how insane and dangerous these psychopaths are and just reinforces the genuine need for the ability to defend ourselves.
  40. 1 point
    You have to admire the gun control advocates be able to so perfectly demonstrate why people in general and women in particular need to own and carry guns.
  41. 1 point
    I agree with Mrs. Peel 100%. I'm all for fighting an issue from different fronts, but not this way. Use different tactics, but you don't attack the others. It's just stupid and counter-productive. From the outside it seems to be an ego problem with Roubian and he really needs to be controlled (or muzzled). I'm not a member of his group so I can't do it, but hopefully his members can help. To quote mothers of children who fight and break things: "And this is why we can't have nice things!"
  42. 1 point
    The problem with this argument is there was already a product called Ham. It was defined and codified and a currently existing product when Taylor decided to call his most delectable product Ham. I say Mr Taylor was wrong to ever call his product Ham and it was just and correct to request the name change - because as delicious as it is, Pork Roll most certainly is not HAM. Can I take hamburger meat, add spices and beef sausage parts and call it “High Exposures Steak”? I would think not.
  43. 1 point
    In 1987, I worked for a company called Bell Telephone Laboratories, better known as Bell Labs. Bell Labs was the research and development arm of the so called Bell system" It was there that the first practical transistor was invented by a Mr Shockley. I actually knew the guy. Lots of really neat stuff, like actual super science, was going on there. Well, to make a long story short, the Bell system was under attack from MCI and sprint and was forced into divesting several "areas", each area was a collection of departments that had common goals. I worked for Network System. There was now a new company that had been created for the BOC's, or the Bell Operating Companies Bellcor was to the BOCs what Bell Labs was to AT&T. They did some research but not a lot of development. They would create a "requirement", send it out to AT&T Network Systems, where they all ended up on my lap. It was up to me to identify who the SME (subject matter expert" was and send copies out for review and to provide feedback on the proposed technology. This was our only opportunity to influence the BOC on what direction they should go, which was for obvious reasons, the way we wanted them to go. Bell Labs didn't really change much administratively, but the brain drain and firewall between Bell Labs and former Bell Labs people over at Bellcor really put a wrench in the works. Hey, you want to read something funny. There was this one time a director asked me to put together a slide show on a PC for a trade show WE were going to attend. Well, at the last minute he decided I was not to be going. I was really disappointed because I actually love doing trade shows. Well, anyway, he jets off to the show, sets up laptop, overhead projector, the screen and the translucent screen that goes on the overhead projector. He could not get it to work, he also could not call me because it was a weekend and he did not have my home phone number. Well, at least he brought a lot of copies of the presentation with him. Anyway, monday morning arrives, and don't forget, at this point I was still unaware he had an issue. He walks into my office and I greet him with good morning and he replied "You suck and you are fired" I was like ha ha, really funny Chuck. Well, he was actually pissed because he believed I sabotaged the presentation, even though he was in possession of the laptop the entire time after we finalized the presentation. There was no possible way that I could have sabotaged the presentation if I wanted to, and I wouldn't because that's not how I roll. Three months later I was booted from the department for all of the sudden not doing a good job in a position I held for three years with excellent employee reviews. So, after the divestiture, AT&T got to keep the name Bell Labs, but the name Bell Telephone Laboratories , a name that had been in use for over a century was gone forever... FOREVER. Nobody could ever use Bell Telephone Labs, not even Alexander himself because he is dead. This little story, while it may be interesting to some, is actually quite pointless, much like this thread. Why? Because Taylor Ham is dead, just like Bell Telephone Laboratories. EDIT: Mrs Peel. I believe this is, game set and match.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    Here are some more photos of the B-17: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  46. 1 point
    WMA ranges are great, safe places to plink with your .22. EXCEPT during the months of Oct., Nov., and Dec., at which time, they become havens of self-proclaimed experts, garbage dumpers and professional hunters. On more than one occasion, I've had to try and convince shooters that adjusting your scope during a cease fire IS considered handling a firearm.
  47. 1 point
    Thanks for your faith & trust. Our hearts are in this for the long run. Just think what kind of media campaign we could employ if 10K gun owners joined out of the 1M we're supposed to have in NJ! Power in numbers for sure, so WELCOME & THANK YOU!
  48. 1 point
    I hope I'll be treated fairly, as I was promised same. We even chatted about word count not needing to be equal as long as I wasn't misquoted . In bantering back & forth, Amanda mentioned there were a couple closet gun owners in the news room & at least one hunter. She has family that owns guns & frequents Shore Shot Pistol Range. Her Uncle has a huge collection & trains NJSP in some capacity as a firearms instructor. So there's HOPE.... I don't read that rag myself, but this Sunday I'll make an exception. On a personal note, I still have that bottle & intend to get it to you when this news cycle calms down. Posting for the Coalition is turning into a full-time job
  49. 1 point
    Thanks to everyone for your kudos. I went in with reservations & both eyes OPEN, and was assured by the reporter that she'd write it fairly, so we'll see what her editor does between now & when the presses roll. To say she was enlightened would be an understatement to say the least. Permit waiting periods, mental health checks, comparisons to gun laws in free amerikka, NICS check to get the P2P & then a second NICS on the day of, NICS & P2P's for cops that carry 24/7/365 (WOW, that's dumb, I didn't know THAT), I even called a NJ CCW a "Unicorn in a hay stack", citing between 1,300-1,700 carry permits granted to RPO's, judges & the politically connected in a state of 9 million residents. The poor girl got both barrels & typed as fast as I spoke while using her headset for the phone . I think I'll be treated decently. She also mentioned Nappen & Bach were quoted for the story, so I'm in great company. I made sure to ask her what Nappen & Bach spoke about so as to ensure that I wouldn't be redundant & look like a fool. Between the three of us our side was well represented.
  50. 1 point
    Well, APP used to be a fairly conservative newspaper back in the day, but since it was bought by Gannett awhile back, they have gone full Left Wing SJW nutjobbery. I would not be surprised if they write the story slanting you as a rabid crazed gun-nut that wants to kill the liddle childrens!!! Good on you for doing it though, hope I am wrong---

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